It's because they know you're a terrible person.
We already have two items that do it. Make the AS slow half of the MS slow.
Problem solved.
how can someone go through draft pick and then afk the whole game
its like they want to make you suffer that little bit more
I'm talking about are a plague
How viable is support GP?
I'm talking about UnknownFactors.
wat now haly
Not at all.How viable is support GP?
Fuck ya rammus free week, time to try out the rolly son of a bitch.
Fixed that. This free week really sucks nuts. Like, it seriously might be the worst one I've ever seen.Fuck ya Master Yi free week, time to try out the rolly son of a bitch.
Alright LoL-GAF,
I humbly come to you in full admission that I suck hardcore at mid 9 out of 10 times. Part of my problem I think is I just suck at mid and/or with AP champs. Part of it is I've just not found a "go to" champ for me for mid. That means a lot of the time I just pick Veigar and play like a pussy for the 1st idk 10 levels or so.
The 3 main mid champs I own are Veigar, Karth, and Annie. Should I maybe try someone else? Kass and Morg always get banned in my games so they are out of the picture. I thought I'd like Anivia, but I've tried her a couple of times during free weeks, and despite my initial thought of wanting her to be my go to I just never liked it.
I've got like 5,000 IP so I can probably easily buy whomever I want either straight up now or if I wait a week to hit 6,300 IP.
What should I do GAF? Just get better? I feel like I'm good at playing passive, but that as the AP mid I should be doing waaayyy better than just passively camping at my turret. I also feel like late game I don't do enough DPS mainly because I feel like I'm uber squishy in team fights.
Hell me Obi-Wan LoL-GAF you're my only hope!
I'd say Karthus should be perfect for you because he can just play passive and farm his arse off and still be useful to the team by laying down ults and his passive kinda counters the squishy dps thing, but you already have Karth so idk. What was your problem with Karth?
IDK I feel like Ferrio said earlier. I just don't really feel like I'm doing a lot of help for either lane, and I'm not exactly pushing my lane either. I'm just to scared I'm going to get ganked. Then in team fights he seems decent, but everyone knows to just run out of his range when I die. Plus his ulty takes so long to channel when your actually in a full on 5v5 showdown.
In that link you posted it shows you have no games of dominion.wat now haly
In that link you posted it shows you have no games of dominion.
Kiunched discovered new meta.
All girl team, 3 mid, 1 bot, 1 top.
3 ad carries, 1 support, 1 ap
Pretty sure AP Lulu mid as at least somewhat legit.Most shameful loss ever?
Hands down, losing to a team that ran AP Lulu mid and jungle Soraka. My team wasn't going to win anyway, because we all did terrible, but that was just the extra slap on the face.
Pretty sure AP Lulu mid as at least somewhat legit.
Most shameful loss ever?
I've seen a lot of people say she works better as a mid than a dedicated support.I consider it about as legit as jungle Lulu. But that might be stubbornness speaking.
She pops her ult, breaks the Malz ult and gives her target a good amount of the damage it would have done as HP.Lulu mid or top should work until the point in time when people get massively damaging ults and Lulu gets a shield. Maybe it works on defense, but it's not something like flash-ulting with Malzahar.
Rammus is my favourite champ. His taunt is the most powerfull utility of the game in my opinion.Fuck ya rammus free week, time to try out the rolly son of a bitch.
Ryze, Ryze, and more Ryze.
I was about to argue that would also be the case with Warwick. He can't peel or taunt or do much of anything after he ults right?
Ah but wait, he does an incredible amount of damage.
How viable is support GP?
IDK I feel like Ferrio said earlier. I just don't really feel like I'm doing a lot of help for either lane, and I'm not exactly pushing my lane either. I'm just to scared I'm going to get ganked. Then in team fights he seems decent, but everyone knows to just run out of his range when I die. Plus his ulty takes so long to channel when your actually in a full on 5v5 showdown.
nhat nguyen my new favorite streamer
that music brings the game to an entirely different level, his calm babble. pretty soothing
You shouldn't blow a Flash to initiate. Watching this might help: Watch how he runs down the lane and jumps on his minions with shield to get in for ganks.Lee Sin seems like he could be useful, but I still haven't figured out how to properly do damage with him.
What are the correct ganking techniques?
Level 2 with red: Try to get within flash range, flash in, try to hit E twice to slow them
Level 3-5: Wait until they are out of their turret range, hope they did not ward the bush, press E in bush, try to hit them with Q, Q in, use E once to slow? (this would I guess slow more quickly but do less damage)
Level >5: Do one of the above, but after slowing, try to walk behind them so you can kung fu them into your teammates.
Lee Sin seems like he could be useful, but I still haven't figured out how to properly do damage with him.
What are the correct ganking techniques?
Level 2 with red: Try to get within flash range, flash in, try to hit E twice to slow them
Level 3-5: Wait until they are out of their turret range, hope they did not ward the bush, press E in bush, try to hit them with Q, Q in, use E once to slow? (this would I guess slow more quickly but do less damage)
Level >5: Do one of the above, but after slowing, try to walk behind them so you can kung fu them into your teammates.
Someone just tried to build AP Warwick. What. Why. How. Really. Wow.