Got a tipple kill with Leona and saved the ADC when the jungler ganked last game, woo!
Also Defender Leona is best Leona skin.
Iron Solari Leona is the best.
Mine's okay. These games are terrible the stream really laggy for anyone?
"How to beat CLG" by M5.
Anyone know why the M5 guy disappeared during the pause? Please tell me it wasn't an emergency bathroom break.
Emergency vodka break.
It's like you don't even know that CLG stands for Constantly Losing Games.Wow.
"How to beat CLG" by M5.
It's like you don't even know that CLG stands for Constantly Losing Games.
Still up for me. It's going to be another stomp probably.Stream down to anyone else?
Still up for me. It's going to be another stomp probably.
So basically catch teams beat stall teams?
They built no MR against a fed Gragas. CLG just played dumb. Tournament sucked and all the games were bad. Get good Europe.Oh my gosh. When your tanks go down that fast, that's messed up. Holy hell.
Translating for the is the translator doing there if Alex Ich can speak English.... or is he doing Polish translation
They built no MR against a fed Gragas. CLG just played dumb. Tournament sucked and all the games were bad. Get good Europe.
Nobody else can even compete.Sodacop angriest lolgaffer
If anybody disagrees, please speak up - otherwise be considered agreeing.
Angriest: Soda Cop
Saddest: Summons
Saltiest: Bindww
Throwest: Kiunch
What kind of role are you looking for? I can suggest some.