Yeah, I was mostly being silly. I hadn't played in aegis and did especially bad when I went back into PVP.

Yeah, I was mostly being silly. I hadn't played in aegis and did especially bad when I went back into PVP.
You might be on to something.Wow, I just realized Ziggs is an AYBABTU reference. He uses bombs, "launch all ZIGG," etc. Nerd-five, Riot.
People probably won't end up playing Ziggs seriously.
Do I have to underline the word "seriously"? Popularity on the first day is pretty meaningless. Also the last few champs released have been bad or fill very niche roles.he's the most popular champ i've seen in a couple of months
There are rules to ARAM and ARAB? lolol
At least someone appreciated it!
Do I have to underline the word "seriously"?
You might be on to something.
First time hearing "TERMINATED".
Did you keep blue buff? Do you think he could last hit farm instead of harassing?After messing around with some with Ziggs, I can def say he's needs 21 in utility.
Even with mana regen yellows, dorans ring into catalyst I couldn't keep up the harass
There are rules to ARAM and ARAB? lolol
yeah yeah he can last hit farm like everyone else in the goddamn game but his Q ain't shitDid you keep blue buff? Do you think he could last hit farm instead of harassing?
There's ARAB? I never played this one.
There's ARAB? I never played this one.
I didn't hear Terminated at all...
Was about to post the zigg jungle video. Interesting way to jungle. Fits into the aoe jungle meta quite well. Quite prone to counter jungle though.
Wonder how his ganks are. Satchel + mines if used correctly could be pretty brutal.
Kings of Europe picks and bans statistics:
Sona perceived to be better than Soraka, but the numbers show otherwise.
Kings of Europe picks and bans statistics:
Sona perceived to be better than Soraka, but the numbers show otherwise.
Is Rammus overpowered? Or is he simply an efficient champ? I ALWAYS see him banned, it's pretty much guarantee, but I don't play with enough Rammi to know if they can sway games or not.
how does sivir feel guys?
I imagine it'd be better for ganking than laning/sustain/harass only because some people are complaining that it's hard to keep his mana up. In a ganking situation one wouldn't have to worry about it as much. Satchel+mines would be good against counter jungles too...
how does sivir feel guys?
I like how one of the designers more or less outright say that vlad's design is hilariously stupid and shouldn't have ever been made...
and then they buff him
just fought one and i feel like tearing my hair out. definitely new must ban/pick
Maybe I should pick up ashe since I need a second AD, and she got some loving this patch.
Maybe I should pick up ashe since I need a second AD, and she got some loving this patch.
Is Rammus overpowered? Or is he simply an efficient champ? I ALWAYS see him banned, it's pretty much guarantee, but I don't play with enough Rammi to know if they can sway games or not.
I wouldn't say overpowered. It's just that noone wants to deal with him. You need to maintain wards to avoid gank and that's not something everyone wants to do in solo queue
Maybe I should pick up ashe since I need a second AD, and she got some loving this patch.
I've seen more Vlads lately, too. They all trash talk non-stop, or whine one. Most seem to think their pool will protect them from everything, so they can dive, 1v5, etc. Funny stuff, even better then they have summoner names like, "TheBloodLord" or whatnot.
I've started spamming /L during fights, my stats have improved all around.
New guy looks interesting, and I'm still wanting a new champ. But not sure I need another bursty-mid that I won't play. Been wanting Rammus for a while, but looks like he's got the #1 ticket on the nerf train.
Want that Janna skin, 120rp short. Grr.
Dominion bots seem kind of weak. The Scoring is still silly, too.
That's good to hear. He can really hurt another AD champ top, but Jax can feel pretty useless if he winds up laning against an AP champ. The jungle seems like an alright fit for him because he can't be countered like that.The Jax buffs really gave his jungle a boost. I'm actually starting to like it more than his laning...
being able to stun whenever you like is sooooo sweet for ganking
She has big tits, fits your criteria