Just look at the state of stuff on the PBE. It's a mess. How are Riot even supposed to design champions for a game like this? Things were based around AOE clearing so they designed a bunch of AOE clear champs. What happens to champions like Nautilus and Sejuani in a jungle like this? The jungle changes will shut out more options than they open. Nunu will probably be pick or ban in any serious game.
And, again, I don't think we can use such definite statements with little-to-no playtime with it and with this not being the final state of things. It is far too early to start throwing out absolute statements.
Needing a leash limits options when it comes to where you can start and simply ties lanes to the jungle more. Building boots in some ways is a more diverse choice for midgame, because you can build whatever you want/makes the most sense on your first back. What about having to start with Machete screams diversity to you when it locks your build path?
Machete has two upgrades (Madred's, Spirt Stone). Spirit Stone then has three more upgrades and Madred's gets you Wriggle's. Machete and Boots start both basically come down to the same question(s): What do I need after my first clear? More mobility? More sustain? More resistances? More damage? More utility?
I don't think it's a better-or-worse case scenario for diversity, honestly, from going Boots start to Machete start. If anything, I guess I'd give the nod to Machete due to the better upgrade paths than Boots -> Boots2.
The Biscuit and the Ward are both super unimpressive and not worth speccing in for.
Biscuit is roughly a 20% heal. For a jungle that is a lot harder and more taxing to your resources (e.g., Health), that's a rather big deal. The Ward is just nice as a means to watch for an invade. 1 Utility point (2, I suppose, since it has a pre-req) for a free anti-invade isn't a bad investment.
Lets put it another way. What do you lose? This is 14 Utility (+50 Starting Gold) vs 15 Utility. 9/7/14 vs 9/6/15 or some other variant.
Edit: Do note, this still allows for Tenacious to be picked up out of Defense, though that's a 0/15/15 scenario.
I feel like you're not reading my posts. Clearly you're not getting the message I'm trying to say. It's not a matter of whether these ideas will work well or won't even work at all. It's the fact that they're taking the steps to change the game. The sentiment is admirable. Whether they can actually execute it well is another thing entirely.
Aren't they still in the process of bringing over DotA stuff to DotA2? I think it's a bit early to say that they're not willing to make big changes. I'd at least wait for it to be out of beta, if not at least a full year out, to make statements like that really.