Why do Maokai's start Wraiths when they could just sapling the wolves, hit it once or twice for the kill, and then straight to blue instead of starting blue at like 2:05?
I think it can make your route faster, because by the time you do blue, then wolves, then come back to wraiths, they will have respawned.Why do Maokai's start Wraiths when they could just sapling the wolves, hit it once or twice for the kill, and then straight to blue instead of starting blue at like 2:05?
So they can be up by the time they finish Blue and wolves?
That way you'd get Wraiths > Blue > Wolves > Wraiths and be by Red by the time your smite is off CD?
Don't ask me why Ahri skins are on sale again.
I want to buy me some skins but damn, Sorceress Lux is gross. Spellthief or bust (derpy too but in-game model is pretty good)!
Why did I not buy this champ sooner D:
Land hooks. Free wins.
Sapling Toss is probably the highest damage non ultimate spell in the game. I think I should play AP lane Maokai today.Friend is trying out AP Meowkai, this is hard to watch.
Sapling Toss is probably the highest damage non ultimate spell in the game. I think I should play AP lane Maokai today.
Cleaver is highly dependent on enemy HP. Devestating Blow caps below Sapling Throw and doesn't scale as well. Neither of those attacks are AOE damage.Cleaver and Devastating Blow do more.
I know.Many, many abilities do more DPS because of the enormous cooldown
Sapling Toss is probably the highest damage non ultimate spell in the game. I think I should play AP lane Maokai today.
Sapling Toss is probably the highest damage non ultimate spell in the game. I think I should play AP lane Maokai today.
Friend is trying out AP Meowkai, this is hard to watch.
Unless you are facing a xerath(and I'm refering to undercover-OP pre-buff xerath)He's doing it wrong, then.
Mid MAO is tough as balls.
It probably helps to have an AP mid you can actually pick.I really need to pick up an AP mid besides Morgana.
It probably helps to have an AP mid you can actually pick.
Blind pick is only for the brave.
Think I might just go with Ryze since I'm too lazy to save 3150ip for Karthus.
Corgi the Chloe (7:32): you should pick up ahri
for ap mid
because you know
Pankaks (7:32): 6300ip
Corgi the Chloe (7:32): she has excellent
Pankaks (7:32): I know know
So they can be up by the time they finish Blue and wolves?
That way you'd get Wraiths > Blue > Wolves > Wraiths and be by Red by the time your smite is off CD?
My Naut route is Wolves > Blue > Wraiths > Wolves > Red, isn't that basically the same thing?
I really need to pick up an AP mid besides Morgana.
Be a man and play TF.
My go to mids are Vlad, Ryze, Xerath (pre-nerfopolous), Fiddlesticks (if against someone with no stun/silence/disable), Lux, Cassiopeia, and Karthus.
Just started playing this yesterday.
Which are the best non-cheap (as in, no Tryndamere or any of those bullshit OP champs) beginner champions? Been using Ashe and Yi, mostly. Since I really don't have the IPs to spend on anyone else, lol. Keep hearing good things about Tristana, but still can't afford her.
Btw, which are the best beginner Tanks? I've yet to play any tanks... =/
Tristana and Alistar are free provided you can be bothered to make a Facebook and Youtube account. Check the OP to see how to get them through Youtube and Facebook. Alistar is a good beginner tank since his ultimate means even if you build incorrectly he's still incredibly tanky. With Tristana you'd get another AD bot carry (who has also been played as AP mid). I think Caitlyn is another good AD carry for beginners since she has a very long range on her auto attack for relatively safe farming compared to other AD carries and she doesn't really have any hard to land skill shots. She's 6300 IP though so she's probably not a good buy early on.
Amumu is another good tank at 1350 IP. His bandage toss and ultimate really hurt the enemy team and also make it obvious to your team to go in on them. His bandage is a skill shot though so that might not be what you're looking for in a beginner champion. Malphite is also a good tank that can play solo top against AD and as a jungler. His ultimate is a skillshot kind of but it's hard to miss; also doubles as an escape. Also 1350 IP.
Soraka is a great support at 450 IP. Kayle is a good AD top (don't play her as support) also at 450 IP since you can shove out melee bruisers with her ranged harass. For AP mid Annie is decent at 450 IP, but I don't play her a whole lot. I think Ryze is ugly and boring (and ugly) so don't buy him even at 450 IP. :x Twisted Fate is a more interesting AP mid at 1350 IP with a really good kit.
Thanks! Got Tristanna, but the Alistair giveaway seems to be NA exclusive, unfortunately, as it doesn't recognize my account as a valid one after the subscribing...
Just started playing this yesterday.
Which are the best non-cheap (as in, no Tryndamere or any of those bullshit OP champs) beginner champions? Been using Ashe and Yi, mostly. Since I really don't have the IPs to spend on anyone else, lol. Keep hearing good things about Tristana, but still can't afford her.
Btw, which are the best beginner Tanks? I've yet to play any tanks... =/
go buy garen. hes not great for later levels but starting out hes amazing. his sustain is amazing. combine that with warmogs/force of nature/gardian angel and you become a literally a tank or a wall. all your team has to do is follow you into battle.
shit now i wanna play garen. =/
Have him already. =) I like him alot, too. But he's not exactly a Tank in the tradiotional sense, is he? But yeah, gotta love his versatility!
Yea but none of his attacks cost anything. But yea he needs a stronger spin IMO. And I doubt they will ever buff him.Garen's spin crits but only the bonus damage ratio. Pretty meh to be honest. His only disruption is Q (long cooldown), and he doesn't have a "look at me!" button. He's not even great at top. Who exactly does he beat? Maybe Renekton.
he is if you skip GA and FON and replace with infinity edge and sunfire cape. with some other iteams that add crit chance and att dmg. his spins CAN do mini-ish crits (according to southern dragon)
you could also go shen. hes a tank. but dont tell xero you bought him or he'll hate you forever >_>
Garen's spin crits but only the bonus damage ratio. Pretty meh to be honest. His only disruption is Q (long cooldown), and he doesn't have a "look at me!" button. He's not even great at top. Who exactly does he beat? Maybe Renekton.
Oh man, I die like crazy when playing Akali. I kill a lot too, but not having a natural escape and not knowing who I can beat 1v1 is really causing me to make mistakes.
My Naut route is Wolves > Blue > Wraiths > Wolves > Red, isn't that basically the same thing?
Yeah, but it's no real CC or dash/flash or anything and yeah, I don't really know what to do at the team fights at the end. I'm pretty bad at Akali at the moment, but I'll get the hang of it. I do pretty well on mid now, and I'm pretty good at getting those hard kills but...Your W should help you get out of a lot of messy situations?