or u can get magic pen and help kill bot so u get gold from assists.
or u can get magic pen and help kill bot so u get gold from assists.
This seems like an interesting idea, but what items did you start with? I tried starting with dorans and did okay past level 5 or so, but it seemed nearly impossible to kill jungle camps without ending up with hardly any health. I next tried starting with health regen and a potion, but that was terrible. I'm assuming you didn't start armor 5 potions?
Also, it seems like it could work in some cases, but like it would be ultra vulnerable to counterjungling since you're unlikely to win any1v1 fights with Q + E (if they're up). You'd have to hope you can just run away with E and make up the EXP in lane or something assuming they take all your jungle camps.
I just had an amazing idea. Add a new queue option (for draft or whatever) that is "queue for role". That way someone wanting to practice jungle can queue up and get matched with other people who are wanting to play mid, AD carry, top lane, and support. Of course no one would ever queue up for support, and it would presumably actually be a terrible idea instead of an amazing idea. I guess we can at least agree it's "an idea" though.
Just wanted to say from last night game, OLAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I almost got a no deaths game, damn you WW, ill remember this...
I was trying to max E first since it has a low cooldown and uses about half the mana. Is Q that much better? I'm afraid of missing Q when ganking and being screwed over by low level E. I'm also scared of starting regrowth (and red potion?). But I wasn't using tank masteries last time so I'll see how it goes this time.0/21/9 masteries, AS reds, armor yellows, MS quints, MR blues. Start Regrowth and Q, wolves then blue. Get Q first, then W then E, level R>Q>E>W. First back I buy Philo + Chalice if I have enough money. Ultimate goal is Philo + choice boots + Frozen Heart + Athenes Grail.
I actually found Gragas to be an alright bully in the jungle, but you need W up at all times (damage reduction + AD buff). A Xin Zhao tried to counter jungle me and I demolished him at like level 4, did like 300-400 damage with an E->Q combo + autoattacks.
EDIT: Just tried this without a leash. Got really low at double golems, but I was able to sustain until level 6 after that pretty easy. With any sort of leash you should be able to clear with half life or so.
TeamLiquid has a League board. There are some good players there. solomid.net is another major site.Out of curiosity is there an LoL analogy to TeamLiquid? I only kind of like playing the game but I really like reading about it and watching (well) commentated streams/replays, but those only tend to show up in big events =(
Danger Zone nerfed because...? Riot doing it's best to make Rumble less skill dependent. Cho changes will make him a terror.
I just had an amazing idea. Add a new queue option (for draft or whatever) that is "queue for role". That way someone wanting to practice jungle can queue up and get matched with other people who are wanting to play mid, AD carry, top lane, and support. Of course no one would ever queue up for support, and it would presumably actually be a terrible idea instead of an amazing idea. I guess we can at least agree it's "an idea" though.
I was trying to max E first since it has a low cooldown and uses about half the mana. Is Q that much better? I'm afraid of missing Q when ganking and being screwed over by low level E. I'm also scared of starting regrowth (and red potion?). But I wasn't using tank masteries last time so I'll see how it goes this time.
*edit* I really don't like regrowth and Q first. I couldn't even do level 2 golems without attack speed runes. And I had a leash on blue. Didn't try wolves first.
Except Riot is doing that. Riot didn't like triple support + kogmaw meta in one tourney, and nerfed supports, right? (I think kogmaw got nerfed too) That might not have been directly because of that attempt though."Early august patch preview".... hrmmm no diana this patch?
The game should never be designed around the meta. Horrible idea.
Rumble has been like this forever. I hate that people can suddenly think champions are really overpowered, particularly a design team. Trying to maximize your damage output in the Danger Zone is the high level aspect of Rumble. It's not about turning a situation around either, because Heat is a mechanic you always have control over. A Danger Zone nerf hits all of Rumble's kit rather than the real problem spell, which is Flamespitter. He has been a problem for one patch. This is the most kneejerk nerf I have honestly ever seen.I get the danger zone nerf, his capability to turn situations around with it was kind of olaf status. It's just a crazy surge
Looks more like Urgot.Rumble has been like this forever. I hate that people can suddenly think champions are really overpowered, particularly a design team. Trying to maximize your damage output in the Danger Zone is the high level aspect of Rumble. It's not about turning a situation around either, because Heat is a mechanic you always have control over. A Danger Zone nerf hits all of Rumble's kit rather than the real problem spell, which is Flamespitter. He has been a problem for one patch. This is the most kneejerk nerf I have honestly ever seen.
Anyway, godlike new Cho skin, Skarner in the background hints at upcoming RoboSkarner:
The new Skarner skin is probably months away. Just expect it sometime eventually.Looks more like Urgot.
edit: oh wait I saw Skarner now...two skins then?
Anyway, godlike new Cho skin, Skarner in the background hints at upcoming RoboSkarner:
Bought and bought.
It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.i can't think of any other champ w/ that much free reliable damage
Preeeeecisely.If anything does well...
nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf.
It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
Wow they ruined Freljord Ashe bad with the cheerleader outfit. Last one had that awesome frosty stare...It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
Yeah, I like staring at boobs as much as anyone, but the old one was way better.Wow they ruined Freljord Ashe bad with the cheerleader outfit. Last one had that awesome frosty stare...
The rest are pretty good, Cass, Ez and Ryze look great now.
Some of the new art isn't very good. Or it's the bad Chinese stuff.Ew. I like the current Freljord Ashe art over that new one.
Danger Zone nerfed because...? Riot doing it's best to make Rumble less skill dependent. Cho changes will make him a terror.
Hooooly shit, this is laughably bad.
It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
Anyone been to any of the MLG events that had LoL? How was it? Some friends and I are thinking about going to the Raleigh one coming up in August.
I went to MLG Orlando back in October for SC2 and had an absolute blast. I got to meet a bunch of pros and got their autographs plus some pictures. They also usually give you all the Dr.Pepper you can drink so you're never thirsty.
I would recommend going.
It's Dr. Pepper. It has everything you need.
It's not really free. Rumble has very short ranges on his spells and is limited on ability spam because of cooldown timers and overheating. I don't really see how Rumble's damage is that much higher than champions like Riven, Morde, Anivia, or Ryze, some of whom are significantly tankier.
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
There's a ton of new art on the PBE. New Ryze splash is amazing: http://imgur.com/a/Qu2ef
A lot of the "updated" art isn't very good though.Oooh, there's a lot of neat new art.
Thank goodness they keep updating the cosmetic side of the game.
Wow they ruined Freljord Ashe bad with the cheerleader outfit. Last one had that awesome frosty stare...
A lot of the "updated" art isn't very good though.
Does it have electrolytes?It's Dr. Pepper. It has everything you need.