The problem with Zyra is that she gets too good a damage for what you pay for, in this case mana costs. Either one of those things need nerf. Right now a lot of people max Q first but maxing E first is much much better. Although the scaling isn't as good as Q, the base damage is the same as Q and then combo this in with her Q and ult and it's crazy amount of damage. She needs a nerf stat. If I can play her without csing and win, she's pretty much warranting a nerf. Either nerf damage or nerf costs, maybe even mana regen - cuz she never ever runs out of it. Most likely it'll be nerfing the mana costs.
Eh, I disagree on the E first. The cooldown doesn't decrease with more points so while it lets you burst better the extra time is unnecessary for landing her combo. I'd rather have Q available more often and harass with it more. It's not hard to land E -> QWW with the ult AND still get both ranged plants up. Q first just lets you harass better in lane and push lane easier/faster.
You do actually have potential mana problems if you max Q first and use it to harass constantly though! But, generally speaking, her mana is almost never a concern.
The snare is longer and often times after you do your rotations, why does CD matter? It doesn't unless you're chasing and gonna use the spell again. The longer snare is much more useful as it gets the slow turret off longer and take more damage especially if the opponent has minion aggro. E is a much better choice in than Q imo.
But if I'll get the kill at .75s snare, why do I need a longer snare? Faster CD means I harass more. The Q turrets have enough range to get two (typically more) shots in as well which is roughly as many melee swings as the E lashers even with their slow.
I've tried E first a few times and I'm not a huge fan of it yet. I prefer having my ranged harass and to constantly poke them with it. All I need from E is to hold them in place long enough to cast QWWR. 0.75s is more than enough time for that.
I'll try it some more but I haven't found a situation besides a chase scenario where I'd like a longer snare so my team can convene on them. Maybe the better escape, I guess. Q lets me bully lane harder which lets me deny CS better. I can kill just as effectively with Level 1 E so I'm trading lane dominance for basically nothing.
Because you're not going to use both seeds on the E. The combo goes EW which will snare them as well as have the slow turret up. Then you proceed to do QW which will then have the range one up.
As for CDs, like I said, it's pointless because her CDs are so good already anything more and it's wasting mana and just random spamming/pushing which I think is poor play.
She just came out 4 days ago. PBE doesn't exist for normal players like me, so stop trying to deceive me! 4 days is not forever you crazy man with dog.Zyra has been overpowered forever.
Wonder if they will start adding that indicator to other champs like Darius so you know when your ult is going to kill someone?
Cho and Darius are the only champions with true damage ults though, right? I guess they could do it for Zyra's passive too.Wonder if they will start adding that indicator to other champs like Darius so you know when your ult is going to kill someone?
There's Garen. I don't think the indicator is needed in any situation and potentially just adds to visual clutter during fights.Cho and Darius are the only champions with true damage ults though, right?
That's what you get when you play with Corporate Mundo.Ranked is so god damn depressing. So after 2 months of fighting tooth and nail I get back above 1200 only to drop back down to 1100 in a day and a half. This last game we utterly crushed bot lane, did well in team fights, were clearly going to win and our Jungle Mundo announces "got to go to work" and logs out.![]()
Oh yeah, whoops. Shows how much I know about him.garen is magic dmg
garen is magic dmg
Ranked is so god damn depressing. So after 2 months of fighting tooth and nail I get back above 1200 only to drop back down to 1100 in a day and a half. This last game we utterly crushed bot lane, did well in team fights, were clearly going to win and our Jungle Mundo announces "got to go to work" and logs out.![]()
Yeah, it's always rough when you do well but someone else on your team drags you down. Just went 10/7/15 on Skarner (whole team got 30 total kills) and lost because bot when combined 3/25.
Yeah, it's always rough when you do well but someone else on your team drags you down. Just went 10/7/15 on Skarner (whole team got 30 total kills) and lost because bot when combined 3/25.
To join the crowd, I just had a Nautilus top lane who built cooldown boots, I don't think typed anything in lobby or all game, constantly suicided alone, only build HoG and the little red circle as tank items, and went 1/9 against Teemo.Yeah, it's always rough when you do well but someone else on your team drags you down. Just went 10/7/15 on Skarner (whole team got 30 total kills) and lost because bot when combined 3/25.
Bah I wanted to try diana on test, but I guess the beta account i made in 09 isn't working anymore and they've shut down account creations.
To summarize things I've read:
"omg nerf too good jungle!"
"lol useless can only ult twice in a row"
"Shitty jokes"
Why can't leona have good AP ratio like that, this is bias.
You should see Diana's base stats and passive.Why can't leona have good AP ratio like that, this is bias.
cait is the worst ad abloo bloo bloo
cait is the worst ad abloo bloo bloo
Don't lie, we know Blitz was landing mad hooks and getting you fed.
cupcakes op
Both are correct! I'd place traps in the bush, blitz would pull them into the traps.
Edit: Thought we were going to lose this one.
First death came 30 minutes in, while I was in their base. Took an inner tower but I couldn't get away. Died in the dragon pit.![]()
I did not realize we were in a 5s. That was a mistake.
I agree especially since only 2 of us were on voicechat. I was making really bad mistakes as support anyway. I just want to dance as Nunu.I did not realize we were in a 5s. That was a mistake.
I agree especially since only 2 of us were on voicechat. I was making really bad mistakes as support anyway. I just want to dance as Nunu.
Let us all take solace that we weren't as bad as jungle Fiddlesticks though. >.>
Think I want to get either Fiora or Hecarim next. Not sure which to choose.
Think I want to get either Fiora or Hecarim next. Not sure which to choose.
Fiora is a lot of fun. Hecarim is less fun but more practical. If you get early kills you will be an unstoppable death machine.