Why are you playing him almost exclusively in dominion though? Is it your fault that Riot has started balancing the game based on dominion?Has anyone mentioned that Xin is back to BE A MAN status?
Why are you playing him almost exclusively in dominion though? Is it your fault that Riot has started balancing the game based on dominion?Has anyone mentioned that Xin is back to BE A MAN status?
Why are you playing him almost exclusively in dominion though? Is it your fault that Riot has started balancing the game based on dominion?![]()
Even ARAM takes 40 minutes, it's sad.I don't have time to play SR that much anymoreWell, not 40 minute chunks of time.
Even ARAM takes 40 minutes, it's sad.
And if you play 8 dominion games that's still a bunch of 20 minute chunks!
I played a game yesterday and I jungled Xin for some reason without knowing how to play him and I did okay by just building him like Nocturne and maxing Q.
I really like the mechanic of challenging a carry, and then ulting in a team fight.
I played a game yesterday and I jungled Xin for some reason without knowing how to play him and I did okay by just building him like Nocturne and maxing Q.
I really like the mechanic of challenging a carry, and then ulting in a team fight.
Okay.BE A MAN!
almost 10k ip
hopefully this zyra is worth buying.
Atlanta doing jungle Yi atm.
They still exist as mtw, and have for awhile. They are testing Rainman as their top right now.what happened to goose anyawys
They still exist as mtw, and have for awhile. They are testing Rainman as their top right now.
What do people think of Miss Fortune? I love her, so fast![]()
She's scary and ugly :3What do people think of Miss Fortune? I love her, so fast![]()
She's scary and ugly :3
C'mon son.
That a paid skin?C'mon son.
What do people think of Miss Fortune? I love her, so fast![]()
Okay, attack speed glyphs experiment for ad carries, this better be op or I just wasted so much ip.
Really strong early laning and burst but I feel her ult is kinda gimmicky.
Darius is WAY better if you can manage the axes.
Okay, attack speed glyphs experiment for ad carries, this better be op or I just wasted so much ip.
Don't see how it couldn't be wasted IP. You are just going to have to work MR into your build then by mid game. Attack speed is pretty cheap and already on the items you want.Okay, attack speed glyphs experiment for ad carries, this better be op or I just wasted so much ip.
Thanks for the ideas, guys. I agree, Akali is too snowball-dependent to forgo any advantage, so I might just buy that rune page after all. I also feel my champ roster is kinda weak, so I gotta work on that (I got Akali, Malph, Lux, Annie, Kayle and Sona).
It might be "financially" wrong, but I think I'll buy rune pages one at a time, since I'll probably won't play long enough to need all 9 of them, though I intend to keep going for a while. I can't even think what to use 9 rune pages for (AD carry, AP carry, support, tank, jungler and Akali is all I got).
Wow, now I feel embarrassed of being level 28, almost 29.
You mean Draven?
No one needs you SouthernDragon.
I keed I keed.
P.S. I max W on Xin. Need that heal+as steroid.
I do find that hitting it once doesn't really work. I have to mash W to get it to go. Only on Xin, though...
Man, Nasus is like the most insanely versatile champ in the game. It's like you can do no wrong with him... he's great AD, great AP, great Hybrid, great Tank, easy to learn, and suits pretty much every situation... I'm in love with him, lol... Amazing jack of all trades which is insanely awesome without being the slightest bit overpowered...
Bad skins.
Then you have almost no damage..and you're get more sustain from a Wriggles then anything.
Man, Nasus is like the most insanely versatile champ in the game. It's like you can do no wrong with him... he's great AD, great AP, great Hybrid, great Tank, easy to learn, and suits pretty much every situation... I'm in love with him, lol... Amazing jack of all trades which is insanely awesome without being the slightest bit overpowered...
Bad skins.
if you play him anything beside tank or trinity build you are doing it wrong.
its all about the QQQQQQQQQQQ
I'm gonna have to live with this forever now, won't I?
sheen works very well with the q, might as well build it later into trinity.Why would trinity matter for Q, though?
But yeah, I mostly go AD Tank.
Nasus is a terrible laner and a testament to old design choices versus the ever moving bar of what a top laner should be. He has incredibly high mana costs that demand to be used on a consistent basis and is unable to trade well in lane.Man, Nasus is like the most insanely versatile champ in the game. It's like you can do no wrong with him... he's great AD, great AP, great Hybrid, great Tank, easy to learn, and suits pretty much every situation... I'm in love with him, lol... Amazing jack of all trades which is insanely awesome without being the slightest bit overpowered...
Nasus is so easily countered. Terrible pick. Renekton is a much better pick.
Man, Cho'Gath is like the most insanely versatile champ in the game. It's like you can do no wrong with him... he's great AD, great AP, great Hybrid, great Tank, easy to learn, and suits pretty much every situation... I'm in love with him, lol... Amazing jack of all trades which is insanely awesome without being the slightest bit overpowered...
You know, I must've been lucky so far, then... He's my go-to-guy for solo top and frankly I've had many a match with him and the worst score I've ever gotten with Nasus was 7/3/4, and I honestly think he's a fucking beast, especially in late game.