Hate this game sometimes.
Learn to carry.
Hate this game sometimes.
Learn to carry.
Hate this game sometimes.
Since we have so many champions to choose from. I'd thought I would pose a question.
Who is your favorite champion in terms of personality and why?
I don't normally make such obvious brain farts (like standing in Karthus's defile auto attacking a hurt ADC).
Fiora because pretty pictures. And that (hamfisted) French accent.
Who is your favorite champion in terms of personality and why?
I like skarner because he's a sega fan and kog maw because he's pretty like me.
Fiora because pretty pictures. And that (hamfisted) French accent.
Her voice actress (Karen Strassman) does French voice overs, actually. I find it weird that they had to go over-the-top for her Fiora accent :/
Her accent is so dumb and over-the-top. And I should know, I'm French and half of my family has the silliest thickest accents I've ever heard.
Maybe I'm just a Fiora fanboy (I totally am).
LoL's style is quite over the top though. I think it fits.
Haha, "Maybe I am a fanboy. And by maybe I mean I have a binder full of fanart, and love letters, and dried-up sacrificial killings of various rodents."
Haha, "Maybe I am a fanboy. And by maybe I mean I have a binder full of fanart, and love letters, and dried-up sacrificial killings of various rodents."
True. I like her voice work in general, just find the over-the-top accent of it unnecessary. I'm hoping to be able to use Fiora more in Season 3.
Oh God yes. She needs an update to make her more viable in 5 v 5. A slow on her Q and some extra survivability would do.
Sanguine Blade is the key. I had less than 100 health and managed to life steal through a full health Mundo 1 on 1 for the kill and went straight back to full health. Carried the game 15/5.
She needs to be a better duelist. Since, y'know, she's The Grand Duelist.
She likes on-hit in general. Wit's End gives her the kind of dueling power she needs (and it applies per hit on her ult) and she benefits greatly from Sanguine's stacking AD/LS% and Blade of the Ruined King's ... well, everything. I'm interested in seeing if she gets some crazy Season 3 build with BotRK, Wit's End, and Tiamat(s).
Or just build all of the Tiamats anyway.
Yeah, BotRK is such a strong item for basically any AD. It'll be the new de-facto AD bruiser/carry item. I'm interested to see how they're buffing Tiamat. It has the potential to be a crazy strong item for duelists. If they're buffing it, they'll surely have to make it a unique passive.
But then this wouldn't be possible!
You think that's bad, I think I've had 22/5 Kat or so. It's presumably still largely my fault since I should be helping everyone on the team and leading etc., but ultimately sometimes you may not be able to win if people are intent on throwing it.
Hate this game sometimes.
Well yeah, but that's so set up Also highlights one of Tiamat's biggest problems: everyone has to be literally right beside each other.
The range on the splash is crap at the moment. Seems like they're buffing the range if they're saying it's an alternative to Ionic Spark.
I find that hard to believe about your family! I don't recall you having much of an accent at all.Graves for his epic Southern manliness, and Zilean because of the ridiculous shit he says.
Her accent is so dumb and over-the-top. And I should know, I'm French and half of my family has the silliest thickest accents I've ever heard.
Wait, whut?
She likes on-hit in general. Wit's End gives her the kind of dueling power she needs (and it applies per hit on her ult) and she benefits greatly from Sanguine's stacking AD/LS% and Blade of the Ruined King's ... well, everything. I'm interested in seeing if she gets some crazy Season 3 build with BotRK, Wit's End, and Tiamat(s).
The problem I had with wit's end is the item that build it up, unless I can buy the item in 1 go, I would come back with attack speed item and extra 40 magic resist against someone that just brought 2 dorans blade with ninja tabi.
I find that hard to believe about your family! I don't recall you having much of an accent at all.
Graves and Draven have cool accents though.
LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! And defeat. The Huns.Well, I'm the only one in the family who learned English in the States. Everyone else started in France, meaning they were taught by some French dude who studied in the UK for like 2 years. But I've been told my accent comes out if I get excited about something, or if I've been drinking.
Also, I can't bring myself to think of Draven as southern. He looks like a Hun from Mulan.
LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! And defeat. The Huns.
AD Malz support Mundo. Fucken duos.
Got my platinum border as well, quite swag indeed.Oh hey, I got a silver boarder
Got my platinum border as well, quite swag indeed.
Platinum- trophy looks kinda bad though.
Oh hey, I got a silver boarder
They should make the Malz minion controllable. It's only one minion, let people alt-right-click...though there wouldn't be a way to use a button for it like other controllable minions.
Me too. Glad to see I'm not the only GAFer in silver land. I felt a little weak playing with all the gold folks last night lol.
Frankly I'm just happy to have a decent elo at all. I haven't played nearly as much as everyone else (even scy who started like 6 months after me lol). Just have to focus on improving every time I play.
I'd like to play some games with GAFers, but don't know what the EUW crowd is like in terms of numbers etc. Ping would be 200+ on NA.
He shakes his butt at people!You made a typo. You wrote pretty but I think you meant boo-tee-fool! <3
There are some gafferes on EUW i think
Karma banned every single game. OP mid and support. Stronger version of Zyra.
I'm seeing it now.
Yeah, she doesn't benefit from it nearly as much as Irelia does who can get away with the early ASPD item alone. Until then, it's a weird "best option for dueling but hard to warrant buying" kind of item. Thankfully, BotRK -> Wit's End (or Statikk Shiv, Tiamat if either are more viable) will be a route for Season 3. Maybe.
Though, it's nice vs an AP lane. I guess.
You should join NA, we have a lot of people not in NA region playing here. Like Rex from Aus, Dan brazil, xcloser somewhere in middle of alantic ocean.
It's such a pain in the arse playing on NA servers though. Ping is usually about 220 on PBE from here in Ireland, plus I'm level 1 on my NA account, which means no champs, no runes, no masteries, no skins, no ranked etc. etc.
I'll stick to EUW where I've got friends, just a pity most of the GAF community is NA.
I saw karma banned in my last few games as well? What is so great about her kit? I haven't seen her at any tourney's either so I don't understand the sudden fear people have of her? Anyone know why?
Never thought I'd hear the words Tiamat and viable in the same sentence. Times are a changing