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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
How hard is Leona to use as a support? I can only play Alistar bot because he's a CC beast I guess. Tried using Taric and Janna and I sucked hard.

Knowing when to initiate is probably the hardest part. Since if you land a wrong Zenith Blade, you will pay for it.

It all depends on how good your carry is really. All you really need to do is land your Zenith Blade and stun, then leave the rest to your carry to follow up on the kill. Works best with Corki and Graves.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world

Sej top OP.


What would you pick as 5th pick if the other four players on your team have picked Mordekaiser, Fiddlestick (jungle), Akali and Fizz? And why would you pick Fizz after already having 2½ AP and ½ AD on the team?


I love how this LeBlanc calls everyone but her bad because she is dominating early game.

I sure do hate ranked.


What would you pick as 5th pick if the other four players on your team have picked Mordekaiser, Fiddlestick (jungle), Akali and Fizz? And why would you pick Fizz after already having 2½ AP and ½ AD on the team?

Galio? Isn't he naturally MR tanky? Or Jax and build AP?

Edit: Woops DP.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What would you pick as 5th pick if the other four players on your team have picked Mordekaiser, Fiddlestick (jungle), Akali and Fizz?
I would pick Sejuani and go top. That team comp already sounds like a loss to be honest, so just play whatever you want.
What would you pick as 5th pick if the other four players on your team have picked Mordekaiser, Fiddlestick (jungle), Akali and Fizz? And why would you pick Fizz after already having 2½ AP and ½ AD on the team?

I'd say Ashe, ranged AD with a stun to keep them in place for Fiddle. Soraka/Janna also always work.


i am on

i like ranked

But you're scary when you lose. :O

Is this a wrong mind set for solo top: if I've lost my first tower and the minions are pushing, should I keep last hitting or try to push back to his tower? I tend to just last hit and let the minions push towards me so I can farm safely especially when wards are down.


I would pick Sejuani and go top. That team comp already sounds like a loss to be honest, so just play whatever you want.

Morde went top against Darius. But yeah, that was a loss. Laning phase was decent but the team fights were one sided. They just bot some early MR and one Abyssal Scepter. Couldn't touch them.

They managed to convince me in champ select that we'd be able to win. Don't know why I listened instead of dodging.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is this a wrong mind set for solo top: if I've lost my first tower and the minions are pushing, should I keep last hitting or try to push back to his tower? I tend to just last hit and let the minions push towards me so I can farm safely especially when wards are down.
Depends on what's happening on the map and what happened earlier in the game. If their top lane is going and capitalizing on having won the lane and not needing to be there then you're going to miss out on having map presence in the mid game, and you become a non-entity for the most part. You want to push it back when you have control of the top lane and feel comfortable they can't defend or farm the CS at the tower.

You only really need to farm safely if you are really getting stomped in lane and are way behind on CS, or know you can't push their tower because their top is still top. Keep an eye on where they are on the map and act appropriately. You also have to know what your team can handle with and without you, and still be involved in defending/taking mid or dragon.


Junior Member
What would you pick as 5th pick if the other four players on your team have picked Mordekaiser, Fiddlestick (jungle), Akali and Fizz? And why would you pick Fizz after already having 2½ AP and ½ AD on the team?
Morde solo top, fidd jungle, fizz mid and akali n you bot.

Now I don't know Akali well enough to suggest a good partner but it should be able to work with her in support role. At least should be decent.
Well, Skarner sure is the biggest pile of crap I've ever wasted 6300IP on. I feel scammed, but then I feel that way after buying any 6300IP champion.

Awful clear speeds, massively mana-reliant, no gap closers, pre-6 ganks are all luck based. Actually furious that I allowed myself to waste 6300IP on him.

I wish Riot would just introduce an optional subscription system so I wouldn't have to buy individual champions for such ridiculous prices, or if they stopped scamming us with their RP system.

Skarner is amazing!

Although you won't see the same payoff in solo that would you see in 5s, Skarner is an excellent champion that can suppress move an enemy hero into your team.

Honestly it's fairly OP.
Rayven, 2 suggestions:

1) At the end game screen, add in a counter for how many wards purchased. This will incentivize players to purchase and place wards since it's being tracked. It also gives another, good measure to how effective the support was in game. Assists are good, but junglers should also get a good amount of assists. A ward counter would make it more apparent.

2) At the end game screen, we should be able to view any player's particular rune/mastery setup for that match. LoL is about being accessible and making available information easy to access. Well, that information is already available if you search their summoner profile, but that doesn't mean it's easy to access. It also makes it easier to improve; when looking at the results, it's much easier to know why you were effective/ineffective that particular match.

But you're scary when you lose. :O

Is this a wrong mind set for solo top: if I've lost my first tower and the minions are pushing, should I keep last hitting or try to push back to his tower? I tend to just last hit and let the minions push towards me so I can farm safely especially when wards are down.

1) Then don't lose when you're on my team. :)
2) I tend to rage against myself. Hell, check the first page for an injoke about my self-rage.


Losing games always seems to be my fault no matter what lane I'm in, even if my team gets baited at Baron and dies twice to the most obvious baits (Nocturne soloing Baron, LeBlanc idling outside of Baron bush).

Oh well, my ELO is really low now but luckily I don't really care about it. I guess the experience is more important.

^Southern - I'm not very good so yeah. Just throwing the caveat out there. I only started playing really for a few months.


Losing games always seems to be my fault no matter what lane I'm in, even if my team gets baited at Baron and dies twice.
Who cares whose fault it was, just try to find what you could've done better that game.

2) At the end game screen, we should be able to view any player's particular rune/mastery setup for that match. LoL is about being accessible and making available information easy to access. Well, that information is already available if you search their summoner profile, but that doesn't mean it's easy to access. It also makes it easier to improve; when looking at the results, it's much easier to know why you were effective/ineffective that particular match.
Protip: select an enemy champion and mouseover their green stats to indirectly find out what runes they are running!


Who cares whose fault it was, just try to find what you could've done better that game.

Protip: select an enemy champion and mouseover their green stats to indirectly find out what runes they are running!

I guess you're right.
We've all had those moments, right?

Just yesterday I had a Q/R combo as Graves go wildly wrong.

I just lost 10 ELO because my client crashed at the champ select screen. :((((((((


sparkle this bitch
How hard is Leona to use as a support? I can only play Alistar bot because he's a CC beast I guess. Tried using Taric and Janna and I sucked hard.
She is harder than Alistar, since Alistar is pretty forgiving. Heal, Good Damage, Good Tankiness, Charge, CC, etc. Leona doesn't have the heal, her CC isn't as strong, and her Charge is slower and more difficult to land.

If I'd recommend it, a Support Jarv maybe actually better. More Damage and a better gap closer. He compliments a range AD carry very well.

If you are intent on Leona. Its all about timing that combo and there isn't any trick to it, other than loads of practice and hours of experience. Unlike Alistar who can make a mistake and still recover fairly easily. She can't.


started playing only draft so I can used to the format and play my other characters more. Looking to get to 20 soon so I can play ranked.


Played some smite today. It's a 3rd person moba that just went beta this weekend. It's kinda rough right now, item choices are pretty bland.. and I'm not sure how serious the game can be played. They take a lot of cues from LoL *alot* more than dota. That said it's a neat take on the genre. My only big complaint so far is the champions are really bland. It's 20 bucks to get into the beta with starter pack if you feel like trying it out, but it'll eventually be F2P (though you'll have these champs unlocked permenantly come release)


Also... if you think LoL has no shame with boobs...

Some screens



No shame.


All the heros are a mythlogical creature/god.

The budda baby thing is terrifyingly ugly.

Oh and there's a cat with *huge* tits. Only like 12 heros or something right now too.


Junior Member
I'm on a monstrous losing streak right now, someone give me some motivation to play this game again..
How about just having fun and playing a bot game or two with new champs?? I hardly even play normal since I am constantly learning new chars with bot and it becomes sooo relaxing once you have a char down and can simply own.
Unless you play support and your partner sucks. :p


Well, Skarner sure is the biggest pile of crap I've ever wasted 6300IP on. I feel scammed, but then I feel that way after buying any 6300IP champion.

Awful clear speeds, massively mana-reliant, no gap closers, pre-6 ganks are all luck based. Actually furious that I allowed myself to waste 6300IP on him.

I wish Riot would just introduce an optional subscription system so I wouldn't have to buy individual champions for such ridiculous prices, or if they stopped scamming us with their RP system.

I've read that Riot will refund a champ purchase if you really don't like it. They probably don't do it frequently for the same account but it wouldn't hurt to hit up support.


what what what
You missed the like, double IP weekend (which might still be going through today). =/

I think I only got 4000 IP or so out of it, but now I have 7000 or so so I can purchase Draven. Sadly it sounds like he won't be incredibly OP on release, but I can dream. Were any underpowered 6300 IP champions ever buffed to viable levels post-release?


Got about 12K IP this weekend and spent them all on runes. Then I realized I wanted to build an Akali page but now I have no IP.

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