Give up waiting for Ahri sale, spend IP on Ahri.
Ahri goes on sale.
Of course. That's how this works. I didn't even use her this week since I was learning Zyra :| Oh well.
Zyra's escape is awareness, I guess. But, yeah, once something is on her, you're kind of screwed. At best, you can level E over Q and snare + slow turret -> flash out. At best. Yeah...
Ahri goes on sale.
Of course. That's how this works. I didn't even use her this week since I was learning Zyra :| Oh well.
From very brief discussion and impressions, it seems like Zyra's early game damage strengths are offset by her late game weakness and her lack of escapes. Lux and Morgana are similar in that if a gank comes in they have to snare to escape, but both of those champions have shields, so Zyra is even more vulnerable. I guess the ult might help you escape ganks if placed in the right spot.
Zyra's escape is awareness, I guess. But, yeah, once something is on her, you're kind of screwed. At best, you can level E over Q and snare + slow turret -> flash out. At best. Yeah...