I was busy lecturing these kids on etiquette and social behavior.
Me all game in team chat:
"Please guys, don't fight with each other. Be friendly!"
"If you guys fight with each other, we aren't going to win"
"Good job guys!"
"We really need to stop the fighting within the team"
"Calm down please"
"Cait, i'm sorry for not healing you but all my heals were on cooldown. I healed you whenever i could. The heal has a 19second cooldown. Can you please stop feeding now and group with the team now?"
"Don't blame him for dieing, i didn't ward there" (Said this while our trynd span into 1v5 at dragon. Might as well take the blame..)
Typing all of this while I was fuming. You just have to put up with this kind of crap and not join the fights. Put in a few smiley faces with everything you say and people tend to calm down. Needless to say, I reported my entire team and convinced the enemy team to do the same. Glad the other team weren't dicks as well.