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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.

I know its legit, but down here its just a stupid pick because people likely won't know how to play around it so you're left with a shitty farming jungler that will likely be hunted down all game long.


more on kat
Her W is being changed entirely, but we also plan to keep the current W elsewhere on the kit.

Her E doesn't really have a new passive but will interact very integrally with the rest of this new kit. We don't feel it's necessary to preserve the arbitrary damage reduction mechanic given the amount of mobility we are adding to her kit. There's no need to reduce the damage taken if you're not there to take it in the first place.

Her Q and R will remain multiple target spells. In fact, R is largely unchanged outside of some re-balancing."

"She will remains resourceless"

weird that they're being so specific about her, she might be further along development than the rest

honestly she sounds kind of exciting

they also mention:
- fizz not getting big changes, maybe something to his w to kill tank fizz (sounds alright to me)
- akali is no go cos she's too shit so she needs a full rework. they don't wanna have botched mini reworks like skarner or morde anymore (god bless em)
- same for eve
- they're still figuring out minor changes for other assassins
weird that they're being so specific about her, she might be further along development than the rest
Scarra already playtested her so chances are her new kit is locked down and they're just working on particles for her billion skins and whatnot.

Also they mentioned Eve is high on their VGU priority, I'm so happy.



ok that overwatch filtering "gg ez" into this stuff is amazing

i know rito doesn't like to copy (
at least when pendragon is not around amrite
) but if you're gonna copy something at least copy this

Scarra already playtested her so chances are her new kit is locked down and they're just working on particles for her billion skins and whatnot.

Also they mentioned Eve is high on their VGU priority, I'm so happy.
yeah i'm just surprised since assassin rework is gonna be like in a million years lol
yeah i'm just surprised since assassin rework is gonna be like in a million years lol
Not really, this should be hitting the PBE like late November and considering how far in advance Riot prepares things they should all be pretty far along by now as far as their specifics go.


thinking i should maybe a take a break. my ranked matches lately have been absolutely miserable. i've been doing so bad. dropped down to 0lp Silver 2



i kind of liked this anime thing high up on reddit, aside from the giant spider and the awful awful music choice. someone will make a version with not shit music and it'll be 10x better

i still really dislike this kind of video since it's just nonsense fighting of random champions for random reasons, but at least when some chinese dude makes it it's kind of impressive, when riot does it i feel like why waste all that money and not put the tiniest bit of story on it

hope there's a cinematic video this year, rito already skipped 2015, they owe us one

also btw cool star guardian lulu design


design is nothing crazy but i just like the art style


Gold Member
I wish all the assasins who are updated have their splash arts updated as well at least the ugly ones like crimson elite talon.


Gold Member
I think Garena/Riot is giving back my hacked skins shards/ip soon. They just asked a bunch of personal information and made me give them a copy of all the codes and RP I used.

Good job. The only problem I had was how long it took for them to respond.
Are health regen runes worth getting?

On certain champs they are. I think the prime example is Soraka, whose primary resource is her health. You want her to have greater health regen so that she can last longer before needing to return to base. I don't know if they're as generally useful on all champs though.


So im still new to league (i come from dota), and last night I unlocked Ezreal.

I was just wondering if there are any tips on how to unlock more champs? Im guessing its just play and win? It seems like ill be unlocking them at a snails pace though.


sounds reasonable, tho i'm guessing they'll just use bronze->platinum for both and just use duo bronze or solo bronze rather than fucking copper lol

also i wouldn't love separate rewards unless it's like different borders or something like that

i don't care TOO much about the skins and the wards and crap, but i do enjoy having them and i don't want to have to play solo q to get them
Before I forget, can someone explain the fucking AI behind minions? Specifically why do they sometimes change the minion target they're attacking? Sometimes they just...switch. Cannon minion is the most obvious to see when it happens, but I see no rhyme or reason for it to happen. Fucks up my last hitting sometimes and it's really annoying. Why do they not stick to whatever target they select until they or said unit dies (assuming you don't draw their aggro and cause them to have to reset).

Dr. Buni

So im still new to league (i come from dota), and last night I unlocked Ezreal.

I was just wondering if there are any tips on how to unlock more champs? Im guessing its just play and win? It seems like ill be unlocking them at a snails pace though.
You need to play a lot, as the IP gain is really mediocre in League. Also, as you improve, you will get hextech boxes where you can find champion shards and then you can activate to have the champion permanently.

If your goal is to have all champs then it will take a long time, but if you want a select group of champions it isn't that bad.


Before I forget, can someone explain the fucking AI behind minions? Specifically why do they sometimes change the minion target they're attacking? Sometimes they just...switch. Cannon minion is the most obvious to see when it happens, but I see no rhyme or reason for it to happen. Fucks up my last hitting sometimes and it's really annoying. Why do they not stick to whatever target they select until they or said unit dies (assuming you don't draw their aggro and cause them to have to reset).

wiki said:
Minions prioritize targets in the following order:

1.) An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied champion)
2.) An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied champion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied champion)
3.) An enemy minion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy minion attacking an Allied minion)

4.) An enemy turret designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy turret attacking an Allied minion)
5.) An enemy champion designated by a call for help from an allied minion. (Enemy champion attacking an Allied minion)
6.) The closest enemy minion.
7.) The closest enemy champion.

The behavior you're looking at is either a result of 2.) or 3.), the latter in particular since it's responsible for making groups of minions focus on a single target. I've noticed the cannon minion is more likely to switch, likely due to its range.
why the heck do they have it programmed that minions can redirect other minions fire

Like attacking someone who attacked a champion nearby makes sense, but minions redirecting fire for other minions? Like what's the logic behind that.
why the heck do they have it programmed that minions can redirect other minions fire

Like attacking someone who attacked a champion nearby makes sense, but minions redirecting fire for other minions? Like what's the logic behind that.

I don't know either and it may be the stupidest shit I learned today. But at least I know it's intentional.


༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE ME YOUR ENERGY ༼ つ◕_◕ ༽つ

gl, remember yorick

Here's some info on the upcoming patches.


Yorick and new champ likely out sometime around 6.20.

Also, 10 bans might happen.

After the pre-season, we’ll look into potentially changing to 10 bans in draft games. We’re just starting to gather feedback on that from both regular players and pros. We know there’s some definite interest in more bans. There are some potential issues we’d want to make sure we were able to address though before adding extra bans, including:
We feel champ select’s too long already. We’d want to find ways to not increase its duration further as a result (e.g. multiple people from the same team banning at the same time?).
We want to ensure that increased ability to target ban a position doesn’t create issues with how many champions a player needs to be able to play well (extreme scenario, 11 champs for one position - is that appropriate?)
Adding four more bans increases the number of champions needed to play ranked by four. Is that a problem? A benefit?


Yeah, making it a dota style draft would be nice. You know people (reddit) would complain that a couple of fotm OPs will get through the bans all the time though.


10 bans is goddamn ridiculous and forces people to have to be proficient in an unfair number of champions when they are forced to queue for 2 possible positions. I'm fine with 6
Yeah, making it a dota style draft would be nice. You know people (reddit) would complain that a couple of fotm OPs will get through the bans all the time though.

If they remove trading though, then that means that if they do pick an OP, the first pick won't necessarily be able to use them to their full potential.

DotA draft wouldn't work if trading was still in~

que, why get rid of one of the good things about lol's system


DotA style draft doesn't work with trading.
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