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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



can we add this to the list of troll shit that somehow worked

yi support
ryze support (s game)
gp support (s+ game)
nunu double jungle with urgot solo adc bot (diamond 4)
corki support
mundo support


does it count as working if you're just kind of feeding and get carried by the people in your team that aren't trolling? and against a team with gold players?

also you went down to plat 3?

i wonder what happened!


I've been trolling way too much recently.

Also, I can't take the game seriously when I get mid because the only mid champ I play is Kayle and she's so boring I just want to die when I pick her.


If you get stuckwith mid, and don't feel like playing Kayle, just whip out Lucian and body some fools.
Sitting at tower all game because you can't wave clear against bullshit like Anivia as Lucian mid doesn't sound fun.

I think that's the biggest reason why I hate mid so much, because it's just clearing waves when it comes down to it.


Every time I Que up for a match I sit there and wonder "Do I wanna possibly spend the next hour trapped in the struggle that is the 1v9 I feel like I find myself in TOO OFTEN these days?".

Then I close the client and watch a bit of porn before doing something constructive :/
Every time I Que up for a match I sit there and wonder "Do I wanna possibly spend the next hour trapped in the struggle that is the 1v9 I feel like I find myself in TOO OFTEN these days?".

Then I close the client and watch a bit of porn before doing something constructive :/

*locks in*
wasn't her fault apparently.

adding shaco to my dodge list.


Shaco had a really impactful early game. He was still doing the right thing most of the time trying to pick off Sona. He just didn't have enough burst and there wasn't enough follow up (Ashe missing every arrow for 30 minutes tends to take away the expected follow-up). Also, I love Cho, but he's more CC and an nasty ult than sustained damage. 2 somewhat low damage dealers in Sej AND Cho is perhaps too much of a defensive orientation. I think in that situation Cho (or Sej) has to go straight damage items. Maybe it wasn't a Cho match at all in retrospect. The cc is really hard to hit on mobile adc's and Trist is one of those types. Just too easy to kite and the Sona heal was making the damage he did (which was i think most on the team?) less impactful since he can only do it once every several seconds. I think she could get 2 heals before Cho's Q would come off cooldown. That's a big deal.

I did learn something in that match though: shit like the Trist exploding ball thing that gets applied (and presumably all similar debuffs) always stay on top of the head of the real Shaco. She'd put it on him and he simply had to leave. He is entirely reliant on deception to get kills and when she started doing that, shaco started becoming irrelevant.

Really that Sona and Ryze (who got dumpstered early) used that CC to make a ton of room for Trist. It looked like that match we lost yesterday to the Morg and Elise. Or the game we had with the Cho and Nami that couldn't land their unreliable CC enough against the Riven/Voli/Karma rushdown comp to set up any engagements. CC wins games at this elo, but...

Target roots >>>>>> skill shots in silver/gold.

Cho and Nami after they miss their disables are large creeps until they have them again.


she's very rare. but that plays to her advantage, because people fail to respect or calculate the burst.

It's hard to respect her when as soon as she hits 6 she can just walk up to you, put a wall behind you so you can't move back, R E then Q you which you have to flash otherwise you die. Damn she must have full damage! Jk Catalyst, tear.
Maybe she'll show up as Yorick.

hopefully. Yorick spreads dirt by planting grave markersaround the area, increases the regeneration of him and his minions. His minions keep pushing a lanes, and Yoricks auto attacks lower his cooldowns by 1. His ultimate is him digging through his dirt and being able to appear in another dirt pile. His grave marker placing is now global too.

It'd be hilarious.
I'm still waiting for my 1060 to come in.

But once it does...


What I'll be using now is just a laptop I got from Costco. I plan on returning it within the 90 day return period because I see myself building a PC within that time. I just had to get something now because The Dell was getting to ridiculous for me to handle.
Made it to Silver V, finally.

Nasus feed non stop the enemy top but we managed to reach late game , Vayne and nasus came back and we finally destroyed them.

Our next match he decided to push his luck with top Yasuo and that didnt end well


Gold Member
Went from promo to d3 to around 40 lp. Feels bad man. The tilt is real especially when i could have been d3 already if not for a team mates mistake. Oh well. Time to grind again.


so practically nobody plays Anivia
5% is not practically nobody, #1 is ahri at 13~% so anivia is actually #10 on the list

what's kind of silly is that the top 10 most played is actually fairly weak in waveclear


so while i agree that mid is a lot of farming while waiting for junglers to fuck it all up, i feel like whining about playing lucian would have you tied to turret clearing duty is probably not all that valid

maybe stop playing a bad midlaner like kayle?

play someone like taliyah that shoves in with like two spells and roams, that's like the thing mids do

like kayle is the very definition of farm all day cos it's one of the lamest mids ever, there's very little in kayle to do anything but farm and splitpush


The top 10 mids all have strong waveclear other than like ASol.

I just wish support could be played as a secondary role.


that's just winrate, which is often a useless stat to think about a lane considering it puts champions no one plays like galio, mordekaiser, heimer, aurelion sol, etc. near the top. it's not a completely useless stat, since champions like aurelion sol are actually really op imo, but he's so boring and uninteresting no one really plays him and in the end it's just bad way to think about a lane

the truth is most of the time you play mid you're gonna be facing a zed or a yasuo, so instead of thinking the lane around anivia you should probably think about them


But I can just go Kayle if I want to beat a Zed or Yasuo.

I just can't handle like bullshit Anivia or Annie. It makes me want to just not play the game when I get mid.
i can play fucking nunu and beat yasuo.

also the best performing mids are GP, Velkoz, Anivia, Ahri and Viktor. I wouldn't say that any of these champs have weak waveclear.


But I can just go Kayle if I want to beat a Zed or Yasuo.
that's cool, but you're opting into a champion that doesn't really do much in the way of roaming or really anything lol

you can play for the matchup or for the game, that's a choice you make, not one that's forced on you

I just can't handle like bullshit Anivia or Annie. It makes me want to just not play the game when I get mid.
that's cool, i think those champions are frustrating too, but while they're def strong and low on counterplay, they're not there every game and you can rest easy that most games you won't have to face em

i can play fucking nunu and beat yasuo.

also the best performing mids are GP, Velkoz, Anivia, Ahri and Viktor. I wouldn't say that any of these champs have weak waveclear.
ok let's reexplain just in case

strong champions have good waveclear, that's true. that's actually true for every lane, but sure, it's extra important in midlane

thing is, people don't play strong champions, they play shit like yasuo and zed and leblanc and try to outplay you

you'll run into some anivias and annies here and there and they'll be a pain to play against but more often than not, you can play someone with just average waveclear and you can roam and invade and shit

if you're tied to midlane it's probably cos you're playing someone that's just really slow at clearing waves or can't roam too much. i roam all the time on lux and she's got terrible waveclear, but she's pretty good at roaming so who cares. ahri has just fine waveclear but you can still get rid of a wave quick and move

i think this is more of an attitude problem than anything else


Okay here's basically how it works. They pick Yasuo or Zed. I pick Kayle, smash Yasuo/Zed win game by 20 minutes, that's fine.

They pick Anivia, I sit under tower all game as Kayle, if other lanes win I win if other lanes lose I lose.

So basically my only option is, learn champions with strong waveclear or don't play mid.

This is basically the reason I really dislike mid.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Guys the most op champs have waveclear, mobility, limit bursts, single target spells, can take a hit, and pure shenanigans.

I should play for fizz alone.


Okay here's basically how it works. They pick Yasuo or Zed. I pick Kayle, smash Yasuo/Zed win game by 20 minutes, that's fine.

They pick Anivia, I sit under tower all game as Kayle, if other lanes win I win if other lanes lose I lose.

So basically my only option is, learn champions with strong waveclear or don't play mid.

This is basically the reason I really dislike mid.
you're a lot more likely to run into zed and yasuo than anivia, so it should not be a big issue

and having a champion pool bigger than 1 champion is not a strange thing, that's not a problem with midlane, it's a problem with you

it's like saying i can't play adc cos twitch is too hard to play against. yeah that might be true, but 95% of the times i'm gonna be playing against jhin, so it's not a big deal

i def think you have the wrong attitude about this
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