Well crap how can I say no to them titties!
riot basically owns you now
Well crap how can I say no to them titties!
0-5 graves
over nerfed confirmed
I haven't seen a good Ziggs yet. His ultimate makes for some hilarious moments but otherwise all I see are mana-starved Ziggs spamming their mines hoping someone will walk though more then 3 of them.
You should roll Rammy anyways. I mean they already nerfed him so maybe Riot thinks that's good enough. He's fun to play especially if you don't have any other tanks you normally play.
I haven't seen a good Ziggs yet. His ultimate makes for some hilarious moments but otherwise all I see are mana-starved Ziggs spamming their mines hoping someone will walk though more then 3 of them.
Apparently a new Leona Skin was included (not yet released): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPiUObqw5rw&feature=g-u-u&context=G2934af3FUAAAAAAAEAA
So that bitch riding on the boar. Is she good?
So that bitch riding on the boar. Is she good?
Sona perceived to be better than Soraka, but the numbers show otherwise.
Wait, 1300+ is considered ELO hell? I thought 1200 was supposed to be average/normal/starting ELO. You should come on down to my level at like, -800.![]()
She felt super weak in the jungle to me. Innately, she is a really bad tank, and her early jungling just feels like she doesn't belong there at all, even though her kit is obviously designed for that.She was fun to me when I was just running around for fun and commentating at soda cop. Then he tried her and hated her. However I was laning and he jungled.
People playing bots probably don't care too much about being competitive in PVP, they may just have fun playing bots.
Unfortunately, with new psychic bot Karthus, playing bots is no longer relaxing. =( Also insta-cleanse bots.
In a bot game, he killed a Vayne on my team like four times in a row with his ult from across the map. It was hilarious.lol,
I'm confused at what the remark is then.In a bot game, he killed a Vayne on my team like four times in a row with his ult from across the map. It was hilarious.
Which remark? I am likewise confused. =(I'm confused at what the remark is then.
This is why I hate playing ranked. Look at Nasus' build then factor in that he's diving the turret 1v5 and dying and feeding graves.
ELO hell is a bitch.
I'm not talking about who the better support is. She was picked 3 times more than Soraka because people thought she was better. Everyone apart from CLG.EU had that perception of her (they like to run Janna instead). She was first picked in a lot of the games if the team didn't go for Sivir. They obviously didn't see her as OP because then she'd probably be banned.Not sure I agree with this.
Sona was picked so many more times than Soraka, almost 3 times as many.
I don't think this an accurate reflection of who the better support is. I'm not saying I think Sona is better, just that I don't think these stats say much about these two characters, especially in "Who's better?" terms.
Karma kit proposed Everyone seems to like changes. Guinsoo excited.
First pass of Karma changes complete. Hopefully ready for testing soon. Can't wait to try her Heavenly Wave with a knockback (mantra)!
OMG they remembered Karma exists.
I am prob gonna play one last game tomrrow b4 I delete lol off my comp. Not that I don't like it. It's just that I should focus on my school work more. And this game is not helping. So hope to see you all on my summer break. Bye.
I wonder why I don't see more Xin players out there. I had a fantastic game last night with him doing my first quadrakill ^^. But besides from that his sustain with a vampiric scepter in the jungle is incredible. And I think his ganks are pretty good as well.
We tried southern, we tried
We can only carry so hard.
Because he melts so easily. He dives in and he dies straight away in the current meta.
Wukong is pretty much the same as Xin but wukong has an escape and his ult is a strong CC.
I joined a dominion game by accident today. Hadn't played it since the release. Is there some kind of meta or do you just jerk around with random champions? I had tons of fun playing AP Sejuani and bullying everyone.