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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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I almost got to it, once I stopped playing Eve I won 4 in a row or so, was 5/3, might almost have gotten to 1300 for the first time in my life...then had like 3 terrible game. 1000-1200 is my deserved spot.

Well it seems you aren't playing enough Heimer, cause hes gonna be the new OP soon so just get on it.


*edit* About Zed E, "It only hits for damage once is the problem. Hitting twice simply applies a slow but only the damage once."

Throw W in and E when they hide behind minions to get the CD reduction. If they are dumb they will run back to it and get hit again by a second E. If they are low just W to your clone and attack them as they try to run away while slowed.

Max number of Es you can get in one W is 2.





Man playing against bots is so useless, it's always filled with these people with 500+ bot matches that just rush Sword of the Occult and rape the bots over and over.

Feels so shitty to waste 20 minutes of your life in which you're trying to learn a new champion or try a new strategy so some loser can get his self-steem high for beating a couple dumb as hell AIs.


Man playing against bots is so useless, it's always filled with these people with 500+ bot matches that just rush Sword of the Occult and rape the bots over and over.

Feels so shitty to waste 20 minutes of your life in which you're trying to learn a new champion or try a new strategy so some loser can get his self-steem high for beating a couple dumb as hell AIs.

I usually just play a custom game 1v5 bots when learning a new champ.


Awesome, I was just thinking about getting Diana. Sold!

PS Do you guys think there are too many champs at this point? I mean how many ways can you have four spells and a passive?
PPS Nami day one.
PPPS See what I did there.
PPPPS Please help me I need to stop.


Awesome, I was just thinking about getting Diana. Sold!

PS Do you guys think there are too many champs at this point? I mean how many ways can you have four spells and a passive?
PPS Nami day one.
PPPS See what I did there.
PPPPS Please help me I need to stop.

What do you mean?


Awesome, I was just thinking about getting Diana. Sold!

PS Do you guys think there are too many champs at this point? I mean how many ways can you have four spells and a passive?.

No. Especially since riot has been getting better and more creative with champs.


Damn I had my mumble muted the whole time :<

It was closer wasn't it?

Tidal Wave [R]: Now scales with +0.7*AP, down from +0.8*AP
Range is now 2550, up from 2200

Woah, it's massive now

Sword of the Divine
Now gives +45% AS (up from 40%)
Now has a 60 second cooldown (up from 25)
Now costs 850, up from 650

GOD DAMNIT. I REALLY WANTED TO TRY IT WITH MY VAYNE KILL LANE. 60 second cooldown is way too much now. There goes one strat. God damnit!


Damn I had my mumble muted the whole time :<

Nothing of interest happened.

GOD DAMNIT. I REALLY WANTED TO TRY IT WITH MY VAYNE KILL LANE. 60 second cooldown is way too much now. There goes one strat. God damnit!

Phreak and Xypherous were discussing SotD in regards to AD itemization. SotD + Vayne was actually brought up and discussed for a bit. It's a pretty terrible item for her in the grand scheme of things unless you really want to build her as a one-and-done sort of Assassin.


Neo Member
Any Gaffers use interesting rebinds?

I've found it useful to rebind abilities to Q W R F (summoner Z C) and use WASD to maneuver the screen around so you can keep the cursor around the centre of the screen and have some more precision aiming for skill shots.

Particularly good for Lux laser, though it can lead to focusing on areas of the map away from your character, which can lead to some silly deaths.


I was writing the script for the Nami Spotlight and then I realized, "Wait, our Recommended Items are actually good now" so I won't be doing item builds any more in my Champion Spotlights. Never again can I personally recommend Trinity Force on every champion.

Don't worry though, Tons of Damage is here to stay. I promise.

She may or may not jungle.

As you were, summoners!

Phreak no.

say it ain't so.

I hate season 3 already.


Any Gaffers use interesting rebinds?

I've found it useful to rebind abilities to Q W R F (summoner Z C) and use WASD to maneuver the screen around so you can keep the cursor around the centre of the screen and have some more precision aiming for skill shots.

Particularly good for Lux laser, though it can lead to focusing on areas of the map away from your character, which can lead to some silly deaths.
That's pretty smart, navigating the camera via mouse- panning can be un-intuitive sometimes. I tend to use spacebar a lot to compensate.

I'll probly try a solution similar to yours, once this month ends so I get more time to play again.


I haven't either, though I did see a lot of "I'd like to play X but I can do anything" players who then failed miserably at ADC or jungle.

Personally, the right attitude is to have a preferred role but to be ready to play something else if need be. The trouble with this, in solo queue anyway, is trusting someone else to play your preferred role :x

You just described me.

I can competently play all roles but I'm best at mid. I play it the most and hence I know the champs and matchups better. I also know the role in teamfights better and can carry harder.

Jungle and top I'll play and sometimes do well and sometimes do poorly but I rarely carry. Support I can rock. AD is a flip of a coin.

I type "Prefer mid but will play anything" into the chat the instant I join queue and then I see what happens. Usually 2-3 people will instantly call a role "mid." "adc". etc. I'll tend to let them have it if I'm a higher pick unless the opposing team already picked and I can counter in my preferred role.

I just try to get a discussion going on who's strong with what. It seems better than it was before. Though you get the tools once in awhile.


formerly sane
Phreak and Xypherous were discussing SotD in regards to AD itemization. SotD + Vayne was actually brought up and discussed for a bit. It's a pretty terrible item for her in the grand scheme of things unless you really want to build her as a one-and-done sort of Assassin.

Early game that item will be champ it's a throw away mid game item that will pay off when it is used. For relying on it all game horrible, as something to cheese and solidify her kills early to mid game if I am fed can't be more happy. As it stands now I have no SOTD and anything is better than something. Casters like vayne need their edge back and every bit helps.

SOTD in various forms hasn't had main spotlight with adc it was meant for specific applications and the new version will fit that just fine. Between this, arpen changes, and now critcal strike changes in masteries pretty happy for ad ranged or melee who will be far more solid.


Everything is moe to me
No I mean why didn't you let Fiddle finish him off after you landed E? So sad for Fiddle. If your dude has a chance for the penta you gotta give him the shot!

The joke was i did it for the red buff.

but for real; i dont really pay attention to whose getting the kills in teamfights and my music tends to drown out lol.


Any Gaffers use interesting rebinds?

I've found it useful to rebind abilities to Q W R F (summoner Z C) and use WASD to maneuver the screen around so you can keep the cursor around the centre of the screen and have some more precision aiming for skill shots.

Particularly good for Lux laser, though it can lead to focusing on areas of the map away from your character, which can lead to some silly deaths.
I actually use a Logitech G 13 for this same effect, but I use the joystick on my left thumb for it. It's amazing, and I don't know how anyone plays without one.

Add shift states to the two thumb buttons, with chat macros and inventory hotkeys, and it's so useful it hurts.


Early game that item will be champ it's a throw away mid game item that will pay off when it is used.

Define early game. Is it your first item? That's 2200 Gold for three crits with no AD behind it. The Attack Speed is shut off while the item is on cooldown. So we're looking at 2200 Gold for +145% ASPD for 3 crits, no stats at all when down. Compare this to a laner that went Doran's + BF Sword instead. 55 AD is roughly a 50% boost to your base AD anyway, effectively getting you a better damage per gold spent ratio and with less downtime. And the +Crit% of the item gets worse, gold efficiency wise, as you get more base Crit% as well.

In a perfect world, SotD makes some sense in a full build as it gives them the potential to completely remove one character from a fight practically instantly. The question becomes when do you get it. Before IE? PD? BT? GA? LW? RH*? What about Zephyr for the AD/ASPD/CDR/Movement? Statikk Shiv for the proc that crits (and charges build up when using gap closers like Tumble)? That's basically where I'm thinking on it from: When would you even get this item?

The stats of SotD make the most sense for someone with a massive amount of AD and minimal ASPD/Crit% that wants to convert that to more damage (e.g., 400 AD Zed becomes ~2040 pre-Armor damage), not someone that has AD/ASPD/Crit% anyway. At least, that's the way I see it. That said, there probably will be kill lane setups where you could get it first to try and make magic happen (Blitzcrank, Leona) with the sudden burst. But, generally speaking, it's more meant for AD Assassins.

On that note, Zed and Fiora may be the two best SotD users if only for the AD%/flat AD built in their kits to let them get to higher AD values with less items. Basically, Fiora can get away with a Mercurial Scimitar + SotD build. Lunge in, Burst of Speed + SotD to melt a carry, Ult someone else, pop Mercurial to get out (if not needed to Cleanse a CC on the engage). If fed, you can add Tiamat/Hydra into that to even get some splash in there, though LW or Cleaver would probably be better. Gives her a legitimate reason to look at 19/11 or 21/9 instead of 9/21 (which would be more of a BT + BotRK + Tiamat/Hydra setup).

Regardless, I'm looking forward to all the experimenting to be done. Should be good times, even if I'll just play the same champ every game anyway.

*Why do both Ravenous Hydra and Runaan's Hurricane share this acronym? >>


Zed bundle still available? I don't know when they usually get rid of that stuff. Been watching Umashi play him and I think I'm sold. The white skin looks so much better too.


Zed bundle still available? I don't know when they usually get rid of that stuff. Been watching Umashi play him and I think I'm sold. The white skin looks so much better too.

i bought him with ip, i think im gonna buy his skin now.
hated him in the first 3 days but now he is growing on me even though i hate his attack animations but last hitting with him is so satisfying.
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