I figured since, yeah, you should be keeping wards up (rather than bitching about the lack of wards).
More I think about it, I tend to get ganked the most in top lane when I'm blue team so it may just be the whole "get red buff, look lane is there!" rather than them actively choosing to gank it. Oh well. Not even ranked yet so I just assume people being bad.
Honestly, the best way to play top is to play Jungle and know jungle match ups. If you're on the left hand side and you're going against a Lee Sin jungle, then be prepared for a gank if you're pushed at lvl 2. Three things you need to know when playing top. 1.) Know the jungle champion of your opponents and their clearing routes. 2.) Know when they finish stuff for jungling cuz you can predict gank timings. 3.) this one is obvious but see when they pop up on the mini-map cuz this will help you to know when to push etc.
FUUUU EDIT: Sorry for the double post.