Are those TIE-fighters in the background?
Master Yi Jedi / Lightsaber Skin Confirmed!!!Are those TIE-fighters in the background?
Master Yi Jedi / Lightsaber Skin Confirmed!!!
The next champion will be a Centaur? I'm disappointed
Goats aren't like horses at all. This kind of blatant Capra-ism is just disgusting.Maybe its the new Soraka model
Maybe I missed something or I'm not into LoL enough.Maybe its the new Soraka model
So much drama in neogaf chat.
I was arguing that for the particular case of trynd + ezreal with high crits and attack speed on the other team, when rammus has warmogs, his taunt + thornmail would do more damage to trynd/ezreal than taunt without thornmail. Someone was also saying that rammus W reduces the amount of damage returned by thornmail but someone else said it didn't. I don't think either trynd or ezreal had magic resist so it wouldn't apply in this case.Well Thornmail is pretty bad 99.9% of the time. I can understand that it would be upsetting.
Do you only play top lane? I am so jealous.Wow, some other guy picked poppy
This ends my 30 game poppy spree
Only lost 5 games! 83% win rate. I think i'm ready for ranked.
This is hilarious and absolutely true. I've considered starting taking notes myself about which lanes tend to fail the most, etc.While trying to increase my win percentage in solo queue, I feel like I'm edging ever closer to some kind of formula. Like if anyone instant locks anything, -1 point. If anyone instalocks a role that someone else has already chosen, -3 points. If absolutely no one says anything in chat, even in reply to a normal question, -1 point. If someone in chat seems insane -3 points. For each person who waits to pick/lock so that they can fill in missing roles, +2 points. For people being reasonable and talkative in chat, +2 points, etc. etc. etc.
If you end up with positive points play the match. If you end up with negative points dodge, but first try to act insane to get someone else to dodge so that you don't have to wait. I'm convinced winning this game somewhat consistently requires skills of psychoanalysis, first and foremost.
On a pretty solid Ranked winning streak. Not sure if it is just my teams or if it's because I've been dominating the lanes I've been in.
Also something that is a surprise win against almost every combo bot lane is Nunu + MF. Nunu's combo of Blood Boil + Ice Blast really fucks over the other AD carry. This combo works better against non-healing lanes (like Leona or Blitz), but it was very effective when Slouisk and I tried it. Level Blood Boil up all the way and just constantly keep it on the AD carry. Makes for hard ganks on you and gives you the ability to way out harass opponents.
Thornmail is simply counter-intuitive for a tank to use. Doing damage simply isn't your job, and there are a host of better items that are better for doing what needs to be done: keeping your team alive and minimizing enemy damage output. With only six item slots Thornmail simply doesn't use that slot very well. As said before, Frozen Heart will have a much more significant impact on the damage output of the enemy team, and provides the tank with much needed CDR and mana. If you really need more armor after that Randuin's Omen is still going to do a lot more than a Thornmail in team fights.I was arguing that for the particular case of trynd + ezreal with high crits and attack speed on the other team, when rammus has warmogs, his taunt + thornmail would do more damage to trynd/ezreal than taunt without thornmail. Someone was also saying that rammus W reduces the amount of damage returned by thornmail but someone else said it didn't. I don't think either trynd or ezreal had magic resist so it wouldn't apply in this case.
Someone else seemed to be arguing that frozen heart's attack speed reduction is better than extra damage due to taunt + thornmail, and presumably the best solution is just to try to have enough damage from everyone besides rammus to nuke trynd + ezreal.
I came around to say that the second argument seems reasonable, since taunt only affects one person and it may be difficult to get rammus to survive long enough and coordinate with the team for the taunt to actually hit trynd or ezreal.
So in the end, even with warmogs, thornmail should not be purchased by even rammus or leona -- is that the general consensus? I am aware of common sentiment like "thornmail is a noob trap learn 2 play", but I prefer numerical analysis or references if possible.
It sounds like thornmail needs buffed then, as it only occasionally seems useful.
I have seen it work on rare occasions, normally when a non-tank gets it and someone kills themselves on it since they weren't expecting it. I had a fed AD carry vs fed AD carry battle once where the other AD carry took a ton of damage and possibly died due to thornmail, since both AD carries had lifesteal. That's again something I would hardly ever build, though.
So it counters champs that already counter themselves that nobody plays?That being said Thorn can be the bane of existence to a character like Master Yi or a Vayne with a ton of life steal.
Nobody plays Vayne anymore? I know Kog'maw and Ezreal and Corki and Sivir may be great, but I didn't realize she was that terrible now.So it counters champs that already counter themselves that nobody plays?
Ward it (red) and/or the area leading up to it (jungle ramp) before it spawns, and ask your mid or bot for help before it comes up. If their team is coordinating with their jungler to always have 2-3 people there, and your team is not, then their team is outplaying your team even if it isn't your fault personally, in my opinion.What do you do when you are getting counter jungled? Shiv stole my red right of the bat and then ganked mid and got a kill. She was then to strong for me to deal with and kept invading and I only got one red all game. I kept a timer but she was always there with help from either mid or bot. I died like 3 times in my own jungle with my team berating me the entire time.
What boggles my mind is the people (they are always Zilean or Sona) who take CV and manage to hit me in the jungle like 75% of the time. Not like, near me, or just checking red buff, these people will randomly hit CV directly on top of the wolves as I'm killing them, even if no one on their team is anywhere around my jungle (presumably, given I've warded the river or whatever). It's scary.
It's clearly the sign of good HAX. No one should be able to spy on me in the jungle, it's like my own private little world.It's not random. That's the mark of a good support.
Trying to learn Alistar support. Read some guides that suggested maxing W before Q. I don't see the rationale in this. Q has a longer CD and Alistar isn't going to be maxing a skill for damage sake.
Do you only play top lane? I am so jealous.
Getting 25/30 wins with that is crazy outstanding. :/ I am jealous, ESPECIALLY if this was solo queue draft.No, I played poppy in all the roles. Top, Jungle, support, as duo bot with support and mid.
Getting 25/30 wins with that is crazy outstanding. :/ I am jealous, ESPECIALLY if this was solo queue draft.
Trying to learn Alistar support. Read some guides that suggested maxing W before Q. I don't see the rationale in this. Q has a longer CD and Alistar isn't going to be maxing a skill for damage sake.
Only got to play top poppy when i played with gaf. I don't have the luxury to go top in solo draft.
Hello Summoners,
We’verecently been informed of an incident where a Riot Games team member acted inappropriately during a game. As you know, we’re continuously trying to raise the bar for how players interact with each other so the game experience is awesome for everyone – for anyone on the Riot team, we’re held to extremely high standards. After taking a thorough look at this incident, we’ve determined this person’s action were not acceptable and that person is no longer with Riot Games. We’ll continue to review internal training procedures to prevent similar events from happening in the future.
Rayven won't play because if he does, I'll bug him to do something about the chat disconnect message, which makes the box turn yellow in the corner and takes like, FOUR whole clicks to bring up and dismiss.In this economy too, hate to see anyone lost their job, even if it is their own stupidity.
Is this why Rayven won't play with us, because we are bunch of rage inducting feeders.
I wonder if this person was someone who worked at their building or just a person who works at home(community manager/mod or something like that I guess).
I imagine if it's the former it would of been very embarrassing to be fired for something like that.
** Lux has been Banned. **
b1gDaddyX: TARIC
Lankyy: taziuse
Lankyy: you're a trolling idiot
** Shen has been Banned. **
Taziuse: whats a trller???
** Gangplank has been Banned. **
Gotcaptain: why ban lux
Gotcaptain: wtf
Gotcaptain: are
Gotcaptain: u
Gotcaptain: doing
** Morgana has been Banned. **
Taziuse: bc she can go invis
Taziuse: and shes rly hard 2 beat
** Evelynn has been Banned. **
Gotcaptain: gp?
Gotcaptain: and eve
Gotcaptain: lawls
Taziuse: ya
Gotcaptain: nice
Gotcaptain: ****ing dumbass
Taziuse: i will jangler
DeerHooves: no revive please
Resilga: to use revive
Taziuse: i need
Taziuse: 2
Herzweint: ;/
Resilga: no, why bother talking
DeerHooves: get tele
Resilga: FFF
Taziuse: i am supporter
** Taziuse has chosen Mordekaiser. **
** ovenjew has chosen Gangplank. **
DeerHooves: no support mord
DeerHooves: thats just stupid
DeerHooves: stupid
Resilga: you're being trolled.
Resilga: right now.
Taziuse: i supporrter
Resilga: dont bother responding
ovenjew: wow were not dodging thats hilarious
DeerHooves: i really dont want to play right now
Resilga: may as well play to lose
** Summoner 4 has chosen Wukong. **
** Summoner 5 has chosen Ryze. **
Taziuse: DUDE
Resilga: because you lose elo anyway.
Taziuse: i try
Taziuse: we play 2 win
Resilga: just prepare to win by yourselves.
DeerHooves: we cant win with a ****ing support mord
DeerHooves: ****k
Resilga: need good collaboration for the 4 of us
DeerHooves: trolls
Resilga: who aren't trolling
DeerHooves: why!!
If you notice Resilga was in the last game
Wukong: gg, report fail ass singed and noob ryze
He was able to ban someone. He would have to work at their office or something, unless they give the ability to ban people from the game to just anyone.
Just sounds like you weren't taking advantage of how strong you were. I don't know how you could be losing a bunch of your team fights without dying once (read: you were probably playing like a pussy, rather than the badass 10/0 riven is). You should be making plays if you're the one thats way ahead of your team.Ugh, just went 13/0/6 Riven in ranked, even versus a tryndamere top lane...FINALLY, when I died (13/1/6), they instantly took down the inhib, two turrets, and nexus. I should have just run instead of defending the inhib, one single mistake on my part loses it.
10/3/6 the game before that, also a loss (with a 1/8 caitlyn that was like, they accidentally clicked on ranked, first time caitlyn guys). Both games, bot and/or mid lane fed.
Side note, I had thornmail that game, and I would like to think that a lot of the tryndamere + kog'maw + wukong deaths were a result of it in the latter half of the game.
Another side note, it was like the third good sejuani I have ever seen. Their team wasn't much good without her there, but when she was in teamfights it was horrible.
In both games, the AD carry was feeding. In one, it was caitlyn's first caitlyn game. They accidentally picked ranked. =(Need to start taking objective (tower, dragon, baron, enemy jungle, or just push for a bit of tower damage) whenever you win a team fight.
May be you should consider letting AD carry get the kills, they are call carry for a reason.
Guess I missed the backstory on this, is there a link?
When do you usually play together?
Are you all from US or ther is some European player? Everytime I enter in the Gaf chat, there are 1/2 people. I usually play 20-23 pm (UK time)