Sitting at tower all game because you can't wave clear against bullshit like Anivia as Lucian mid doesn't sound fun.If you get stuckwith mid, and don't feel like playing Kayle, just whip out Lucian and body some fools.
Do people even play anivia
Dobe wins lane. I win lane. Bot and Jungle feed a hypercarry. :^)
Around 5% pick rate, so on average once every 20 games.
so practically nobody plays Anivia
that trist was doing entirely too much work. that early game was so good, I knew that it was going to be a W. fuck those Ashe arrows. Pretty sure the bitch hit only 1 all match.
And thank fuck for thatso practically nobody plays Anivia
.Every time I Que up for a match I sit there and wonder "Do I wanna possibly spend the next hour trapped in the struggle that is the 1v9 I feel like I find myself in TOO OFTEN these days?".
Then I close the client and watch a bit of porn before doing something constructive :/
wasn't her fault apparently.
adding shaco to my dodge list.
she's very rare. but that plays to her advantage, because people fail to respect or calculate the burst.
I want Winter Wyvern.
I want zagara
creep all day
nydus worm all day
push all day
She'd be such a toxic design for league it would be hilarious
Maybe she'll show up as Yorick.
I'm still waiting for my 1060 to come in.Currently downloading League on my new computer.
I'm still waiting for my 1060 to come in.
But once it does...
So youll cover yourself in whip cream a lick yourself?I'm still waiting for my 1060 to come in.
But once it does...
5% is not practically nobody, #1 is ahri at 13~% so anivia is actually #10 on the listso practically nobody plays Anivia
I should get on that Annie game
53% winrate, rawr.
Having an invincible skill really helps.I'm surprised at Fizz's winrate
He's a bitch to play against
But how can hit what is real if your eyes arent real?But I can just go Kayle if I want to beat a Zed or Yasuo.
I just can't handle like bullshit Anivia or Annie. It makes me want to just not play the game when I get mid.
that's cool, but you're opting into a champion that doesn't really do much in the way of roaming or really anything lolBut I can just go Kayle if I want to beat a Zed or Yasuo.
that's cool, i think those champions are frustrating too, but while they're def strong and low on counterplay, they're not there every game and you can rest easy that most games you won't have to face emI just can't handle like bullshit Anivia or Annie. It makes me want to just not play the game when I get mid.
ok let's reexplain just in casei can play fucking nunu and beat yasuo.
also the best performing mids are GP, Velkoz, Anivia, Ahri and Viktor. I wouldn't say that any of these champs have weak waveclear.
you're a lot more likely to run into zed and yasuo than anivia, so it should not be a big issueOkay here's basically how it works. They pick Yasuo or Zed. I pick Kayle, smash Yasuo/Zed win game by 20 minutes, that's fine.
They pick Anivia, I sit under tower all game as Kayle, if other lanes win I win if other lanes lose I lose.
So basically my only option is, learn champions with strong waveclear or don't play mid.
This is basically the reason I really dislike mid.