Hello. I'm pretty newish to the game and have mostly played customer or player vs AI games. Tried my 3rd pvp game with a friend last night. He was Talon and I was Alistar. We were owning up bottom lane early in the game. I would hide in bushes or flash behind an enemy (I'm level 12) and headbutt them into Talon and destroy them and either attack the remaining guy or retreat based on how the fight went.
This was amazing in the early game but by mid to late game I really fell off and died way too much. I bought mostly health boosting items (Frozen Mallet and somthing else I can't remember) but it still felt like I got worked really quick. Am I building the wrong items or is it that I need to be that more careful in the lategame trying to position headbutts? What build order would you guys recomend?
Frozen Mallet is meant for characters that can attack quickly because it gives them the ability to perma slow them pretty much. Alistars attack speed isn't very high, so Frozen Mallet isn't necessary. Get the gold producing items. Since you won't be last hitting, the GP items will help with your income and it compliments nicely. Heart of Gold will give you some needed health. Philo Stone will give you mana regen to spam heal or spells and it gives you regen after tanking. The great thing about those two items is that it builds into some great team items. Buy wards whenever you could afford them.
Since you are a beginner, this is how I would start which is the standard support build:
Faerie Charm, 3 wards, 2 health pots >>
Philo Stone, boots, Heart of Gold >>
From here it kinda depends.
If the enemy team is AD heavy, I'll rush to Randuin's Omen.
If they are balanced, I'll get Aegis.
If we are owning, I'll get Shurelya's.
Upgrade to next level boots.
Go crazy late game. Key thing is constantly buying wards for map awareness.