It's Super robot wars' fault. I just fukkin LUUUUUUVVVV robots. Also D3 is coming soon. So many things competing for my limited time.
A very good character to start with. A good mix of durability, flexibility and damage.I bought Lee Sin yesterday.
My first game I went 12-1. He's a beast...when you hit your skillshots. =)
The next couple of games I did terribly (about even both times).
I need to read some more general strategy on him, but he seems like he'll be really fun.
In yet another bug/server issue, apparently there is massive lag causing people to teleport around in games at the moment, with a red Riot message at the top of the client warning about it.
Do we have an ETA on Varus!? Need 30ccs of new AD carry stat.
So is that centaur guy any good? I'm thinking about buying either him or Fiora.
So is that centaur guy any good? I'm thinking about buying either him or Fiora.
So is that centaur guy any good? I'm thinking about buying either him or Fiora.
Gaf, Lee Sin early-mid game is fine, great even, but late game I do no damagewhat the what, + I die like 5 seconds, what am i doing wrong
merc, wriggles, warmogs, atmas and then situationals, usually a last whisper and bt but depends on how much defence/tankiness we need
Sometimes your travels around the world of Valoran are going to take you on the road to some exotic locales. If you stumble upon this menacing, red version of Galio in your travels, however, the odds are good that you’ve taken a wrong turn – especially if he’s perched on top of a massive, terrifying gate that’s emanating an eerie green glow. Then you might want to consult your cartographer to find out why he plotted you a course to the gates of the underworld before you set off.
Of course, with the Legendary Gatekeeper Galio standing watch, you might just want to be grateful you’re not trapped on the other side.
It's a skin for Galio.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/underworld-has-doorman
I'm guessing this is the next champ after Varus?
It's a skin for Galio.
Ah, I see. My bad. I didn't know they made announcements like that just for new skins.
A very good character to start with. A good mix of durability, flexibility and damage.
I wish he was around when I started to play.
If you want to check a good Lee Sin player, look up Cruzerthebruzer. He's written a guide on him.
Seems like every time I log on after this patch something new is fubar. Now they have that notice that end game stats might be messed up. This might be the most buggy patch Riot has ever released.
One day theyre just gonna rewrite the client. It'll be a massive project.
It'll be called...
League of Legends: SUPREMACY
because this has all the features, like the pizza
So I was thinking post buff I'd like to try support Kayle not, but I have no clue on what to buy and what order to buy it in for bot lane.
Her heal sucks and costs a very high amount of mana. I'd imagine you would want to build her kinda tanky, though I'm not sure of the exact items myself.
So I was thinking post buff I'd like to try support Kayle not, but I have no clue on what to buy and what order to buy it in for bot lane.
Seems like a better choice mid.How is solo top talon nowadays?
I killed a Tryndamere with Jarvan's E, with the former's ultimate just ended and a step away from his base. Feels good.
Just played the worst game of my life. Turrets were broken, didn't target the enemy team, so it just a dive fest mid. This patch...
I don't mean to be That Guy, but that's one of the blurriest PNG's I've seen in my life. I thought I was going blind or something, lol. Did you resize it somehow?