hey you're the same level as me, we should play sometime. :3
game times are buggy on this site...
hey you're the same level as me, we should play sometime. :3
fixed?Everyone should start getting rage blade before it gets de-buffed. Such a ridiculously strong item.
That Veigar bot lane.
Everyone should start getting rage blade before it gets buffed. Such a ridiculously strong item.
Man frustrating playing with a friend of mine.
He's not bad, just new.. so he's learning. But I tend to hold him at a higher level than the other random new people, so when he fucks up I have to call his ass out on it. Feel bad about it when I do. Yesterday top tower fell really early (top poppy), so poppy would be able to free farm. Warned him to make sure to buy wards so he doesn't get ganked by a roaming Riven. He gets ganked twice, and gets upset at top for losing their tower... yet all he had to do was buy a 75g ward. Why people think it's too expensive is beyond me.
People don't think vision is a valuable resource in the game.
lol that's great. With so many trolls in the game, the amount of times I play out of fun comes pretty close to the amount I play out of spite (i.e. not surrendering just to fuck over the guy that fed, blamed and then afk'ed), so new ways to get people banned are always appreciated.It's hard to tell just from that snippet of the chat, you were in the game so you'd know best. When that sort of thing happens to me in a game, I just start vividly describing in chat what they are doing so when they are reported they aren't as easily pardoned as they would usually be. 'Lux why are you running past the minions and attacking the tower, do you know how tower agro works?', 'Lux why aren't you attacking back, why are you just standing there letting yourself be killed', etc etc. Baiting them into admitting they are deliberately trolling works as well. Then at the end of the game if most your team reports them and they have a terrible k/d ratio and their cs is like 20, it's more likely they will actually be punished rather than just being given the benefit of the doubt of being a new player.
That said, I've known people not to even play PvP until beyond (sometimes well beyond) level 10, so there is always the possibility that somebody is actually new and relatively clueless about how to conduct themselves in games. A lot of people early on don't understand how an opponent can snowball and how much difference better items can make too. You continually see at lower levels people die and just come charging back in a minute later to try and get a revenge kill. You can tell they aren't intentionally dying, but they aren't rational enough to realise they aren't helping their situation by just charging in gun-ho again after dying the previous 5 times to that same guy. Not implying that is what happened here though, just saying.
Warding definitely becomes more common in higher level and ranked games.
Just tell him that wards = less deaths/more kills since that is basically what it translates to.
Having vision over the map allows you to avoid deaths and get potential kills that otherwise would not be possible without vision.
Man frustrating playing with a friend of mine.
He's not bad, just new.. so he's learning. But I tend to hold him at a higher level than the other random new people, so when he fucks up I have to call his ass out on it. Feel bad about it when I do. Yesterday top tower fell really early (top poppy), so poppy would be able to free farm. Warned him to make sure to buy wards so he doesn't get ganked by a roaming Riven. He gets ganked twice, and gets upset at top for losing their tower... yet all he had to do was buy a 75g ward. Why people think it's too expensive is beyond me.
That said, I've known people not to even play PvP until beyond (sometimes well beyond) level 10, so there is always the possibility that somebody is actually new and relatively clueless about how to conduct themselves in games. A lot of people early on don't understand how an opponent can snowball and how much difference better items can make too. You continually see at lower levels people die and just come charging back in a minute later to try and get a revenge kill. You can tell they aren't intentionally dying, but they aren't rational enough to realise they aren't helping their situation by just charging in gun-ho again after dying the previous 5 times to that same guy. Not implying that is what happened here though, just saying.
Back from vacay guys, what I miss?
Oh... Maybe I should come back later...
Back from vacay guys, what I miss?
Oh... Maybe I should come back later...
Back from vacay guys, what I miss?
Oh... Maybe I should come back later...
guys, were so close to being gold ranked on TT. I can taste it.
Yeah all the new support stuff looks super sexy.
I still have no idea what Black Mamba is besides a Kobe reference. I guess I'll find out tonight.
lol this made my afternoonBack from vacay guys, what I miss?
Oh... Maybe I should come back later...
I dunno about her being nerfed to all hell, maybe just a bit, but so far I haven't seen anyone play her so well and her skillshots are kinda easy to dodge.Black mamba,wagebladesrageblades, and me feeding.
Also, a lot of new information about Season 3, including the entirety of the kit for the new support that I wager you'll like. She has Cho's rupture, Fiddle's crow with heal instead of silence, an on-hit + Phage proc buff, and Sona ult! ...put that way, Nami's getting nerfed to hell probably.
New support stuff sounds awesome too. Probably the role that got the most love. Also, Wraith Collar op.
I dunno about her being nerfed to all hell, maybe just a bit, but so far I haven't seen anyone play her so well and her skillshots are kinda easy to dodge.
Gonna try her myself now. If PBE ever lets me in.
I fucking hate this gif.
I contemplated just responding to you with the gif again.
More like "New assteries calculator".
I contemplated just responding to you with the gif again.
Since you won't I will.
I fucking hate this gif.
Yeah, I thought she was gonna be OP as fuck but so far so good. She's got mad teamfight potential, being able to stun so many people from a distance, but I forsee her going the way of the Janna/Lulu to the graveyard of unused supports while I just...She has mana problems in lane, delayed knockups are easy to dodge, her W range isn't amazing, her cooldowns are a bit long, and I foresee plenty of missed ults.
I was just saying that wording her kit that way makes it seem ridiculous :x That said, she does have a good kit for a kill lane (knockup on her Q, on-hit-slow on her E, Knockup/Slow on her ult, +Movement buff Passive) and brings at least a little bit of sustain with her W. Seems like she'll be fun.
Though, truth be told, I may be looking forward to the Nidalee rework more.
More like "New assteries calculator".
Yeah, I thought she was gonna be OP as fuck but so far so good. She's got mad teamfight potential, being able to stun so many people from a distance, but I forsee her going the way of the Janna/Lulu to the graveyard of unused supports while I just...
I must say, a lot of the masteries seem a bit lackluster. I do see the probability of more 21/0/9 builds, if only for Summoner CDR and Item Actives CDR. That and due to not getting _that_ much out of 21/9/0 compared to those.
To me, it doesn't even look like a new mastery tree. They just shuffled some stuff around and called it new. Then again, I only looked at the offense tree.
Spellblade is pretty lovely, but yeah, boring.I must say, a lot of the masteries seem a bit lackluster. I do see the probability of more 21/0/9 builds, if only for Summoner CDR and Item Actives CDR. That and due to not getting _that_ much out of 21/9/0 compared to those.
Yeah, her ult's just too good and easier to hit than Janna's (at least hit correctly and not just push the enemy carry to safety), but I guess I'll have to try her myself.She has some issues too (like, her W costs double mana apparently) but she seems like she should be a rather solid support. I'd put her well over Janna for the time being. Lulu is one of the best offensive ASPD supports (e.g., Vayne fucking loves her) and her ult is ridiculous, though Kage's Last Breath gives the slow aura (+ Frozen Fist gives tanks a way to make a slowing field too).
Nami is also backwards for "mina", which is the slang word for "chick" (as in woman, not chicken) in argie spanish, and we often say it backwards who knows why, so that's pretty weird when I'm playing with my friends, and we say "cuidado con la Nami" or something like that, because we'll use the same phrase to talk about a Syndra or whatever.Also, her skin is Koi Nami apparently so there's something to be said about her and those goddamn puns.
Though, truth be told, I may be looking forward to the Nidalee rework more.
Are you talking about her visual upgrade or an actual ability rework?
I didn't know ppl took ARAMs that seriously. Isn't it like the "I'm tired of every other mode" mode, and just to fool around?
What? It's the tree that seems the most nerfed to me.holy fuck the defense masterpieces seems to be op as fuck
Diana is great.Ok, 6300 time again, I'm bored, who to buy who to buy. I'm four girls short of having all female mids, maybe start with Diana, I dunno...
It's ARAM and who cares what people build and all, but seriously, why would you build Abyssal on Wukong?
What? It's the tree that seems the most nerfed to me.
There's nothing wrong with AD Lulu.I agree with the not wanting to lose part, but I'm not suddenly going to report AD fiddle or AD Lulu in a random game like ARAM. It just seems dumb to care that much for what others are doing, when it's not blatant griefing.