I'll still end up clocking the Dragon/Baron kill time. It's already a habit at this point.
"She's not made of flesh"
Image mostly shows skin.
Okay Riot.
Willing to bet she'll have enough flesh for a giant pair of breasts and then the rest will be plant material.
Yea people are jerks.i am down to play together later tonight if you want.
Why does Corgi hate Bind?
Shen Shaco Morg Kass etc etc. At least one of these champs are in (roughly) every blind game. I still play it anyway since the players in draft are usually harder to beat.
Shen Shaco Morg Kass etc etc. At least one of these champs are in (roughly) every blind game. I still play it anyway since the players in draft are usually harder to beat.
"She's not made of flesh"
Image mostly shows skin.
Okay Riot.
Willing to bet she'll have enough flesh for a giant pair of breasts and then the rest will be plant material.
Just assume she's a plant that transforms into a sexy buxom lady.
In other news, I don't get why they nerfed Janna again. Why? Why.
In other news, I don't get why they nerfed Janna again. Why? Why.
Only 23 hps?
Mundo laugh at puny attempt at health regen
He's not even out and already going to be nerfed? I want to play him before he gets nerfed.i feel that jayce is going to be nerfed next patch, his combo burst is strong and he is one of the best character in the game to utilize trinity beside jarvan and irelia.
He's not even out and already going to be nerfed? I want to play him before he gets nerfed.![]()
He wasn't out in the U.S. We were just trying to engineer our dramatic 4v5 ARAM comeback when they blew up the server.what, he is out in EU nordic and east.
i bought him with the skin too.
I want to play right now....and that was the last game of LoL NA GAF will ever play.
Mostly draw but we were behind in towers. We managed to pull back mid-game after 2 aces.
No one wants me to get blue. ;_;
Just saw Jayce spotlight.
Tank/Jungle/Ranged AD? We are now one step closer to total champ homogeneity. Defender of Tomorrow indeed.
Well it's like having a permanent blue buff, so it seems like something every AP would want. Probably fits in between Rabbadon's and Void Staff if the other team isn't strong on magic resist, but it sets you back 3k, so I'm not really sure :/Is that Grail thing something most AP mids should be building or what? I've never built it yet since it came out. Usually just rush Deathcap and then Void Staff or Rylais/Zhonyas.
Well it's like having a permanent blue buff, so it seems like something every AP would want. Probably fits in between Rabbadon's and Void Staff if the other team isn't strong on magic resist, but it sets you back 3k, so I'm not really sure :/
edit: server's back on, I didn't get my win![]()
Havent seen anybody play Jayce, but his skillset sounds incredibly problematic.
Really? Can't be harder to juggle them than Nidalee.
Is that Grail thing something most AP mids should be building or what? I've never built it yet since it came out. Usually just rush Deathcap and then Void Staff or Rylais/Zhonyas.
It is very situational based on the champion you are playing. Most mages simply don't need that much mana, or would be better off buying an item like Tear if they are spam happy. More standard mages get more out of a Rod of Ages, which provides more general tankiness through health while giving mana regen and AP. In general AP itemization is extremely good right now, and blue buff is going to mages regularly. These two things make it hard to fit Grail well in to builds, but there are still mana intensive champions it is good on. Galio fits with it perfectly, for example, and I will probably start building Grail on lane Fiddle. Someone like AP Kog'maw might also pick one up. Just this small boost can help justify its cost, so we might see more mages picking the item up.Is that Grail thing something most AP mids should be building or what? I've never built it yet since it came out. Usually just rush Deathcap and then Void Staff or Rylais/Zhonyas.
Welcome to power creep, where champions designed around spamming abilities in quick succession now have built in mana regen and low mana costs.I'm exhausted and just played bots with Jayce. It was pretty hilarious to be able to chase down folks with his cannon nuke after dealing all the damage you can do with his hammer.
No idea how to build him other than triforce, but he didn't seem to be mana hungry AT ALL, considering I'd be spamming every single ability in a team fight.
Just watching a stream of Jayce I don't even understand how you're supposed to gank him.
He can knock back out of it with a speed boost to get away. It's still not guaranteed.Maokai W.
This window is really small for a gank.I suppose the best chance to gank him is during his R's cooldown, which is only about 5 seconds. If he switches to cannon to get acceleration gate up, he has about 4~5 seconds before he can get his slow and knock back up.
He can knock back out of it with a speed boost to get away. It's still not guaranteed.
This window is really small for a gank.
I just don't think it's enough. He can play so safe too with the ability to sit back and farm when he gets low. Jayce's only real visible weakness is that he has no strong reliable finisher without an ultimate.Small but should be enough to get something done.