Now this, this is damn good.
You have no armor, how did Jayce/Olaf/Twitch not destroy you? Good mushroom placement? Now I want to play Teemo top lane.![]()
I should've mentioned I do buy Doran's Rings as I see fit, though I almost never do two in one trip. I'll try it.Hmm, if you're rushing sorc shoes then that also explains some of your mana problems. For your typical mana based AP carry (with some exceptions) try backing for the first time when you can afford 2 doran's rings and a ward. The doran's rings will give you more health, mana regen and cheap AP. Your next back should be sorc shoes and start your first "big" item. Doran's rings aren't just about damage - they give sustain in the form of health and mana regen.
The better question would be what was that Jayce trying to build towards.
Edit: Also, MR helps vs Jayce's Hammer E and the Hammer on-hit R buff. If they can't aim their Cannon E -> Q, you're really just worried about autos as far as Jayce physical is concerned since Hammer Q doesn't hit _that_ hard.
Your first few ranked games are placement matches. You do not receive a rank until you finish them.Ranked: (Unranked)? (I get the feeling this is a noob question)
tyYour first few ranked games are placement matches. You do not receive a rank until you finish them.
Your loss. Nobody even bans TF at low levels of play. It also hurts you because you have to ban them out or you risk the other team picking them up. Also nobody bans Soraka anymore unless you really want to play Lulu or something. There are more dangerous supports.This is honestly why I'm not even going to bother learning any of the super common bans (e.g., Soraka, Shen, Twisted Fate) until after I have at least 2-3 champs per role first.
For Ahri I typically start a couple doran's rings if I'm laning well and getting good cs. If I'm getting harassed too much or lots of enemy jungler activity, I'll go with a hextech revolver for the extra sustain. From there I usually go sorc shoes then either Rylai's or Abyssal scepter into Rabadon's. I will sometimes finish the hextech into Will of the Ancients if there's more AP on the team.
I rarely rush Rabadon's. Only if I'm ahead by a lot. With the true damage, Ahri does pretty good damage without the extra AP (if I recall her ratios are pretty low to boot) and the tankiness + slows of Rylai's help a lot.
Situational I'll build a Zyona's after Rylai or Abyssal.
Another item I see frequently on her (but I don't build) is a Death Fire Grasp. She's an assassin so it helps burn down a target.
I can't think of a situation I'd build an Athene's.
edit: I wish Scarra would stream more. He is the number 1 most informative streamer. He has a constant commentary on the gameplay and never rages. He's like a model top 10 player. I love Aphro's stream because he's either hilarious or actually laying down some good commentary on a role I can still learn so much about. The only other streamer I watch regularly is Ocelote. He usually has some good music and is just really entertaining to listen to while I'm working.
Thanks for the Ahri ideas. I usually rush Sorc's Boots and then Rab's with every AP carry simply because I don't really notice the damage increase on other items as much as I do with those two. Athene is pretty much because I love it on Lux and with Ahri I feel like I'm on cooldown way more often than I should, and mana problems, etc. Again, this is bound to change as/if I get better with her.
Makes sense. I forgot DFG gave you CDR...Just go boot, 2 doran, rylais, sorc, hourglass, void/abyssal. I don't really like spell vamp on her, if you want sustain just buy a few pots and pay attention to her passive, rylais should be top prioity. You can get deathcap instead of hourglass if the other team ignore you.
Athene is only good if you fed opponent, against double ap team, or leblan. Don't harass with Q too much, Q push minion wave, and opponent will bully you when you running low on mana. Focus on punishing opponent last hitting with auto attack, and land a Q when their movement become predictable (ex. running away from your auto attack).
CDR is really a wasted stats in lane, since most lane fight you blow your full combo + ignite, and either 1) they died, or 2) they go back to base and return with full health. You will have blue buff most of time anyway, if you need cdr for teamfight, just get dfg.
Your loss. Nobody even bans TF at low levels of play. It also hurts you because you have to ban them out or you risk the other team picking them up. Also nobody bans Soraka anymore unless you really want to play Lulu or something. There are more dangerous supports.
How exactly is it my loss to learn them after I get a few champions for their roles down first? I'm already near that point now and I'm not even into ranked games yet. I also kind of thought banning would've been a bigger deal from 1-30 when I made that call.
Though I do agree that Soraka isn't that great in general. I don't even like her much so I doubt I'll play her that often anyway.
Because they're important champions to know and be able to play. It's like not owning Morgana and being able to play her when you need her just because she gets banned a lot. There will be times when you want to pick her, she's a strong choice, and you can't.How exactly is it my loss to learn them after I get a few champions for their roles down first?
Soraka is my main support cuz I suck with every other support. LOLOL
Because they're important champions to know and be able to play. It's like not owning Morgana and being able to play her when you need her just because she gets banned a lot. There will be times when you want to pick her, she's a strong choice, and you can't.
There are no GAF regulars I would consider to be really strong players. I try to get better and like getting advice on how to improve. Other people get mad and take it too personally when advice or criticism is offered. What do you want me to say?It's okay. Soda assumes everyone is weak or a lower level elo player.
It's okay. Soda assumes everyone is weak or a lower level elo player.
But he is not wrong.
Avoid learning banned champions is a stupid idea. Those are the champions you want to play as and face against. This is why I largely stuck with normal blind, even when they introduced draft.
He is under this notion that he will be able to climb up this hole some 90 champions deep, full rune pages, and thousands of hours of experience. And his method is to basically pick underpowered champions that most don't ban, aka don't play. Its inane.
Outside of the ban meta-game. Lets just talk about how important that is too.
Its better to just learn who you want to play, but this is something you'll have to deal with.Scy gave a full explanation on his sitatuation and how he viewed it. In a way, knowing a banned champion is good but what good is knowing it if you're not going to have the chance to use it. In a best case scenario it's best to know ALL champions. However, given time constraints and other factors, whatever they may be, it's better to choose a champion that isn't commonly banned and learn it. No?
But he is not wrong.
Avoid learning banned champions is a stupid idea. Those are the champions you want to play as and face against. This is why I largely stuck with normal blind, even when they introduced draft.
And his method is to basically pick underpowered champions that most don't ban, aka don't play. Its inane.
You are first pick, and you don't have Rumble. Current Flavor of the month lets say. You have to ban it or risk the other team getting it. Your first banned is first while the other team can be more selective and personal to their team's choosing. You have it, but can't play it, but you have the best Rumble player in the world with your 3rd teammate. Pick him. You can pass him down. This would either force the other team to choose between him and maybe Ahri. So you still could get a dominate player. This happens many times with like tanks. There maybe 3 top tier ones and two get banned and you have to choose between the most powerful AD carry and most powerful tank. They will get one or the other.
Games are won and lost at banning and this is just a few quick ideas on it. I could probably come up with pages of examples from my games where bans played an important factor. And just downplaying it by saying, I'll just pick non-banned champions, already puts your team at a disadvantage.
And I'm going to be honest, you can either deal with it now. Or be like me where it fucked you over in the end and I got to a point where it became impossible for me to learn jungle under normal circumstances.
There are no GAF regulars I would consider to be really strong players. I try to get better and like getting advice on how to improve. Other people get mad and take it too personally when advice or criticism is offered. What do you want me to say?
Scy gave a full explanation on his sitatuation and how he viewed it. In a way, knowing a banned champion is good but what good is knowing it if you're not going to have the chance to use it. In a best case scenario it's best to know ALL champions. However, given time constraints and other factors, whatever they may be, it's better to choose a champion that isn't commonly banned and learn it. No?
p.s. you guys are putting too much emotion in this.
It was a low possibility. End of the day my reaction time to it was fine but the person with me got caught out. No real reason to have been standing there and I accept that. Was I still watching for it? Yes.That's all fine, but the same time you don't ever see the point from any body elses view. Take a funny example the other day. Someone on our team warned you that you should watch out for a red invasion. You pretty much laughed as said they were full of shit. Turns out he was right, and there went first blood.
Alistar, Morgana, Shen are all instant ban champion, but we see them in draft game all the time. People often left those champ for the other team to ban so they can save their ban on potential counter pick. If the other team doesn't ban them, just pick them up for easy win.
p.s. you guys are putting too much emotion in this.
A fraction of the emotions that are exhibited in game! This is quite civilized!
So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
Okay I am weak, I am going to get the panda teemo skin when it is on sale =/
Buy it right now.Okay I am weak, I am going to get the panda teemo skin when it is on sale =/
Is Planetside going to be good? I'm more of a solo player too. Poorfate and I should team up to snipe at squads.So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
Buy it right now.
Is Planetside going to be good? I'm more of a solo player too. Poorfate and I should team up to snipe at squads.
P.S. I'm always right when I say stuff about LoL.
So listen to me, soda
also, rumble's Q is doing too much damage atm because they fixed how it ticks.
So guild wars 2 and planetside, who's in come release/beta?
I'm pretty sure I usually do. Or at least try to.P.S. I'm always right when I say stuff about LoL.
So listen to me, soda
It's doing too much because they fixed it? How's that work? What'd they do?
How do I play Rumble?