For some reason, everyone is getting that santa baron icon except me![]()
reserved for the most positive people of 2012 = half of GAF gets it.
For some reason, everyone is getting that santa baron icon except me![]()
For some reason, everyone is getting that santa baron icon except me![]()
I didn't get one either, morello hates supports confirmed.
And junglers.
Everyone hates junglers.
What spell vamp change?
reserved for the most positive people of 2012 = half of GAF gets it.
Yeah those sound good so I added them to my recommended items for testing.Rylais with torment is pretty good on her, 10% DOT for every W, and the duration is same as the CD.
I got to say that lichbane is my new favorite item on her, 0.6ap ratio every ~2 seconds, and give you something to do after blowing her ult. Twin shadow is also an amazing laning item, movement speed for roaming + 2.5 seconds slow to land your charm, I felt like it is custom made for her (and eve, dam eve).
To be honest I haven't tried it post-S3 patch and I always felt like Hextech was kind of a waste but it's been good to me so I don't argue with what works.DFG isn't meant just for burst casters. It adds an extra 15% Max Damage to your rotation and +20% Damage across the board. It's basically good for an extra "spell" to use regardless of what kind of champion (e.g., assassins, AoE, high scaling, low scaling, etc.).
It's best suited for single target champs since it helps them assassinate that one person faster but it's just good for basically anyone. I mean, regardless of you being single-target or area damage, your job as the AP Carry is to kill their biggest threat. DFG helps that regardless of how you go about it.
With Flasks existing, I find it a bit hard to justify a Revolver as an early item for Ahri. Especially with better other options where you don't "waste" gold on the Spell Vamp stat.
The other half only ever play premades and we never say anything in chat.
To be honest I haven't tried it post-S3 patch and I always felt like Hextech was kind of a waste but it's been good to me so I don't argue with what works.
So are people flipping tables on their enemies yet?
I flip the table every time when I see opponent mid start with flask and 8 pots.
So are people flipping tables on their enemies yet?
I flip the table every time when I see opponent mid start with flask and 8 pots.
How much does Xin cost?
He's probably the champion that makes me yell at the screen the most...
I haven't gotten it either.For some reason, everyone is getting that santa baron icon except me![]()
Nah, I mean because I hate playing against him, specially as a jungler. I basically just say fuck it and stop warding because whatever, I'll be full health, ult up and under tower and the guy will dive me from whatever and get away anyways.
Fuck that guy.
Vi is out I guess... maybe? Might be getting trolled.
edit: ya she's out.
Nah, I mean because I hate playing against him, specially as a jungler. I basically just say fuck it and stop warding because whatever, I'll be full health, ult up and under tower and the guy will dive me from whatever and get away anyways.
Fuck that guy.
Well I don't top so I just meet him jungling, after he took my jungler's blue and decided to get an easy kill mid.i think he's weaker in the jungle than laning
Bought Vi bundle - Accept the fact that I'll be lucky if I ever have the chance to play her, lol
just give it a week and she'll be old news and you'll be free to play her every game
just give it a week and she'll be old news and you'll be free to play her every game
This plays every time I play Xin Zhao. The only way to play Xin Zhao is to learn how to be a man. Manmode the fuck up.
Swedish version is way more manly.
Also bought Vi, I love her. She is fast and hits hard. And she punch stuff. That is a big bonus.
Rylais with torment is pretty good on her, 10% DOT for every W, and the duration is same as the CD.
I got to say that lichbane is my new favorite item on her, 0.6ap ratio every ~2 seconds, and give you something to do after blowing her ult. Twin shadow is also an amazing laning item, movement speed for roaming + 2.5 seconds slow to land your charm, I felt like it is custom made for her (and eve, dam eve).
This plays every time I play Xin Zhao. The only way to play Xin Zhao is to learn how to be a man. Manmode the fuck up.
Best advice. Best taste. Best everything.
I see lots of new Vi players neglecting to level Q up beyond one point in the games I'm spectating. Unwise.
I would have to put games on her on live to say for sure about the first four levels, but that is the skill priority I've decided on. Probably QEWQ though when you're starting.QEWQ (or QEQW?) -> R>Q>E>W seems to be the best way to go about things.
Her jungling is a bit slow. Add that with the fact that she has no cc for ganking and lack of tankiness, doesn't look like she'll be that effective. Will have to try her out in a real game before I can really determine though.
Dunno why people are saying she is OP.
Because people overreact and say she's OP or terrible without really letting things settle. Then again, this is why people still complain about terrible champs.
Buy Lee so there will still be a player left without Vi. ;pI wanted to buy Lee next.. but now I want Vi. Which one guys?