Post it. Or send it to me. I feel like I'm missing out.
Ferrio (6:49): wtf happened
Deionarra (6:49): no
Deionarra (6:49): internet exchanges
Deionarra (6:49): basically
Deionarra (6:50): where abouts do you live
Deionarra (6:50): that zyra sucked
Ferrio (6:50): that zyra caused bot and mid to lose?
Ferrio (6:50): like not lose like DOMINATEd
Deionarra (6:50): well if you lose bot
Deionarra (6:50): youll lose mid
TellYourself (6:50): mid didnt lose :\
Ferrio (6:51): tellyourself: learn more characters than kayle
TellYourself (6:51): lol
Ferrio (6:54): That sucked, damn signed had some health regen runes or something
TellYourself (6:56): yeah he was pretty good
TellYourself (6:56): their initiate just destroyed us
Ferrio joined the room.
Ferrio (7:00): seriously, stop with the kayle stuff. Don't even know why you play her, she's so boring
Punky Brüster (7:00): lol
TellYourself (7:00): are you still hating lol
Ferrio (7:01): yes
Punky Brüster (7:01): i would hate too
Ferrio (7:01): cause i hate that character
Ferrio (7:01): when i get her in aram it's like "fuck great.. 30 minutes of boring"
TellYourself (7:01): i find her fun, and i win with her so
TellYourself (7:01): i dont understand why it upsets you
Punky Brüster (7:02): sounds like you dont win with there
Punky Brüster (7:02): her
Ferrio (7:02): you're not great with her
Ferrio (7:02): so I'm not seeing the allure
TellYourself (7:02): you can look at my match history if you like
Ferrio (7:02): it's 50:50
Bleargh (7:02): lol
Bleargh (7:03): "stop playing a character I don't like"
TellYourself (7:03): he's upset he lost top
Ferrio (7:03): I didn't lose top
Bleargh (7:03): baddies gonna be bad
TellYourself (7:03): just let him vent his displeasure
Ferrio (7:03): I'm just saying you're painting yourself in a corner
Ferrio (7:03): by only playign one champ
TellYourself (7:03): i play more than one champ if you havent noticed
Punky Brüster (7:03): bleargh something tells me your not exactly in a position to make that claim
Bleargh (7:03): sure I am
Bleargh (7:04): when I played with gaf before
Bleargh (7:04): I carried hard
Punky Brüster (7:04): anecdotal evidence does not make causation
Bleargh (7:04): great point
Bleargh (7:04): counterpoint
Bleargh (7:04): baddies gonna be bad
Bleargh (7:04): and cry about other people's picks
Bleargh (7:05): gaf LoL drama so silly
TellYourself (7:05): if we win, i dont understand why you have to be upset over me playing the same champ
Punky Brüster (7:05): seems like a generalization that wants to paint people that take issues with certain champs as crybabies
Punky Brüster (7:05): how is that a valid point
Bleargh (7:05): how does it make sense
Bleargh (7:05): to get mad at someone
Punky Brüster (7:05): some champs are ismply underpowered?
Bleargh (7:05): for playing a champ that you find boring?
Bleargh (7:05): lol
Ferrio (7:05): Finding her boring is my issue
Bleargh (7:05): if you find the champ boring don't play it
Bleargh (7:05): pretty simple
Ferrio (7:06): not his. BUT playign only one hero and one hero alone really restricts your ability in this game
TellYourself (7:06): i dont play one hero alone
Punky Brüster (7:06): its not that simple though, hes saying he wouldnt play her because shes boring, and also saying that picking her does not do much for the team
Bleargh (7:06): don't let facts get in the way of a good cry!
TellYourself (7:06): picking kayle does in fact do alot for the team, matter of opinion
Bleargh (7:06): I see taric and nunu in match history
Bleargh (7:06): must be kayle in disguise!
Ferrio (7:07): picking kayle after a corki has been picked and top does though
Ferrio (7:07): BUT i'm not blaming you on that game
TellYourself (7:07): what?
Ferrio (7:07): cause i don't know what happene dmid/bot
TellYourself (7:07): i was going for mid
Ferrio (7:07): so I'm not blaming anyone
Punky Brüster (7:07): sigh, you seem like the person that would be impossible to debate anything with, because you simply gravitate to personal insults before you can say anything meaningful
Ferrio (7:07): tellyourself: mid was already claimed
TellYourself (7:07): that is a personal insult itself punky
TellYourself (7:07): i didnt know that
Ferrio (7:08): but my whole point isn't cause of that game
Ferrio (7:08): my point is everytime I've played with you it's been kayle and when you get another hero that isn't kayle you seem lost
TellYourself (7:08): you dont play with me much ferrio
Punky Brüster (7:08): your match history is alsmost all kayle
Bleargh (7:08): maybe the dude like kayle
Bleargh (7:08): who cares
Punky Brüster (7:08): so i dont see why his point may not be valid
TellYourself (7:08): i dont understand why cant i play kayle whenever i want
Bleargh (7:09): people play the champs they like
TellYourself (7:09): kayle can fit many roles, she's not like many other champs
Bleargh (7:09): unless you guys are doing ranked who cares?
Ferrio (7:09): That's great, but my point was it restricts you.. if your'e fine with that it's good
Punky Brüster (7:09): its a team game
Punky Brüster (7:09): other peoples champ picks matter
TellYourself (7:09): of course it does, but kayle can play every role in the game
Ferrio (7:09): not well
Punky Brüster (7:09): that doesnt really mean anything
TellYourself (7:09): your opinion
Punky Brüster (7:10): not really
TellYourself (7:10): really, kayle playing every role doesnt mean anything
Punky Brüster (7:10): kinda of backed up by game stats
Punky Brüster (7:10): los of champs can "fit" any position
Punky Brüster (7:10): that dfoesnt mean anything
TellYourself (7:11): i play kayle when it fits the team, which is most of the time
TellYourself (7:11): because she can play every role effectively
Corgi the Chloe (7:11): huh