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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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formerly sane
Support Nidalee is their way of saying, "I don't really want to play support."

You're kidding me. A decent nid support is straight her heals are ok and them spears/wards used right hurt. I've had quite a few feed my vayne like that.

Though nothing like that taric!

Support is support if you understand the role and use the right person you can do anything to the current meta. Had a TF yesterday be my support and we wrecked a Graves/Soraka combo even with them having a jungler constantly help them out.
You're kidding me. A decent nid support is straight her heals are ok and them spears/wards used right hurt. I've had quite a few feed my vayne like that.

Though nothing like that taric!

Support is support if you understand the role and use the right person you can do anything to the current meta. Had a TF yesterday be my support and we wrecked a Graves/Soraka combo even with them having a jungler constantly help them out.
I'm not saying that it can't be done right, just that, as you might expect, the majority of non-standard supports I've run into are people who clearly do not want to be in that role, e.g. not even building GP10 items.


I can't tell from the video if this is just an easy fix by Riot but it seems to have very limited use cases anyway. You need a cast that can't be interrupted which not that many champs have anyway.


You're kidding me. A decent nid support is straight her heals are ok and them spears/wards used right hurt. I've had quite a few feed my vayne like that.

Though nothing like that taric!

Support is support if you understand the role and use the right person you can do anything to the current meta. Had a TF yesterday be my support and we wrecked a Graves/Soraka combo even with them having a jungler constantly help them out.

For me supporting is bringing some utility to the table too and although nidalee has the cute traps and the harrass in lane, the harrass damage falls off pretty fast and she doesn't bring anything to the table CC wise. It can work but I don't think it's solid, if you're behind you're pretty much screwed.

EDIT: Whoops didn't mean to DP


I can't tell from the video if this is just an easy fix by Riot but it seems to have very limited use cases anyway. You need a cast that can't be interrupted which not that many champs have anyway.
Actually it's very common, any instant spell with a cast time (more like animation time) acts this way. I see nothing wrong with it. Other examples of stuns not interrupting casts - lux, ez, darius ult etc. Basically the way spells work is that when they are cast (begin to animate) they are guaranteed, they just have to finish the animation time. This is also the reason why you got weird stuff like skarner pulling flashes and singed flipping flashes, since the spell is guaranteed.

The only way to interrupt an instant spell with a cast time is to kill them.

Anyway, it's a neat trick that's nice to know.

edit: shit, didnt read the video description. the input queueing is pretty new and strong


What does this even mean

Other people (probably other team) picking your champs for you. I still think it's a bit cumbersome.

Just pick champions you know nothing about that you own for some reason! Maybe ones with skins you just want to see!

Yes, I really, really want to play with LeBlanc for some reason.

id be down, all these papers have almost gone away
but why SR?

No health relics and different (better) items. No nerfed sustain options. Homeguard boots.

Homeguard Boots


Actually it's very common, any instant spell with a cast time (more like animation time) acts this way. I see nothing wrong with it. Other examples of stuns not interrupting casts - lux, ez, darius ult etc. Basically the way spells work is that when they are cast (begin to animate) they are guaranteed, they just have to finish the animation time. This is also the reason why you got weird stuff like skarner pulling flashes and singed flipping flashes, since the spell is guaranteed.

The only way to interrupt an instant spell with a cast time is to kill them.

Anyway, it's a neat trick that's nice to know.

edit: shit, didnt read the video description. the input queueing is pretty new and strong

but after her q, she was still autoattacking while stun...dem input queues
Want to try shyvana, anyone got any tips and tricks to help me out while starting? She's quite different to my usual jungle favourites. How are these masteries and runes?



Cheers guys.
I totally MISSED the part where Iceborne Gauntlet does splash damage too. omfg I'm not getting TF on Ez anymore. Works great with Frosted Ez.

Want to try shyvana, anyone got any tips and tricks to help me out while starting? She's quite different to my usual jungle favourites. How are these masteries and runes?
Shyvana doesn't need CDR.

She's better off with ASPD specially early game.

Frankly I find Perseverance to be junk.

I'd get Defender instead of Legendary Armor. Defender is 1 point for a potential +5armor/MR. Legendary Armor scales off bonus armor/MR. Even as a pure tank you'd probably have at most ~150 bonus armor or ~100 bonus MR. 3 points on Legendary Armor gives you 7.5 armor 5 MR.


Everything is moe to me
Want to try shyvana, anyone got any tips and tricks to help me out while starting? She's quite different to my usual jungle favourites. How are these masteries and runes?

smite/exhaust op.
farm enemy jungle.
farm enemy jungler.
mute top.
farm some more.
mute bot and mid.


Shyvana doesn't need CDR.

She's better off with ASPD specially early game.

I wouldn't really say she doesn't need it. She can still make decent use out of it. Though, I'd probably just go 9/21 with ASPD->AD->ArPen instead. She also utilizes Hybrid Pen runes really well.

I'd also probably not grab Legendary Armor; 3 points for the returns it gives is just not really worth it. Defender is just more point efficient.

Frankly I find Perseverance to be junk.

It scales linearly. That is, you get 50% of the effect at 50% Health.

That means 3 points of this is 3 HP5 when you're half dead.

...so, yeah, skip it.

smite/exhaust op.
farm enemy jungle.
farm enemy jungler.
mute top.
farm some more.
mute bot and mid.

It scales linearly. That is, you get 50% of the effect at 50% Health.

That means 3 points of this is 3 HP5 when you're half dead.

...so, yeah, skip it.

Yeah, makes me wonder why it's even there. Durability is so much better as filler to unlock other masteries.


Yeah, makes me wonder why it's even there. Durability is so much better as filler to unlock other masteries.

Well, Vigor was better than Durability before (3 HP5 for 3 points) due to the early game effect it had. It's just that Perseverance does nothing when you'd want it (~75-90% Health, e.g., healing that one or two hits you took) and minion damage is harder to reduce to 0-3 than before.

I'd think Perseverance would be better at:
0%-33%: 6 HP5
33%-66%: 4 HP5
66%-100%: 2 HP5

This way it's less powerful than before (since it is a Tier earlier now) when nearly full but slightly better at mid health ranges and who cares about almost dead regen anywaya lot better when nearly dead. Though, with the new sustain start options and just better damage anyway, it's a bit hard to say that this would matter in S3 as much as it did in S2.
First game as jungle Shy and I get level 1 invaded at red, had to babysit our Darius top in a 2 v 1 against a Darius and Garen because they had no jungler and our Ashe and Blitz fed Corki and Karthus got fed.

Last time I solo queue in normals. -_-


Everything is moe to me
for what its worth, my shyv masteries.

First game as jungle Shy and I get level 1 invaded at red, had to babysit our Darius top in a 2 v 1 against a Darius and Garen because they had no jungler and our Ashe and Blitz fed Corki and Karthus got fed.

Last time I solo queue in normals. -_-
dude, no.

i told you; farm, farm, mute top, farm.

especially if itsa 2v1 top; you get both entire jungles!


First game as jungle Shy and I get level 1 invaded at red, had to babysit our Darius top in a 2 v 1 against a Darius and Garen because they had no jungler and our Ashe and Blitz fed Corki and Karthus got fed.

Last time I solo queue in normals. -_-

Ya like panda said, if your top is 2v1, you ignore them and just tell them to play super safe (spoon with their turret). Go clean up both jungles, gank other lanes who don't have a jungler to protect them, and wait till both you and your top out level them. Then you go in there and steam roll them, if you just sit there and babysit then you've thrown away the advantage they gave you.


omg you guys, I have been recognized as one of the most honorable opponents in League of Legends! Now I can haz special border just like everyone else!


Everything is moe to me
omg you guys, I have been recognized as one of the most honorable opponents in League of Legends! Now I can haz special border just like everyone else!
but do you have santa baron?

Ya like panda said, if your top is 2v1, you ignore them. Go clean up both jungles, gank other lanes who don't have a jungler to protect them, and wait till both you and your top out level them. Then you go in there and steam roll them, if you just sit there and babysit then you've thrown away the advantage they gave you.

it was a darius top though; so he was likely trying to 1v2 and complaining that if he wasn't 15-2, the game was unwinnable.

Darius players don't want to win the game if it means not getting quad kills.


Got 24 kills in a game with Garen an hour ago.
This is more than all the kills ive gotten with all my other games combined.
People were praising me, people were cursing me.
Spin to win.
but do you have santa baron?

it was a darius top though; so he was likely trying to 1v2 and complaining that if he wasn't 15-2, the game was unwinnable.

Darius players don't want to win the game if it means not getting quad kills.

Yeah he was moaning the whole time and trying to beat them 2 v 1. He wasn't calling ss and our other lanes were getting ganked by roamers. I couldn't keep up, and even when we did get the jump on them our team couldn't do anything because they were feeding other lanes. Every time I created an opportunity for our team their fed Darius, Garen and Karthus would basically wombo combo us. It was a nasty situation.


Got 24 kills in a game with Garen an hour ago.
This is more than all the kills ive gotten with all my other games combined.
People were praising me, people were cursing me.
Spin to win.
That's pretty high, I don't think I've ever gotten more than 17-18 kills in a normal match.


I love playing assassins but man it's hard to carry once the game has turned into teamfights. That's probably why I won more with Diana because I COULD be the initiator. My winrate has gone WAY up since I started playing Darius and Malphite. Especially with Malphite. I don't get many kills but I set up the teamfights and choose the engage. I tell my team I'm going to ult to initiate and they know to follow up and things happen. As an assassin I rely on my team initiating. Not always reliable.

Darius is just about landing that pull, popping randuin's and dunking them. He's fun as hell.

Wish I could play Malphite more in draft. Perma banned at my elo. For good reason. Not saying I'm the best at the role but the wins have been coming.

If I want to keep playing mid I'm going to have to get a LOT better at roaming to help my team early.


That's pretty high, I don't think I've ever gotten more than 17-18 kills in a normal match.

Getting that type of score is pretty doable, but normally people surrender before it gets that high. Once a single person gets say past 10 kills, 0-2 deaths... people start to surrender usually.


I love playing assassins but man it's hard to carry once the game has turned into teamfights. That's probably why I won more with Diana because I COULD be the initiator. My winrate has gone WAY up since I started playing Darius and Malphite. Especially with Malphite. I don't get many kills but I set up the teamfights and choose the engage. I tell my team I'm going to ult to initiate and they know to follow up and things happen. As an assassin I rely on my team initiating. Not always reliable.

Darius is just about landing that pull, popping randuin's and dunking them. He's fun as hell.

Wish I could play Malphite more in draft. Perma banned at my elo. For good reason. Not saying I'm the best at the role but the wins have been coming.

If I want to keep playing mid I'm going to have to get a LOT better at roaming to help my team early.
I do a lot of roaming, but it often depends on your jungler. You might get a kill by yourself in mid but you probably had to blow your ult and lose a lot of health, and you'll be in no condition to gank, so getting a good gank and either killing your enemy laner or forcing him to base with your jungler's aid will probably end up in you and the jungler either 4 man ganking a lane or doing simultaneous ganks top and bot. Though that doesn't really apply to Diana, at least pre-patch, since she could pretty much destroy anyone she wanted at level 6 and still end up in good shape, cooldown and health-wise.

Getting that type of score is pretty doable, but normally people surrender before it gets that high. Once a single person gets say past 10 kills, 0-2 deaths... people start to surrender usually.
Yeah, totally, on my best matches (say yesterday's Lux :3) I go like 12-0 and they end up surrendering early.

Doesn't really happen all that often, though, I rarely get multi kills.


So I started playing this game recently with my roommates, but this thread has been a useful source of information and/or amusement.

Is anyone welcome to hang out in the NeoGAF chatroom, even if I'm too noob to play in any of your serious games. Most of the time I just play solo queue Bot matches if we don't have a full group of 5.


I love playing assassins but man it's hard to carry once the game has turned into teamfights. That's probably why I won more with Diana because I COULD be the initiator. My winrate has gone WAY up since I started playing Darius and Malphite. Especially with Malphite. I don't get many kills but I set up the teamfights and choose the engage. I tell my team I'm going to ult to initiate and they know to follow up and things happen. As an assassin I rely on my team initiating. Not always reliable.

Darius is just about landing that pull, popping randuin's and dunking them. He's fun as hell.

Wish I could play Malphite more in draft. Perma banned at my elo. For good reason. Not saying I'm the best at the role but the wins have been coming.

If I want to keep playing mid I'm going to have to get a LOT better at roaming to help my team early.
Assassins are really team dependent, you need good aoe cc or damage to make them work in team fights.


I love playing assassins but man it's hard to carry once the game has turned into teamfights.

They carry things in different ways. If you play the initiator, you rely on your team to focus fire properly and to position right in the fight. If you play the assassin, you look to create situations to take advantage of (e.g., picking off someone where your team has vision) and you take out the high priority targets when team fights erupt while you rely on your team to setup the fight for you.

It also helps that champs like Malphite, Amumu, etc. are all obvious initiate signals. If your team has no strong initiate, standoffs tend to stalemate for awhile until someone does something dumb or if one side decides to just charge in.

Getting that type of score is pretty doable, but normally people surrender before it gets that high. Once a single person gets say past 10 kills, 0-2 deaths... people start to surrender usually.

Early surrenders seem a lot more common in Season 3 :(


So I started playing this game recently with my roommates, but this thread has been a useful source of information and/or amusement.

Is anyone welcome to hang out in the NeoGAF chatroom, even if I'm too noob to play in any of your serious games. Most of the time I just play solo queue Bot matches if we don't have a full group of 5.

Everybody is welcome to the chat room. Join us, afk with us, and spectate our games. :p


Everybody is welcome to the chat room. Join us, afk with us, and spectate our games. :p

Same applies to Mumble at times.

We have a lot of new people. Maybe we should try more ARAMs with them for potential absolute hilarity; ARAM + Mumble is almost always the best combination.
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