Feel like doing troll builds. What's the funnest champ to stack Tiamats?
Shyvana or Twitch.
Shy's ult Q cleave proc it among everyone you hit, so it's kinda exponential it's pretty brutal if you can get people grouped. Same with twitch.
Feel like doing troll builds. What's the funnest champ to stack Tiamats?
Sivir in dominion, I hear.Feel like doing troll builds. What's the funnest champ to stack Tiamats?
In terms of usefulness or uselessness? Kayle for useful, maybe Fiddlesticks for most useless.Feel like doing troll builds. What's the funnest champ to stack Tiamats?
I agree with Ferrio.Shyvana or Twitch.
Shy's ult Q cleave proc it among everyone you hit, so it's kinda exponential it's pretty brutal if you can get people grouped. Same with twitch.
These serious players should practice in solo queue when the rest of the team aren't on!Hey, I heard that GAF has its own ranked premade team but I want to actually create a more serious and more dedicated team of GAF players that are willing to play a certain amount of games with its team members and practice. This is something akin to what pro-players do. Of course I don't expect this dedication straight off the bat but I'm definitely leaning towards the idea of having a competitive GAF team. While I don't have the specifics detailed out yet, Phoenix and I thought it would be a cool idea for GAF to actually coordinate something much more solid. If you guys are interested in doing this then please respond to this with what two roles you are best at.
Hey, I heard that GAF has its own ranked premade team but I want to actually create a more serious and more dedicated team of GAF players that are willing to play a certain amount of games with its team members and practice. This is something akin to what pro-players do. Of course I don't expect this dedication straight off the bat but I'm definitely leaning towards the idea of having a competitive GAF team. While I don't have the specifics detailed out yet, Phoenix and I thought it would be a cool idea for GAF to actually coordinate something much more solid. If you guys are interested in doing this then please respond to this with what two roles you are best at.
There was one then we lost 2 in a row and now it's dead
Says the guy playing KARMA.
Says the guy playing KARMA.
Um, Karma is legit. Jungle leona however, fucking sucks.
Would love to see M5 Counter jungle Leona try hard failures this week
Feel like doing troll builds. What's the funnest champ to stack Tiamats?
Hey, I heard that GAF has its own ranked premade team but I want to actually create a more serious and more dedicated team of GAF players that are willing to play a certain amount of games with its team members and practice. This is something akin to what pro-players do. Of course I don't expect this dedication straight off the bat but I'm definitely leaning towards the idea of having a competitive GAF team. While I don't have the specifics detailed out yet, Phoenix and I thought it would be a cool idea for GAF to actually coordinate something much more solid. If you guys are interested in doing this then please respond to this with what two roles you are best at.
Looks like I won't be on my computer for the next few days, so while i may try to get in LoL, I won't have mumble/mic available as I will be attempting t play on my parents' computers.
As far as the ranked team goes, its worth knowing what time zone everyone is in as well. I figure some sort of format would be best to keep things organized.
Summoner Name: Phoenixazure
Preferred Role: Support
Secondary Role(s): Jungler, Solo Top
Time Zone: EST
looking at leona builds. she has no dmg iteams. and her skills are AP. i don't just don't get how this champ doesn't just plateau early game and die repeatedly.
looking at leona builds. she has no dmg iteams. and her skills are AP. i don't just don't get how this champ doesn't just plateau early game and die repeatedly.
Crowd control. In Leona's case that's her stuns.CC???
Yeah, Leona is mainly played by Kiunch, who will be aggressive, try to get early kills, and be mad at you when you don't kill people as AD carry. ;( Raging Leona for life.
Sounds awesome
Summoner Name: Kayos90
Preferred Role: AP Mid
Secondary: Solo Top
Time Zone: CST
Would you say her early game harass is better than Sona's?Such haters on karma...
She has insane harass, a strong as fuck shield, a scaling % based heal, and a slow. She's perfect for an aggressive bot lane
Hey, I heard that GAF has its own ranked premade team but I want to actually create a more serious and more dedicated team of GAF players that are willing to play a certain amount of games with its team members and practice. This is something akin to what pro-players do. Of course I don't expect this dedication straight off the bat but I'm definitely leaning towards the idea of having a competitive GAF team. While I don't have the specifics detailed out yet, Phoenix and I thought it would be a cool idea for GAF to actually coordinate something much more solid. If you guys are interested in doing this then please respond to this with what two roles you are best at.
You guys act like she's the worst champ in the game :O She is a strong solo lane pick, but her damage does fall off eventually, and she works well in bot lane against sustain champs like soraka or a derpy sona.
You guys act like she's the worst champ in the game :O She is a strong solo lane pick, but her damage does fall off eventually, and she works well in bot lane against sustain champs like soraka or a derpy sona.
You guys act like she's the worst champ in the game :O She is a strong solo lane pick, but her damage does fall off eventually, and she works well in bot lane against sustain champs like soraka or a derpy sona.