It was a reference to weeabo stuff by the designer who is no longer around to potentially stop them. I dunno. Riot hates fun.What's the point of changing the name of Lux's ult now?
It was a reference to weeabo stuff by the designer who is no longer around to potentially stop them. I dunno. Riot hates fun.
Black Shield now has a 23/21/19/17/15 secs cooldown, down from 23 secs cooldown at all ranks.
Totally, I was planning on buying it as soon as I felt like playing Ashe. They probably felt they needed to nerf cheap goodlooking skins.Favorite Ashe skin.
Not so much based on that PBE skin.
Where do you guys see these changes? The patch notes aren't out yet...
Anyway, godlike new Cho skin, Skarner in the background hints at upcoming RoboSkarner:[IMG][/QUOTE]
New Cho- skin comes with [URL=""][B]new voices[/B][/URL] as well.
New Cho- skin comes with new voices as well.
Yes.Battlecast Urgot was a regular priced skin right?
Wasn't that just vocally modified? The Cho skin is too good for me to not believe it is Legendary. It has more voice work than Diana.Battlecast Urgot was a regular priced skin right?
Wasn't that just vocally modified? The Cho skin is too good for me to not believe it is Legendary. It has more voice work than Diana.
Battlecast Cho'Gath is a pretty clear step above any of the recent skin releases besides Pulsefire Ezreal. He has new animations for almost everything. Entirely new spell effects and animations to trigger them. More voice work than most champions have. Like, you are seriously kidding yourself if you think this is going to be a normally priced skin.
They always nerf new champions on the 4th week, not the 2nd week, right?Zyra walks away from the nerf like a plant!
They always nerf new champions on the 4th week, not the 2nd week, right?
I still say that the last three champions have been very unique and also surprisingly balanced -- Jayce is flexible (though almost always top). He's powerful but not ultra snowball DPS. Draven has a lot of damage potential, but it can take quite a high skill level (or luck with bounces lolol etc.) to manage it properly. Kyra has nice damage over time with the plants, and decent burst, but has no escape, mobility, or shield and is thus very vulnerable to ganks (seeds can technically help with this for 30 seconds but I feel like it's almost a waste).
I am scared about her though, since I think my first two normal SR Zyra games I was like 12/4 and 14/2 and won both. I was lucky the second one since we had a super fed Olaf though. The one thing I am ULTRA terrible at is hitting anyone with her passive. The delay always throws me off and I don't think I've killed anyone with it.
yeah legendary, i guess i'll pass.
If you crushingly nerf mana, base damages (which don't have great ratios if I recall correctly, thus some people earlier in this thread commenting about her late game), and get rid of long-range attacks, I think Zyra might become a nearly useless/unused mage with no mobility, shield, or escape besides snare and knockup.
I really don't like the idea of kneejerk reactions without giving 4 weeks (or maybe 4-8 months of tournament play or something) for things to settle down.
And then Riot should post stats about how many solo queue 5v5 games she won, what the average KDR was, etc. So the community outcry can be educated!
I'm not sure anyone tried to gank me my last entire game. I think an earlier poster reported stomping a Zyra by repeatedly ganking.
Zyra has been overpowered forever. It's not a kneejerk.
And please stop saying she is an easy gank. Xerath is an easy gank. Morde is an easy gank. Malz is an easy gank. Swain is an easy gank. Zyra has a long range, easy and safe pushing, free vision, slows, and easy multi target ranged roots. She has a lot of tools to deal with ganking.
She has 500 base damage from her q,e,r at level 6. People usually have around 80ap at this time. So add in (48+40+56=144). So thats 644 damage plus scaling.
Her plants do 78 magic damage (scaled with 80ap) every hit with an as of 0.8. If you combo right, the plants will have an as of 1.6 with the ult applied. And the range plant has massive range.
The pop up from her ult will probably make you stay in the range of the plants for 2-3seconds. I'll use 2.5seconds.
With the 1.6as from the plants, they will hit you around 3 times.
This means (78x2x3=468) damage just from the plants.
Add that all: 468+644=1112 magic damage. Add an ignite in there with a few autoattacks.
If you say her base damage isn't high, then I don't know what you do call high then.
Regarding the plant damage though:
This is the scaling on their damage: 26 + (6 × level) + (0.2 per ability power)
You'll have 2 plants out so itll be 156 for both of them attacking at once.
diana is definitely kassadin type assasin mid or top, if its true that she can jungle then its going to be a very versatile character.
jungle diana, looks really good.
Oh my God those are horribad.
I laughed.
If you did this a month ago, you might have a point. Pool is insta-cast now though. A good Malzahar would have just E'd you, put a pool down under himself when you shunpo'd and then ulted you and ignited during the ult if it looked like you might survive the combo.
Played Nidalee in ARAM. Broken beyond belief. The spears are hilariously easy to land. You don't always have minions to block it. Whenever fights break out you won't really notice spears sneaking in. I was going 15/0/x with only 2x Dorans and shoes. I played mindlessly towards the end of my life because I wanna to go home already.
I'd rather have her than Blitz. Oh, enemy Blitz/Brand/Xerath started casting? Spear to the face.
Cass is another ridiculously powerful champ in Proving Grounds. Nearly won a 3v5 with an ally Brand. We did double WotA. 40% Spellvamp is so awesome. Ended up with 44/15/x.