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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I was busy lecturing these kids on etiquette and social behavior.

Me all game in team chat:

"Please guys, don't fight with each other. Be friendly!"
"If you guys fight with each other, we aren't going to win"
"Good job guys!"
"We really need to stop the fighting within the team"
"Calm down please"
"Cait, i'm sorry for not healing you but all my heals were on cooldown. I healed you whenever i could. The heal has a 19second cooldown. Can you please stop feeding now and group with the team now?"
"Don't blame him for dieing, i didn't ward there" (Said this while our trynd span into 1v5 at dragon. Might as well take the blame..)

Typing all of this while I was fuming. You just have to put up with this kind of crap and not join the fights. Put in a few smiley faces with everything you say and people tend to calm down. Needless to say, I reported my entire team and convinced the enemy team to do the same. Glad the other team weren't dicks as well.



I was busy lecturing these kids on etiquette and social behavior.



Me all game in team chat:

"Please guys, don't fight with each other. Be friendly!"
"If you guys fight with each other, we aren't going to win"
"Good job guys!"
"We really need to stop the fighting within the team"
"Calm down please"
"Cait, i'm sorry for not healing you but all my heals were on cooldown. I healed you whenever i could. The heal has a 19second cooldown. Can you please stop feeding now and group with the team now?"
"Don't blame him for dieing, i didn't ward there" (Said this while our trynd span into 1v5 at dragon. Might as well take the blame..)

Typing all of this while I was fuming. You just have to put up with this kind of crap and not join the fights. Put in a few smiley faces with everything you say and people tend to calm down. Needless to say, I reported my entire team and convinced the enemy team to do the same. Glad the other team weren't dicks as well.

That's basically what I say. Always trying to tell people that it's just a game and that we're suppose to be teammates. I even found myself apologizing for a teammate's inability to read.

Me: "I'll start at red and then gank bot"
30 seconds later - the lizard camp just spawned
*an ally has been slain*
*an ally has been slain*
Ashe: "Why didn't you come?"
Ashe (All): "Noob lee"
Me: "Sorry, that was my fault."

Same happened with Brand later on. I gave him the first blue buff (and every buff after that). He had it for a minute before dying to Leblanc and sure enough, that was my fault. He even refused to build any magic resist against her when I suggested it - "she'll keep killing you, if you don't get some resistance against her." Instead he rushed a Zonya's Hourglass. Not that it's a bad item on Brand, but it wasn't physical damage that kept killing him.

Anyways, they'd keep bitching about what I did and didn't do throughout the game. At the end Irelia joined in. I neglected her lane because I wanted to please the other lanes, but she didn't really care for my explanation.

First World Problems.



You guys should have invited me to your games. ;_;

Also if anyone raged, they should have played ARAM with us so rage was unnecessary!


But only the first mastery give you static ap, the other give you ap/lvl and bonus %. So if you don't have any runes that doesn't look to wierd I guess?

Right, and that static AP isn't added...I do have AP quint as well, but in game it just says the base character AP of 10 (+0).


There are tons of posts on reddit asking Dyrus to play different games in between LoL games.

Well yeah, he always plays Worms or Tetris or something. Didn't bother me, just didn't even notice he wasn't playing league ;p CLG eu is scrimming / ranked 5s atm so watching that now


ha! The jungling fight is always funny. People fighting in chat for jungle or someone who wants to solo and can't because nobody is jungling, rages and goes afk...

Oh gawd, don't remind me. I remember once in a solo q ranked game, I was the last one to pick and the team told me to jungle. I ended up going with jungle Shaco and then Yi says something like "Ok, fuck this, I hate noob Shacos, I'm gonna jungle." Then after I smited blue (he didn't take smite and therefore couldn't steal it), he tried to jungle in the enemy's jungle while calling me useless the entire game.

We both ended up doing really well - he went 9/4/10 or something like that and I went 8/0/11 - but he was still calling me a noob and useless as the enemy nexus was blowing up and despite both teams saying I was the better player lol.
I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

And does the game have noob/beginner leagues to start out in, like SC2?
I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

And does the game have noob/beginner leagues to start out in, like SC2?

It has a level system and an elo system, so as you progress you'll play with people of your own level and skill.

You can, of course, play with GAF.


When you start out you will be "Level 1", you ascend levels as you play the game. Ideally you will be matched with people of similar levels, though the game might need a few games to adjust and see whether you are "smurfing" (making a new account, but going into it with a lot of experience).

The game is free! Once you install, there is a tutorial available. After playing a few games you should peruse some guides to get some opinions on characters; choose a character who's skillset you enjoy and learn the basics.


Just finished a game with a 0-22-2 Vayne. Intentional troll, maybe, but he looked like he was trying.

Oh, and the other team's Veigar was so annoying. Everyone on his own damn team even reported him. Constantly trash talking, saying how awesome he was, and on and on.

I love to hate this game.

I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

And does the game have noob/beginner leagues to start out in, like SC2?

Tanks only thrive with people who know what they are doing. If other players follow the tank, focus the tank's target, and know a tank's abilities...tanks are amazing. Randoms? People leave you to die. ALL THE TIME.


I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

Tanks are characters that are able to take alot of damage, distrupting the other team through stuns/slows/whatever, and basically trying make the team want to target you. Unlike wow this isn't about aggro (well cause you're facing humans) and there's very little Taunt like abilities (2 or 3 in the game?).

Ways to get the other team to target you:

-Just being in the way. Lots of lesser skilled people will want to just hit whatever is closest. Just being near the other team can draw fire away from your squishies.

-Having an oracles. Oracle is an item that lets you see stealthed people/wards, it costs 400g (which is pretty sizable amount) but you lose it upon death. So lots of teams want to kill whoever has that asap, and sometimes overrides their "Must not chase tank" thoughts.

-Having enough CC, stuns, items and positioning that you will not let them get into range of your squishies. Sometimes a tank can do their job so good and your teammates positioned so well that they *must* kill you if they want to get to the rest of your team.

There's also two general subtypes of tanks:

1. Tanky dps. There's a lot of these. Generally characters that can build up to be very durable but still dish it out. They usually lack the amount of CC straight up tanks have to counter the damage they can pull.

2. Straight up tank. They rely mostly on CC, and don't pull in much damage. Leona, Sejuani and Amumu are some of them.


Lost 7 in a row today as Singed. Outside of 2 games where I was solo top vs ranged (Caitlyn/Sona and a Teemo/Sona) with no gank-relief, I don't feel like I did bad at all. I'd say I put up better stats than I have with most champs lately. That is part of the reason I kept going. But there at the end, it turned into some kind of weird experiment in the mathematics of probability.

This is one of the few times I've played in the afternoon hours, and I'm not sure I've seen the community worse. So much trolling, afk'ing, raging, swearing, racial/sexual slurs, and the like. So many 'noob champs', and 'noob teams.' Even saw Trynds dying to lizards (at lvl6!).

One of the worse was this guy with 600 wins. Did pretty much everything on the report player list right from the start. It is just amazing you could sink so much time into a game (I'd imagine he had even more losses) and still act like such a goober in it (not to mention die to minions twice, not know about poppy/walls, Noct, etc.)


You guys need to play around noon. It's blissful, the kids are all at school and I actually had a good conversation for a few games running before I got a BR pre-made.


I'm mystified by their item choices.

edit: Vlad free week... FUCK

Vlad? awesome. I wanted to try him before dropping the ip.

Interested in trying Leona and playing a little more Katarina too. Kat was free the week I started playing. Liked her.

Personally I'm making some progress since playing some games with GAF. I sucked it up bad enough I wanted to gain some more levels/xp before trying again. I picked up Irelia and have been doing much better overall. I usually have a good time top and end up with a solid team contribution. She's a little less squishy than Vayne too which helps. And I finally have flash.
I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

I think Cho'Gath is free this week. He's an excellent tanky DPS. You can build him very tankily but it's hard not to ignore him because he can knockup, slow, silence and still dish out good damage. His ult has a pretty low cooldown and ignores defense and it also makes him even tankier due to bonus health.

I'm not good at him though since I just bought him. Tank Soraka is a pretty funny one that very often works for me. She's got an ability that shreds enemy magic resist (up to negatives), silences and heals and buffs defense so it's awesome. I had so many instances where the enemy died trying to kill me since they didn't notice their magic resist was waaaaay below zero.


Last night, I had a 50 min game where I got to farm a lot of gold as Soraka. I had Merc Treads, Frozen Heart, 2x Warmog, Force of Nature and a Thornmail. The other enemy team had 4 AD champs and none of them had magic resist. Their Yi basically keeps on suiciding when he attacks me because of Thornmail and having negative magic resist. XD I know I could've went for a Randuin instead of another Warmog but we were already winning anyway.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
I know morg is strong mid. But I see all these people who lane with Morg and end up leaving the mid to lux or trist. And my team still loses. I know I am to blame as well. But common I can hold mid for pretty long without dieing.


I know morg is strong mid. But I see all these people who lane with Morg and end up leaving the mid to lux or trist. And my team still loses. I know I am to blame as well. But common I can hold mid for pretty long without dieing.

Team lane comp is always trick in solo queue, and people don't realize that Morgana can hold her hold pretty well.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I know morg is strong mid. But I see all these people who lane with Morg and end up leaving the mid to lux or trist. And my team still loses. I know I am to blame as well. But common I can hold mid for pretty long without dieing.
You're not 30 yet right? Expect everyone to not really know what's going on.


I'm kind of thinking about getting into this game. The brief stuff I've read made mention of "tank" roles. As an avid tank from my hardcore WoW days, I'd love to get more info on this aspect of the game.

And does the game have noob/beginner leagues to start out in, like SC2?

PD! my zerg brother.

I will give you tips in the GAF channel!


Just use them for now. Combine them later.

Making a new account doesn't magically fix anything. You start off with 0 IP. At least with this account you have SOMETHING.
Beat LeBlanc and Veigar with Garen mid. He is an immovable object for most mages. With mercury treads and the passive from W, I have 117 MR early in the game. Plus he can shield for when a burst comes. Garen mid- you heard it here first.


Beat LeBlanc and Veigar with Garen mid. He is an immovable object for most mages. With mercury treads and the passive from W, I have 117 MR early in the game. Plus he can shield for when a burst comes. Garen mid- you heard it here first.
Someone (Turnip?) actually did that one day too when we didn't have a mid or something. I assume we lost the game, but they did fine mid versus whatever mage was there.

I tried Kassadin in a bot game today. He feels like he has high cooldowns and doesn't do as much damage as Annie, it's kind of weird. Sort of fun though.
Someone (Turnip?) actually did that one day too when we didn't have a mid or something. I assume we lost the game, but they did fine mid versus whatever mage was there.

I tried Kassadin in a bot game today. He feels like he has high cooldowns and doesn't do as much damage as Annie, it's kind of weird. Sort of fun though.

I am TurnipKnight! And we won that game!
Haven't touch Dominion in a while, so I played a match and it wasn't this miserable experience like I had before! Vlad, Leona, Corki, and Mord free this week? Choices, choices, and more choices.


people have no sense of teamwork. i go in, no one followed up. pussy ass nooblets blaming me for losing, really I was the one who carried you sorry asses.

wtf is this shit? I suppose I should be glad this is really the first douchey post I've read in the thread.
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