Forget Karma; why won't they buff Shen?![]()
Shen has been getting reworks for a month or two now. They just haven't gone live yet.
Forget Karma; why won't they buff Shen?![]()
Wait, 1300+ is considered ELO hell? I thought 1200 was supposed to be average/normal/starting ELO. You should come on down to my level at like, -800.![]()
I wonder why I don't see more Xin players out there. I had a fantastic game last night with him doing my first quadrakill ^^. But besides from that his sustain with a vampiric scepter in the jungle is incredible. And I think his ganks are pretty good as well.
He's a great jungler. It's just when it comes to team fights, he really has no way of escaping. If you get focused, peace out xin.
I've experienced elo hell from 1300-1600 range. There's no escaping it!
He's a great jungler. It's just when it comes to team fights, he really has no way of escaping. If you get focused, peace out xin.
The only real meta is to send one to the bottom and three top while one captures the mid turret.
Other than that, it's all about them counter picks.
Heavy ad enemy team? Grab Malphite, Urgot, etc.
Heavy ap? Kassadin, Galio.
They managed to get Yorick? Send sivir bot.
You want to try for balanced damaged, such as two AP and three AD with one dedicated tank with heavy CC, preferably low CDs as well.
Hmm... I'm getting the point. Then it seems that the other team was really just to stupid to shut me down. But what about Skarner who is considered as one of the top junglers these days, isn't he lacking of an escape too (or even Shyvana as well)?
Edit: Thinking of this it comes to my mind that Shyv or Skarner maybe fit more into the Tank role, and dont need to build AD as Xin, no?
I keep lying to myself and saying there's an end in sight.Everywhere is ELO HELL.
Okay, my games were nothing like that. It was all ad except for me. Everyone running around with Thornmail and stacking ad items.
why did you say 'Reported' there? I see no reason for that in the conversation shown in the screenshot. Or were you offended by the word 'fucked' ?
So, I finally got my DOTA2 beta invite.
Back to LoL.
So, I finally got my DOTA2 beta invite.
Back to LoL.
So, I finally got my DOTA2 beta invite.
Back to LoL.
I was trying to avoid derailing this thread too much but I'll throw my bit to the pile -- I tried it, and some things about it seemed decent, but figuring out the user interface/store/item etc. stuff was probably the most confusing to me. I also hated that it was so hard to try to get a humans versus bots game with random people going. If there was a way to get matched with noobs and beat down bot teams so I could become more comfortable with the controls and items, that would be great, and it'll probably happen eventually.Never played dota b4. Played first 2 dota2 matches ever with windrunner. 1st one went 17/4 and lost due to an afk underleveled. 2nd went 4/9 and won. Both were hour long games. I think it's alright, just the store needs to be friendlier for noobs
So, I finally got my DOTA2 beta invite.
Back to LoL.
i'd play dota 2 more if my friends played it
i mean irl friendszigs is a great dominion hero apparently
thats not what you told me
also surrender option plz
DOTA2 is so...BORING...
really? I find summoners rift to be excruciatingly boring
dominion is the best parts of LoL (lategame spell spam, skirmishes) in a short period of time
which is why its so much more fun
If that's the only part you enjoy, sure.
DotA 2 reminded me of an extended farming/laning period.
You must be playing a different game than me. :huh
I only played bot games last night, so today I dived into my first Ziggs PVP game, featuring my friend the Super Teemo.
I'm not as pro as I'd like to be, but at least my team carried me. =D
I am insane, and yet playing him as Explosive Teemo is too amusing to ignore. >_> I tried a more AD-oriented build with bots and was getting crits over 800 damage, and that may not be counting the bonus attack damage crit. The problem is, without crazy mana regen and/or cooldown reduction, you won't be able to use abilities often enough for the autoattack damage boost to happen very often.Cool build![]()
I wish zigg had a 0.7+ scaling on his passive. If he did, i would have instantly bought him to go bot to stir up the meta.
Wit's end, rylai, DC, lichbane
If only.