The first game was. Super is way more moba than shooter.That's way more FPS than Moba.
The first game was. Super is way more moba than shooter.That's way more FPS than Moba.
So, how do I play Corki?
The first game was. Super is way more moba than shooter.
I do not play Corki, but that doesn't sound right at all. Machine gun is strong in particular because of its armor shred, which you don't need that much of early game.ok srsly how do I play Corki?
1 point in Valkyrie, 1 point in AoE cloud, max machine gun and bombs?
ok srsly how do I play Corki?
1 point in Valkyrie, 1 point in AoE cloud, max machine gun and bombs?
I'm still pretty new but I never found point order to be important. Put your your points where you think you need them at the time. I would personally put early point points in phos. bomb and machine gun to get good harass on the other champs.
As far as build goes, I've always done like boots, 3 health, beserker's, trinity force, and so on
I'm still pretty new but I never found point order to be important. Put your your points where you think you need them at the time. I would personally put early point points in phos. bomb and machine gun to get good harass on the other champs.
As far as build goes, I've always done like boots, 3 health, beserker's, trinity force, and so on
I would be bored of LoL too if I only played Dominion.forgot to link this a while ago
this kind of shows how bored of LoL we are
As a community person I doubt she would mind, but I don't really know.OffTopic: I walked into a small Korean joint at lunch today and saw the same face I see every time I start League of Legends... Nikasaur. Didn't say anything to her though because it seemed like it would be rude.
As a community person I doubt she would mind, but I don't really know.
As a community person I doubt she would mind, but I don't really know.
Damn this epic burnI would be bored of LoL too if I only played Dominion.
Smite looks so campy and has janky animations. Sorry ferrio bro.Bah, fine. I'll test this new rough ass game solo!
Damn this epic burn
Smite looks so campy and has janky animations. Sorry ferrio bro.
Skar skar...skarner.Blizzard! It worked, Riot refunded me my 6300IP for Skarner, thanks so much for the suggestion![]()
Jungle rework + buff, which included lower health cost to Burning Agony.Haven't played this game in a while after moving over to DOTA 2; why is Mundo suddenly godlike? He was absolute terrible tier when I played.
Leesin was hardly buffed, people just didn't recongise the true potential of having 7 frigging different abilities at once.
His passive got a major buff. His ult got a buff. His Q's missile speed got buffed. All this like a day after he came out cuz he was so bad. So yea I would say he got a significant buff.
I would be bored of LoL too if I only played Dominion.
And think about whats scary about Lee Sin right now - it's his early game ganking power and his extreme mobility. His powerful early game comes from his high base damages, which have hardly been changed and maybe even nerfed over time. What I'm saying is that the buffs or not wouldn't matter, Lee Sin was secretly strong on release. Just like it took everybody 5 months to realise cassiopeia was a goddess!I bought lee on release day and he was pretty useless. His only use was to steal dragon and only that. And baron but i doubt your team had the mentality to sit through a game for that long with a lee on your team.
His buffs include:
0.8 to 1.0 scaling on Q
0.6 to 1.0 scaling on E
1.5 to 2.0 scaling on R
and plus 5 energy restoration per hit on passive
reducing 10energy use on every skill
They buffed everything on him since he did absolutely no damage and failed as a tank. He was like a more mobile evelyn.
From then, his Q got nerfed by 0.1 and its cooldown got increased along with some base damage tweaks. His shield's range got nerfed by 50 range.
And that's it. He is pretty balanced now. No way was he balanced on release though.
SR VS DOMINION FIGHTwe switched to dominion because summoners rift is the more boring thing ever
pretty much since dominion came out...
in the end you're playing league
He's getting a nerf as a jungler, his laning is still weak. And the idea that he is as strong as ever is laughable. He was much more interesting before in terms of having a unique build and playstyle. Now he's just a standard AD champ with some bruiser capability. He used to have so much more survivability, and his damage was much more consistent. Now he's just a stunbot really.I still crushed all my lanes knowing that he was still strong as ever.
Now his the fotm and his getting a nerf in the draven patch
He can be good in certain matchups and will win lanes he can control. I'm really exaggerating and it's bad. Personally though, I do not think he is a strong laner versus the most popular picks right now. Champs like Vlad, Lee Sin, Udyr, Renekton, Olaf, and even Teemo are out there regularly, and I don't feel like they are good matchups for Jax. His problems are complicated when some of the best junglers are Mundo and Udyr.What, Jax is a monster top - his level 6 dueling skills arg
He's getting a nerf as a jungler, his laning is still weak. And the idea that he is as strong as ever is laughable. He was much more interesting before in terms of having a unique build and playstyle. Now he's just a standard AD champ with some bruiser capability. He used to have so much more survivability, and his damage was much more consistent. Now he's just a stunbot really.
Nobody is afraid of Jax top lane anymore. He was the strongest duelist in the game but they took that away so he's stuck jungling.
Okay, what are good junglers not reliant on a rune page?
Okay, what are good junglers not reliant on a rune page?
Warwick is not a good jungler. >.>
Okay, what are good junglers not reliant on a rune page?
draven..... so hard.... but so strong....
That's what...she said???
That's what...she said???
One of the safest yeah. Fastest? Nooo. Even Soraka can clear faster.He's one of the safest/fastest junglers without runes. His ganks pre-6 might not be terrifying, but he gets the job done.
I just instalocked Darius in Dominion. Anyone have Draven impressions?Everyonoe was picking Darius. Everyone.
I just instalocked Darius in Dominion. Anyone have Draven impressions?
One of the safest yeah. Fastest? Nooo. Even Soraka can clear faster.
... actually Soraka probably jungles better than Warwick pre-6. with Q and W. : |
If you're being serious, does this mean the forums are going to be filled with things calling him OP again? :|easily the hardest carry in the game.