Veil is still there.where the f is my force of nature and bansheil veil? wtf riot? and the new ui sucks for buying items.
Veil is still there.where the f is my force of nature and bansheil veil? wtf riot? and the new ui sucks for buying items.
This just in I luv Sejuani.
I bring the teamfights and help my teammates. That new buff to item above AegisLegion is hawt to. My teammates luv me.
Btw, can a person have to much negative magic resist ability. Like I have items that reduces enemies magic resist can it go below negative? Or does it stop at 0
Fuck I hate garen.
Anyone have a link to a good S3 support mastery build? Or builds for all roles? I've got it fleshed out for most of my roles, except jungle and support.. Can't deicded what to take..
Took me like the better part of 40 minutes, with a couple phone calls in the way, but I finally have set my item recommendations with Enigma.
It's so beautiful...
Nice, teach us bro.Took me like the better part of 40 minutes, with a couple phone calls in the way, but I finally have set my item recommendations with Enigma.
It's so beautiful...
Teach me your ways.
You won't get banned for using that, right?
Nope, I remember that one of their patch notes even said that they added support for it in the new store.You won't get banned for using that, right?
in response toSchmattakopf (10:21): my nickname is schmatt
But it is.Schmattakopf (10:21): my nickname is schmatt
Maybe I wasn't being clear -- I mean brutalizer is unique, but the upgraded version is non-unique. Are there other items that follow the unique -> non-unique pattern? It just struck me as odd to remove uniqueness rather than adding it.They made it non-Unique. It's still to be considered under testing, though, so it may change in the future.
I'm i like it by itself
Weird, I like it!that korean shaco skin
that korean shaco skin
When on a losing streak and doubting waifus.
Always count on gems.
There you go...put the monocle back!
Has anyone else had this happen?
All champion and minion icons are surrounded by (or replaced by) black squares, making it SUPER annoying to tell at a glance how many players or minions of which team are where. This was the first game it happened in out of 3 today, which was very odd.
which part? it feels largely the same, sans shop change - which you will get used to eventually. I already have. Plus, it's amazing with the recommended item changerI really hate these changes. :-/
that korean shaco skin
Hijacking top comment to clarify what the skin means:
Shaco is wearing a Korean tal mask. It has a lot of cultural, religious, and societal importance for Korea, and was used for a very wide variety of uses.
The religious: It was used in festivals honoring different guardian spirits for performances, used in rituals to drive away evil spirits, and for burial rites.
The cultural: It was used for dramatic plays, performances, dances, portrayal of Korean history, and New Year festivals. There's a pretty good festival in Korea that shows this off.
The societal: The mask is a very egalitarian symbol of Korea. It allowed the performers to disguise themselves and freely criticize the aristocratic class and air out the grievances of the commoners. (Much like the protection that the jester Fool had in King Lear, which makes it even more apt for Shaco)
It is a very unique and treasured aspect of Korean culture and I am amazed at how thoughtful Riot was, considering the stereotype about Koreans being good at Shaco and all.
Yeah, happens to me every couple weeks. Drives me nuts and I don't know if anything can be done to fix it once in game.
I'm currently without a full-time job and/or girlfriend.I don't even know why you guys keep ruining people's avatars lol.
Has anyone else had this happen?
All champion and minion icons are surrounded by (or replaced by) black squares, making it SUPER annoying to tell at a glance how many players or minions of which team are where. This was the first game it happened in out of 3 today, which was very odd.
There are so many new items. I ended up pseudojungler without smite, tried random new items, went like 14/1 early game, but still lost. One of our key teammates left at level 11. =(
Is it bad that I like buying the weird items just because? Like, I went Jax top and bought the Banner Lord thing because I wanted to experience it. Undoubtedly the worst item I could ever buy, but I liked pressing the little button every 3 minutes for a slightly bigger minion (which would then get immediately killed).
I think I like items with buttons as long as they're easy buttons.