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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.



Miranda Nendo is legit tho

What can go wrong


Just spent $98 on Dota 2 Nendos.

That could be yours Riot. A whole $98.

that's all? I'm sure I've spent almost that on Hearthstone. I love that game so its definitely my #1 now. so much easier to climb when you dont have to bother with randoms

Still keeping tabs on LoL tho. Been watching LCS a little.

I actually think the meta is very nice (someone was complaining bout stale meta for pro games). It used to be much worse. At least now we can see Karma, Vlad, etc. Granted I dsont watch every match so there's a high chance I dont know what I'm talking bout. I am comparing this season to last. But anyways we got an LCS thread for that talk
What can go wrong



ty for the help and support, GAF. now to get to Plat. >:-D

Random fact: I was -31 in win loss record at one point. Looked at the op.gg, switched back to bot/mid and just played my percentages. +25 wins over the last 2 months. Pretty smooth. MF ftw.

edit: can you guess which 2 champions I stopped playing only to immediately start winning?


I'm sure you can.


Gold Member

I thought you were a Jayce main? Jayce not really good right now?

Happened to me as well early in the season when tank meta was prevalent. My win rate on Riven was 30+%. It was a sad time to be a Riven main or any carry champ at the time.


Hmmm, they started adding hints on que times when you select roles?


And CONGRATS on that gold! Maybe I'll reach those heights when I start playing ranked again ..
ty good peoples.


I thought you were a Jayce main? Jayce not really good right now?

Happened to me as well early in the season when tank meta was prevalent. My win rate on Riven was 30+%. It was a sad time to be a Riven main or any carry champ at the time.

Jayce is fine but my games tend to go to late game where Jayce's effectiveness falls off. Jayce's win % plummets the later a match goes.


It's not a coincidence.

As a game goes late, teams tend to tank up, his shockblast combo begins to do less and less damage, and his all-in becomes far riskier. Basically, the window to win with Jayce is in the 20-35 minute range when the Muramana tranforms and you have 3 damage items or so. You basically out-dps just about every AD damage dealer in the game during this window and you can damn near 4v1.

But again, in my elo, teams tend to dick around with leads rather than pushing advantages and turning them into objectives. After about 45 minutes, Jayce's impact becomes much more difficult to exert. ESPECIALLY as enemy tanks further bulk up over time. I think i've talked about this several times here how I was frustrated that late game tanks seemed to just roll over my teams while playing Jayce.

I still love me some Jayce and I still do a lot of work with him. If I manage to get to an Elo where people are more adept to understand what to do with a lead and split push advantage, I'll probably go back to focusing Jayce. I'll probably only pick him if the team has a tank jungler and support (ie Amumu + Leona)...or if I'm playing him mid. Going out there with 1 or 0 tanks is almost always a sure loss in my experience.


Wow, dodged so many damn games today.

Mainly cause I only feel like playing Illaoi and people keep banning her OR someone picks Teemo. I really don't feel like putting up with Teemo's bullshit kit right now but I refuse to let Yas enter my games so I'm not gonna use my ban on him.

Plus ever since her nerf it's gonna be hella hard keeping any tents up in lane vs ranged champs.
sounds like a huge nerf to Kat going by just that

Wonder if they'll add any cc to her

or else she'll be useless since there doesn't seem to be a place for a CCless mage, even assassin.


well kat was always kind of strong in a really unfun way so i'll say it's fair if it ends up acting like a little bit of a nerf

none of these blog posts have been very detailed so remains to be seen i guess

kat can't be much worse than she currently is anyways
well kat was always kind of strong in a really unfun way so i'll say it's fair if it ends up acting like a little bit of a nerf

none of these blog posts have been very detailed so remains to be seen i guess

kat can't be much worse than she currently is anyways

Yeah she's strong if you're facing a braindead team. Kat is so easily countered. Send a breeze her way that'll stun her and bam she's done for.
Sounds like Shunpo will have a pounce-style reset in which you can E in then E out on an allied unit.
why are u silver
I basically ignored ranked this season after I got placed in S4. I have like 60 total games and most of them are just climbing back and dicking around with mid lane and supp.


Whenever I have seen Kata in ranked recently she has snowballed and carried the game for her team. CC'ing her is too slow when she instagibs squishies.

It's not too common of a pick but it happens every now and then.


Yeah she's strong if you're facing a braindead team. Kat is so easily countered. Send a breeze her way that'll stun her and bam she's done for.
eh i don't think it's that easy, it requires some good coordination to save easy to land instant cc for her since there are often other threats you need to worry about

maybe you want to use ur cc on the adc that's overextended but now kat just rolls over ur team

i also really hate her laning cos it's a lot of her passively farming while being really hard to push out of lane thanks to the 4 pot start and then buying a negatron cloak and still being able to practically one shot you

i find it interesting that "She will be getting multiple new spells". that's a really good idea imo, i think her q and w specially are really bad spells and honestly her ult kind of is too.
eh i don't think it's that easy, it requires some good coordination to save easy to land instant cc for her since there are often other threats you need to worry about

maybe you want to use ur cc on the adc that's overextended but now kat just rolls over ur team

i also really hate her laning cos it's a lot of her passively farming while being really hard to push out of lane thanks to the 4 pot start and then buying a negatron cloak and still being able to practically one shot you

i find it interesting that "She will be getting multiple new spells". that's a really good idea imo, i think her q and w specially are really bad spells and honestly her ult kind of is too.

Like Neko said

Alot of the meta characters being used have CC that counter Kat easily. Gragas, Reksai, Thresh, even someone like Janna or Ashe can shut her down.

What's in meta is characters who can do damage and/or CC. Kat does damage, but is just shut down far too easily.

If they change her skillset, they need to add CC, because that's simply the state of where the meta is in.
I'm scared of what they'll do to her, but since they're keeping her passive and shunpo, I'm not /too/ worried.

No more ward-hopping is going to hurt, though.
And if they take hers away, they sure as hell better take Lee's and Jax's away, too, because otherwise I'm going to cry.
They keep flip flopping on her ult IIRC. They moved some power from it during her last rework then put it to her new current W. But recently they've nerfed parts of her kit then tried to move it back to ult to compensate. Compared to other assassins she's a bit too shut down by Exhaust.


I don't really see whats wrong with her ult, if anything its the only well designed aspect of her kit since it has clear highs and lows.
i don't like how her ult is supposed to be a dot thing but what it actually does is deal a billion burst dmg that you can't really walk away of, you can't dodge either

also it's a really binary spell that it's either 100% useless if i pick lulu (which i always do against kat cos fuck you for picking kat) or really frustrating if i pick lux

it even has that weird bonus ad scaling because idk, gunblade or something lol

maybe if q+shunpo+w+r isn't instant it'll be ok, idk
AD scaling is because of Gunblade and her old rune setup.

I dunno, I think Lotus creates interesting assassin gameplay for her because she needs to be extra wary of when to go in and when to ult. The problem is the rest of her kit just lets her faceroll cleanup so she hardly needs it when she's fed.


AD scaling is because of Gunblade and her old rune setup.

I dunno, I think Lotus creates interesting assassin gameplay for her because she needs to be extra wary of when to go in and when to ult. The problem is the rest of her kit just lets her faceroll cleanup so she hardly needs it when she's fed.
yeah that's cool

her ult might be ok with a different basic spell set, but with her current kit she's really binary and unfun to play against


AD scaling comes from the old Kata kit, where you could build Kata AD or AP. Her ult used to scale with either AD or AP, depending on which one gave the highest damage.

Q only scaled with AD, E only scaled with AP, ult scaled with either. W was just a spell modifier that added extra effect to Q/E.

Building Kata with a couple of bloodthirsters. sword of the occult and a void staff if needed gave her good ult damage, good aoe damage, waveclear and lifesteal. The AP build had a lot more utility with Rylai and didn't lose damage if you died due to bloodthirster stacking; you were a lot more reliant on getting a perfect ult since the E with AP is much worse than the Q with AD.

I liked to play her AD. It was kinda dumb, but a lot of the AD scaling is legacy from that, and the added influence of Gunblade in later seasons.

Inexperienced people would build armor against the AD stacking Kata.



this new pad thingie is pretty neat

AD scaling comes from the old Kata kit, where you could build Kata AD or AP. Her ult used to scale with either AD or AP, depending on which one gave the highest damage.

Q only scaled with AD, E only scaled with AP, ult scaled with either. W was just a spell modifier that added extra effect to Q/E.

Building Kata with a couple of bloodthirsters. sword of the occult and a void staff if needed gave her good ult damage, good aoe damage, waveclear and lifesteal. The AP build had a lot more utility with Rylai and didn't lose damage if you died due to bloodthirster stacking; you were a lot more reliant on getting a perfect ult since the E with AP is much worse than the Q with AD.

I liked to play her AD. It was kinda dumb, but a lot of the AD scaling is legacy from that, and the added influence of Gunblade in later seasons.

Inexperienced people would build armor against the AD stacking Kata.
yeah i also remember the days of voyboy playing tank kata

kata has been a dumb champion for a while now heh

this new pad thingie is pretty neat

it looks very nice, but you're gonna have a hard time convincing me to replace my razr megaman 10 mouse pad.


so happy that a non competitive platformer got a esports mousepad years after release, even more baffling that it never even came to pc.

capcom pls
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