As amazingly fun Nami seems to be, I'd rather bind get to play her when she hits. She seems ridiculous, though. Going to work well for a kill lane AND she gets some sustain AND she has a strong team fight.
And of fucking course I'm going to have to try her AP Mid at some point. Her kit still has uses in other lanes but it's pretty clear she needs someone to follow up on what she does. I like it.
Edit: Also, she'll probably get banned a lot. MAYBE BIND CAN FINALLY PLAY SHEN.
Man the first week of season 3 will make me feel like i'm playing a different game.
I just want to experiment with so much stuff. Crunching so many different item builds in my head.
I really hope the whole idea of only having 1 way of building champs ends with all these items. Be a real waste if we have 10 items that are never bought ever
Yeah, I have my theorycrafting pants on but I'll still spend forever when the patch hits just trying out a variety of builds. Mostly, I'll be trying out things on the Assassins, though. We kept discussing last night about the rise of the Assassins so I might as well work on that! Fiora dives op! Zed finds his place! And I'm curious about what I'll do with Elise.
Mastery changes are probably the least impressive part of the changes so far. Still, there's enough spread out changes that it'll make you want to spend more points in each tree, even if many of the 21 pointers are a bit lackluster. There's a lot of mid tier bloat, as well, so 19/11 or 9/14/7 kind of builds will get less.
I'm really curious about Spellsword, though. That could be interesting with AD/AP builds.
Looking at some of the items it seems like you could make a really strong bruiser/support bot lane now. Thinking of a support that takes Mikael's Crucible and Kage's Last Breath
Nami seems like she'd really be good for that, depending on her W bounce range. Lets you W the melee, bounce to enemy, and bounce back to them for double sustain; if the bounce range is huge, probably won't matter (e.g., W max range ADC, bounces to their max range ADC, bounces back). Kage's + Nami E means nothing escapes, and Q is a great setup in general.
Edit: Scratch that, forgot the bounce is once per target. So it'd be carry -> enemy -> self or enemy carry -> carry -> enemy support. No double sustains.
Honestly, Support got the most fun new toys. I can't wait to build half of them as an AP Mid anyway.