Hmm, the Stonewall etc. guides seem to indicate that you get E at level 1 and W at level 2, which means you won't have Q for ganks until you spend another minute+ in the jungle. In my experience the enemy AP mid is almost always pushed under their turret or poking from a distance at level 2-4, and the bottom lane seems to always have Lulu and always have a ward in the bush at that level, but the top lane gank might work if they have not pushed it too far for me to cut off the enemy by the time I get up there.
Pretty much works like this. Always get E first. If you plan to gank lvl 2, get Q next. If you plan to continue to jungle instead of gank, get W 2nd instead, then Q 3rd.
Lvl 2 gank works best if your red is at top. You have a shorter distance to travel while they have a longer distance to escape through. You can still gank lvl 2 if you're red is bot, but bot lane is usually warded already and easier to escape, what with the usual flashes and heals. You could always start with wolves -> blue -> and then gank top. If my red is bot, I usually just grab red and go the counter jungle route or I'll ask my team to invade their red, and then gank their top afterwards.