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League of Legends |OT12| No more Lyte, just darkness.




this set was amazing


Just had a glorious game. Our Naut jungle wanted to build AP so me (Ashe), Morg and Kled all threatened to afk. The threat of afking made him sell his Rylais and we later won.


Just had a glorious game. Our Naut jungle wanted to build AP so me (Ashe), Morg and Kled all threatened to afk. The threat of afking made him sell his Rylais and we later won.

I honestly think a pure tank Nautilus is sub optimal. Even with a full tank build he isn't particularly durable for a tank. He can't face tank multiple carries for a meaningful amount of time the way Trundle, Tahm, Mundo, and friends can. He's better of setting picks, landing multi-target ults and backing off to protect his own carries from divers than staying on the front line. As a disruption tank he's fantastic. As a support tank he's good because he can do his thing without much gold. As a damage soaking tank he's...well, terrible. The only way I'd go pure tank on jungle Nautilus is if I was the only tank on the team and had no choice, but then I probably wouldn't pick him into that composition anyway.

But Rylai's is dumb. It doesn't have any effect on any of his abilities with the exception of making Riptide slow a *tiny* bit more. Dude should have built Abyssal or Liandry's. Particularly Abyssal since it pumps up the magic damage dealt by the team when he picks a target with Dredgeline.

Some thoughts having played support the last few days:

1.) Not sure what's changed, but I don't enjoy playing Zyra anymore. Real shame since she's my highest win rate support, but I'm not having fun. I don't think it's because of her rework, which I think gave her a better kit. I just don't satisfaction out of her anymore.
2.) If I'm not playing Zyra anymore, I think I'll give Zilean a shot.
3.) Support itemization needs another pass-through, and probably a complete overhaul. Watching TI6 made me realize how limited support build options actually are. Not only breadth, but in depth as well. DotA2 has cool shit like force staff, why the fuck can't I use Righteous Glory on a target ally instead of myself? And on and on.


Noob question.

There's a mastery that gives you bonus hp for each siege minion killed. Does vlads passive give you AP for this bonus health?


ryze sucks balls.

I just saw a Ryze ult his entire team behind us only to get W'd by our Viktor lmao

His waveclear is kinda shit tbh.

Hmmm ... sad to hear.

He feels like one of those annoying ass champs that could be fun but requires a basically REALLY annoying set-in-stone build in away. Like, I can deal with RoA ... I can deal with Tear ... but seems like he needs both and with Karth I can deal with that cause of the nature of his kit (when I decide to get both. I don't normally do that).

Oh well ... guess it's a good thing I didn't buy a Ryze skin.

Still waiting for a fucking Illaoi skin.


Any tips for playing Cass?

I KINDA get the general Idea but it seems like everyone plays her differently and after the rework I couldn't find a good guild.


Any tips for playing Cass?

I KINDA get the general Idea but it seems like everyone plays her differently and after the rework I couldn't find a good guild.

she's not that tricky, land one w and start rushing them and spamming e's and q's until you get chunked them out. you can take some damage in these trades because of the e heal and because after their spell rotation is over they won't have any way to deal with your e spam. you need to be mindful of when their next spell rotation is coming up and back off before then and it'll be pretty brutal for them

if they're mid health or so and you land w you can pop ghost to burn their flash and then ask your jungler to gank for u a bit later. you can kind of do the same thing with exhaust but it's a bit more difficult

in teamfights you just wanna dps like if you were an adc and generally use ult defensively to peel for urself and your adc or to give your team a second wind after they engage on you. you can use it to engage or to catch someone out but it's not super reliable even if you ult->flash and it's i guess a case by case thing

for builds i generally go tear into abyssal/morellos into rylais. if you're like against zed or whatever replace abyssal with zhonyas. against yasuo it's a case by case, i think zhonyas is generally not needed against him but good yasuos make you buy it. you choose between abyss/morellos depending on the matchup, if you're like against leblanc or aurelion sol or some other dickish champion get abyssal

btw i really like how cassi feels right now, even tho she kind of needs a nerf. they made her more aproachable by removing a mechanic that was just punishing and unfun, so kudos for them


Any tips for playing Cass?

I KINDA get the general Idea but it seems like everyone plays her differently and after the rework I couldn't find a good guild.

In lane what you want to do is try to land Q on the enemy and keep Eing whenever the poison is still ticking. This is pretty easy since landing Q gives you movement speed allowing you weave through your enemies spells as well as keeping up with them. Then its just rinse and repeat. If you miss Q then just focus on CSing. Since E has a really short cooldown treat it essentially as an auto attack since the mana cost gets refunded when you last hit minions. Don't be afraid to Q minions when you need to push or clear better for that nice bonus dmg on E.

Also her lvl 2 is honestly one of the best in the game so once you hit lvl 2 land the Q and keep Eing and it usually results in the enemy dying or using flash etc.

W is a bit tricky. Use it when your jungler ganks so the enemy can't use any mobility or when you R them so that they can't escape. In teamfights and such put it in between you and the enemy to make it harder to get to the backline. With her R if you get a good opening you can flash R to initiate a teamfight. Otherwise I would rather just save it to prevent the frontline coming to you or use it as a followup CC.

General build is usually tear > morello's > rylais > abyssal > deathcap > seraphs > void. Some people build abyssal earlier depending on the matchup which is fine.


personal opinion but i feel like a late abyssal is just not that great. i guess that's not that late since one of ur items is a tear but idk, generally at that point i'd rather finish seraphs or get a void staff

and imo you're building void staff super late, i'd probably build it before deathcap


what do you buy when you're six slotted? like what's the divine rapier equivalent in league?

also, i just threw my first throw

they were in our base, and I got the speed boost from the fountain, and I ran up super fast (WEEEEE!) and almost killed their teemo, but then the speed boost wore out right when I was in the middle of three and they got me.


personal opinion but i feel like a late abyssal is just not that great. i guess that's not that late since one of ur items is a tear but idk, generally at that point i'd rather finish seraphs or get a void staff

and imo you're building void staff super late, i'd probably build it before deathcap

Was typing at the top of my head but yea I agree it should be Morello's/abyssal and void before seraphs.

I like deathcap first for the huge burst of damage but honestly I play really aggro with her and usually flash R alot so it just fits me better.

what do you buy when you're six slotted? like what's the divine rapier equivalent in league?

also, i just threw my first throw

they were in our base, and I got the speed boost from the fountain, and I ran up super fast (WEEEEE!) and almost killed their teemo, but then the speed boost wore out right when I was in the middle of three and they got me.

Can't really think of any equivalent of divine rapier but there are the elixers you can buy when your full build. Otherwise the safe choice as last item is Guardian Angel which basically gives you Aegis of the Immortal.


ohhh. elixirs seem alright, I bought a warmogs cuss it was expensive

I was vladimir. super late game both teams at tier 4s. I had hextech protobelt, hourglass, rylai's scepter, cdr boots, spirit visage, and void staff and 6k gold. what would you have replaced?


what do you buy when you're six slotted? like what's the divine rapier equivalent in league?
elixirs, tho you should be buying those even before being six slots (right before big fights for instance)

Was typing at the top of my head but yea I agree it should be Morello's/abyssal and void before seraphs.

I like deathcap first for the huge burst of damage but honestly I play really aggro with her and usually flash R alot so it just fits me better.
i'd like to see the math on deathcap vs void staff at that point. deathcap's cost efficiency goes up with game time (tho arguably void staff's does also), so buying it too early might not be that great of a use of 3500g. meanwhile void staff is like dirt cheap and is a really strong powerspike on a champion that only deals damage (on ori or lulu the raw ap of deathcap is worth more than on cassiopeia)

i'd look the numbers up but generally if i have just enough for void staff i just buy that


Abuse your level 1, not many mid laners that can handle her E that early.

she's not that tricky, land one w and start rushing them and spamming e's and q's until you get chunked them out. you can take some damage in these trades because of the e heal and because after their spell rotation is over they won't have any way to deal with your e spam. you need to be mindful of when their next spell rotation is coming up and back off before then and it'll be pretty brutal for them

if they're mid health or so and you land w you can pop ghost to burn their flash and then ask your jungler to gank for u a bit later. you can kind of do the same thing with exhaust but it's a bit more difficult

in teamfights you just wanna dps like if you were an adc and generally use ult defensively to peel for urself and your adc or to give your team a second wind after they engage on you. you can use it to engage or to catch someone out but it's not super reliable even if you ult->flash and it's i guess a case by case thing

for builds i generally go tear into abyssal/morellos into rylais. if you're like against zed or whatever replace abyssal with zhonyas. against yasuo it's a case by case, i think zhonyas is generally not needed against him but good yasuos make you buy it. you choose between abyss/morellos depending on the matchup, if you're like against leblanc or aurelion sol or some other dickish champion get abyssal

btw i really like how cassi feels right now, even tho she kind of needs a nerf. they made her more aproachable by removing a mechanic that was just punishing and unfun, so kudos for them

In lane what you want to do is try to land Q on the enemy and keep Eing whenever the poison is still ticking. This is pretty easy since landing Q gives you movement speed allowing you weave through your enemies spells as well as keeping up with them. Then its just rinse and repeat. If you miss Q then just focus on CSing. Since E has a really short cooldown treat it essentially as an auto attack since the mana cost gets refunded when you last hit minions. Don't be afraid to Q minions when you need to push or clear better for that nice bonus dmg on E.

Also her lvl 2 is honestly one of the best in the game so once you hit lvl 2 land the Q and keep Eing and it usually results in the enemy dying or using flash etc.

W is a bit tricky. Use it when your jungler ganks so the enemy can't use any mobility or when you R them so that they can't escape. In teamfights and such put it in between you and the enemy to make it harder to get to the backline. With her R if you get a good opening you can flash R to initiate a teamfight. Otherwise I would rather just save it to prevent the frontline coming to you or use it as a followup CC.

General build is usually tear > morello's > rylais > abyssal > deathcap > seraphs > void. Some people build abyssal earlier depending on the matchup which is fine.

Why thank you all for the info!

In other news I just had to dodge 2 games cause Illaoi was banned. Fucking youtubers and their "OMG guys, Illaoi so strong cause I don't understand her kit1!! Pick or ban!!!" vids.

Pisses me the fuck off, been dealing with Illaoi bans ever since Redmercy's recent vids -_-

EDIT- 3 times in a fucking row, I'm done.

EDIT2- Gonna Make some Pizza and watch some anime :/


Nemesis is awful, you get the same set of champions again and again every game and 80% of the time someone will dodge just before the game starts after a lenghtly selection process. For a fun-mode, it's no fun at all

they should do something like "pick one out of three different random champions to give the enemey team" if they want to fix that mode
e: oh man, Meowkai is possibly one of the greatest skins ever
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