Karmas not bad, her "weakness" is that shes not a better AP mage than the real AP mages and shes not a better early game support than sona/soraka etc.
Digging jungle Shyvana. Not entirely sure what I'm doing (only jungled a handful of times) but been trying to get lanes early kills with surprise/exhaust. - I've been going tanky with some AD, then late game ult-ing into team fights, using all her abilities and hoping my team can win while they focus me. Seems like 1 death in return for the team getting 4 or 5 kills might be an okay trade off.
Biggest issue seems to be my teams taking jungle creeps after about 10-15 minutes. Not sure if that is common thing or not, but running back and forth trying to cover/hold needy lanes starts leaving me behind on xp/gold when there's no quick creeps to snag in between.
looking at leona builds. she has no dmg iteams. and her skills are AP. i don't just don't get how this champ doesn't just plateau early game and die repeatedly.
Such haters on karma...
She has insane harass, a strong as fuck shield, a scaling % based heal, and a slow. She's perfect for an aggressive bot lane
Karmas not bad, her "weakness" is that shes not a better AP mage than the real AP mages and shes not a better early game support than sona/soraka etc.
naGAF/Believe VS Kayos' team. Let's see who can get the better elo. May the best team win.
It's funny that in our team, each person has at least 3 roles.
Man, Vlad with a WotA and a Vlad without a WotA is night and day. The game shouldn't let you buy other items (besides boots, wards and pots) until you own one.
I can play any role, I'm just a terrible jungler. >.>Bind can play any role
UFO can play any role
Rizzle can play any role
Star can play any role
Rex can play any role
Kiunch can play any role
Achtius can only play 3 roles![]()
naGAF/Believe VS Kayos' team. Let's see who can get the better elo. May the best team win.
It's funny that in our team, each person has at least 3 roles.
Huh, they're updating bot mode finally.
I love Ahri <3
Are you level 30? Some of those item builds are awful.
besides buying 2 infi's its not that bad.
And yet he was the best on his team with two IE's!besides buying 2 infi's its not that bad.
And yet Mundo was the best on his team with two warmogs!2 Warmogs isn't bad? Wut?
If this is true, hooray! It is about time that yordles got equal rights. Turnip and I have been campaigning for ages.New champion is a Yordle!
Maybe they'll be an AD carry yordle with an explosive shot that knocks enemies away, and a bomb/rocket jump that makes them lands on people's heads.It's nothing much, just a champion sneak peek: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-sneak-peek-ziggs-hexplosives-expert
look at who he was fighting. a dude with no shoes..... man i wish i faced peopl like those.And yet he was the best on his team with two IE's!
Who had no shoes?look at who he was fighting. a dude with no shoes..... man i wish i faced peopl like those.
Who had no shoes?
My bad, I was actually looking at the wrong scoreboard posted above.The Viktor, but that's understandable given his passive.
I single-handedly defended the final two turrets against a Mundo, a Twitch and a Skarner by murdering them.
It's nothing much, just a champion sneak peek: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/champion-sneak-peek-ziggs-hexplosives-expert
Q: Lay Waste-esque farming tool, grenade
W: Gas tool to slow enemies in a radius like Smokescreen, grenade
E: Steroid that buffs all grenade and auto attacks (he eats a grenade)
R: Heimer's E with a blind and stun in a perimeter that is on a short cooldown, also a grenade
My guesses