Wolf Akela
If I was a carry I'd pick GA, QSS or Maw for my defense though. I'll prolly melt from skills anyway.
Yea dude, games can go from 45 minutes to fucking an hour and a half if it's slow enough. But that's the kind of dedication you have to make when starting a game, otherwise you are being an arse to your teammates and potentially wasting the entire game's time for them as well as you.
If your team is insistent on farming, push mid when you can and try your best to get your teammates to follow with pings and text etc. Some people just don't know when to group up.
All I know is that when I see a Rammus with Thornmail on the opposing team I become very, very unhappy.
Electrastar too star (am I doing it right)?
*edit* I was so confused by some of those items and then I realized it was dominion. Electrastar, please teach me how to kill people with rammus on dominion!![]()
Well the first thing you are doing wrong is playing Dominion.
Btw, is there a way to trigger special animations for the characters or do the newer characters just have intricate Idle animations??
Thornmail is inherently a noob trap on all tank/initiator heroes. Its supposed to be an item for carries not for tanks/initiators.
This argument would seem to imply that it is better for a tank to not have defensive items since the enemy team will then "want" to attack them.Are you tanky? Great, then you aren't taking the hits for your team like you should because no one wants to attack you.
Except Randuins/Heart/GA/FoN are all better items on Rammus anyway, so by the time they get a Thornmail, you'd be facing his final build. The marginal return on a Thornmail isn't all that great.
Well the first thing you are doing wrong is playing Dominion.
This argument would seem to imply that it is better for a tank to not have defensive items since the enemy team will then "want" to attack them.![]()
How do I play this game?
Kill ALL the towers.
Oh, push turret make kill win game?
Holy moly, jax can dodge WW's entire ult and stun him after. Another counter pick I have to keep in mind.
Holy moly, jax can dodge WW's entire ult and stun him after. Another counter pick I have to keep in mind.
This argument would seem to imply that it is better for a tank to not have defensive items since the enemy team will then "want" to attack them.![]()
no no, kill turret make push = babby
Hecarim art spotlight. Don't care too much for his design; maybe his skins will be interesting.
Looks awful. Skulls and teeth everywhere.
Reminds me of WoW, or Mordekaiser for some reason.http://youtu.be/IAAT68detiU
Hecarim art spotlight. Don't care too much for his design; maybe his skins will be interesting.
Yea dude, games can go from 45 minutes to fucking an hour and a half if it's slow enough. But that's the kind of dedication you have to make when starting a game, otherwise you are being an arse to your teammates and potentially wasting the entire game's time for them as well as you.
If your team is insistent on farming, push mid when you can and try your best to get your teammates to follow with pings and text etc. Some people just don't know when to group up.
You'd have a point if the game didn't have tons of defensive items that help the team. Aegis, Frozen Heart, Randiuns are all great tanky items that benefit your team. Giving them reason to attack you and punishing them if they ignore you. Having a thornmail helps no one on the team except yourself, even then any AD carry with a bloodthirster will just ignore the damage.
Only times you should even remotely consider thornmail (even then, always better choices)
-Other team is largely physical damage auto attacking characters.
-Other team is a bunch of tards that likes attacking the tank.
-You're a tank that can taunt.
Hey Ryze players what do you guys build late game? After you get your tear, boots, and build your frozen heart and banshees what do you go for next?
Isn't the whole point tho that we are arguing thorn on Rammy and Rammy is usually taken when the team is AD heavy and he has a taught. So he always fills #3 and you can argue he also fills #1.
Bigger issue I have with Thorn is I've never heard a definitive answer to the defense ball curl return damage deal in terms of theory craft. I've heard both sides, but I'm not if either side really KNOWS.
If someone autoattack you once, and take 100 health from you, thornmail will deal 30 magic damage to the attacker.
If you activate defense ball curl with increase armor, the same auto attack will deal like 90 damage to you, and thornmail will deal 27 magic damage to the attacker.
This is why people say defense ball curl or armor decrease thornmail damage, since you take less damage, you reflect less.
Anyway, Thornmail is pretty decent on rammus because it also increases DBC damage return. With taunt, AD carries will poop themselves when they are forced to hit you.
Any reason not to use MR quints on AP mids? 4.5 MR per quint totally counters MPen reds plus even 1.9 MPen quints and by the time you get a level 2 spell it will start reducing more than the extra damage an enemy gets from flat AP quints and way more as the game goes on. Seems like an easy way to be stronger in lane against other casters.
Regardless, I don't want someone on my team who is going to go afk or grief if they don't like how the game is going. That's like, bottom tier on the bad teammate chart and I always try to report afk/ragequitting people.Another reading comprehension fail? Dude I've had perfectly satisfying 60-70 minute games. But when you can't get your teammates to respond to chat or pings to stick together long enough to take down a tower when they have clear advantage like baron buff or a numerical advantage and the other team is exactly the same it's just farcical. It's like watching a game of chess where the rooks go up and back but nobody wants to capture pieces.
I just saw scarra streaming with MR runes and saying how he thought it was stronger. It's a thing people! ^^
He was running MR blues and movespeed quints on Anivia, but the principle is the same.
Hecarim art spotlight. Don't care too much for his design; maybe his skins will be interesting.
He reminds me of WoW DKs lol.Looks awful. Skulls and teeth everywhere.
[Will of the Ancients] Spell Vamp is AMAZING on Ryze. If you're not taking that much damage, Rylais is amazing too. His Q debuffs the full slow speed, its gross. Then after one of those, void staff.Hey Ryze players what do you guys build late game? After you get your tear, boots, and build your frozen heart and banshees what do you go for next?
MR runes are great on casters that want to survive laning phase. Like Anivia.I just saw scarra streaming with MR runes and saying how he thought it was stronger. It's a thing people! ^^
He was running MR blues and movespeed quints on Anivia, but the principle is the same.
It's funny cause that's the exact thing I was posting about. I need like a definitive theory crafting answer from the devs at this point cause I've heard so many people say both sides.
I learned this the hard way against tryndamere. It could just be that tryndamere is still an overpowering force that cannot be stopped, but what it SEEMED like is that when I would be crushing him early with Riven, getting first blood, stopping him from farming, whatever, once I took down the tower at 10 minutes, he would just keep autoattacking, by the time he got the lane pushed to a safe spot where I could fight by the river, he'd have full crits, etc. So I would have to have extra wards if I wanted to keep getting XP, or I'd roam and probably lose XP (and he would keep autoattacking to kill the turret), and whichever way I did it, he would get the entire minion wave.What is the rational behind not taking down turrets ASAP? I don't see how it allows the other team to "free farm" at all. If you take a turret down early, you can roam some, or you can still stay in lane, but you have more flexibility. But I've noticed more people intentionally leaving turrets up. It seems too risky since later in the game you're always one death away from having a lane pushed hard.
What is the rational behind not taking down turrets ASAP? I don't see how it allows the other team to "free farm" at all. If you take a turret down early, you can roam some, or you can still stay in lane, but you have more flexibility. But I've noticed more people intentionally leaving turrets up. It seems too risky since later in the game you're always one death away from having a lane pushed hard.
It also gives the enemy an opportunity to freeze the lane closer to their second tower, forcing you to either expose yourself to ganks or lose farm.But if top lane takes the tower early, they can try to gank mid, but even if that is successful, they have nothing else to do. (Top to mid ganks are generally pretty obvious as well). The only other thing top lane can do is to keep pushing to their 2nd tower and most people are way too chicken to do that, especially really early game.
What is the rational behind not taking down turrets ASAP? I don't see how it allows the other team to "free farm" at all. If you take a turret down early, you can roam some, or you can still stay in lane, but you have more flexibility. But I've noticed more people intentionally leaving turrets up. It seems too risky since later in the game you're always one death away from having a lane pushed hard.
Another reading comprehension fail? Dude I've had perfectly satisfying 60-70 minute games. But when you can't get your teammates to respond to chat or pings to stick together long enough to take down a tower when they have clear advantage like baron buff or a numerical advantage and the other team is exactly the same it's just farcical. It's like watching a game of chess where the rooks go up and back but nobody wants to capture pieces.