i'd worry if jungle zilean showed up at lvl 1.People worry about Amumu ganks?
i'd worry if jungle zilean showed up at lvl 1.People worry about Amumu ganks?
Pointless. Early ganks are largely non-threatening. Just time your flash right in the worst case scenario.i'd worry if jungle zilean showed up at lvl 1.
'early ganks are not a threat, just trade flash for 60 mana'Pointless. Early ganks are largely non-threatening. Just time your flash right.
i'll try doodling these tomorrow since vi will be banned until maybe monday anyways
im not very good at drawing human faces/human figure though so beware! i guess that's why i want to practice this in the first place.
rex and crack should draw some too because rex's fat guy ziggs and crack's riven were so inspirational
Pointless. Early ganks are largely non-threatening. Just time your flash right in the worst case scenario.
Uh yeah. Burn your Flash. Jungler leaves then takes a quick U Turn back.
Pointless. Early ganks are largely non-threatening. Just time your flash right in the worst case scenario.
Well despite the nerfs, Diana is still a strong S3 jungler. With an AP attackspeed runepage, my clear is just as good (if not a little better) than Lee Sin and she finishes with 2+ health pots left like Lee. Once she hits 6 her ganks are really good.
The ult and moonfall nerf are shit though. So many times I was JUST out of range of the ult for something as simple as dashing over a wall and the moonfall grab is pretty ugly now. You have to be RIGHT on top of them.
As far as I can tell, the range wasn't changed (it's still 250). What was changed is the amount of vertical distance the champ is pulled (and/or the speed of the pull animation itself). It's lost about half of it's "stun" time.
Maximum pull distance reduced
'early ganks are not a threat, just trade flash for 60 mana'
yeah, how about my jungler shows up and the other guy burns his flash first.
Feel free to keep wasting your time. A jungler who hangs out around a lane early game is very unlikely to get a kill, and you are just letting the enemy jungler get way ahead on gold and levels. I would only be afraid of level two ganks from very specific junglers who start red on my side of the map. But that is generally not that hard to watch for.Uh yeah. Burn your Flash. Jungler leaves then takes a quick U Turn back.
Transformer Udyrtldr: throw out skin ideas so i can practice drawing moar
ashhong pls
why cant i select vi's skin in champ select
In all likelihood you will not lose out on Flash off early ganks, and early ganks like this are even weaker and less viable than they were before with the new jungle.
Feel free to keep wasting your time. A jungler who hangs out around a lane early game is very unlikely to get a kill, and you are just letting the enemy jungler get way ahead on gold and levels. I would only be afraid of level two ganks from very specific junglers who start red on my side of the map. But that is generally not that hard to watch for.
I just started playing ranked and I don't have a banner. Im at around 1450 elo right now and I'm playing with silver,gold and the occasional platinum player. I am constantly getting harassed for not having a banner and it's really discouraging at this point. I normally play well but with my whole team "/all Unranked noob on team gg" I havea terrible time. I almost want to go back to the lower elo. It feels like the higher I climb the more people are commenting the unranked noob. How do you guys feel about the banner?
Transformer Udyr
Muppet Vladamir (so he looks like The Count)
Seriously, muppet anything
Cartman Gragas
A dodgeball scene with Ahri, Syndra, Tristana and Oriana on one side and Kassadin, Ziggs, Ryze and Jayce on the other side. Then Gangplank ults over the whole thing.
Feel free to keep wasting your time. A jungler who hangs out around a lane early game is very unlikely to get a kill, and you are just letting the enemy jungler get way ahead on gold and levels. I would only be afraid of level two ganks from very specific junglers who start red on my side of the map. But that is generally not that hard to watch for.
No, I just know there are better ways to spend my time. I can count the number of viable level two gankers on one hand and there is nothing "unsuspecting" about them. It is super easy to escape early ganks right now and it isn't beneficial for most junglers to try it. Your timetables aren't even realistic. I don't even know what you guys are trying to argue.You give up too easily. An unsuspecting lvl 2 gank from either start will be enough to burn flash and possibly get a kill if the jungler is smart enough.
If the jungler doesn't have the kit for it, you can still easily rush Wo->B->R->Gank or Wr->R->B-> Gank for a quick lvl 3 gank where you should arrive in lane shortly after or before the laners reach lvl 2.
BTW, yesterday I learned that Brand's ult bounces on spiderlings. If you're elise and Brand ults you, change to human form quick. lol
It's bugged occasionally that you have to wait until everyone chooses their champs before you can switch skins.
You give up too easily. An unsuspecting lvl 2 gank from either start will be enough to burn flash and possibly get a kill if the jungler is smart enough.
If the jungler doesn't have the kit for it, you can still easily rush Wo->B->R->Gank or Wr->R->B-> Gank for a quick lvl 3 gank where you should arrive in lane shortly after or before the laners reach lvl 2.
I don't even know what you guys are trying to argue.
All I said was that early ganks are a non-issue in almost all games, and the champions that are capable of it can be easily predicted. Early game ganks can easily go wrong and result in an easy kill for the person you're ganking.Yeah, arguing with you does tend to be a waste of time.
All I said was that early ganks are a non-issue in almost all games, and the champions that are capable of it can be easily predicted. Early game ganks can easily go wrong and result in an easy kill for the person you're ganking.
Volibear could see some buffs in the future. I only played him like 4 times so I didn't know there was a delay on his ult.
No, I just know there are better ways to spend my time. I can count the number of viable level two gankers on one hand and there is nothing "unsuspecting" about them. It is super easy to escape early ganks right now and it isn't beneficial for most junglers to try it. Your timetables aren't even realistic. I don't even know what you guys are trying to argue.
All I said was that early ganks are a non-issue in almost all games, and the champions that are capable of it can be easily predicted. Early game ganks can easily go wrong and result in an easy kill for the person you're ganking.
I think this view is largely outdated and small minded. Look at the whole map. One jungler is still clearing, the other is standing around causing a lane to miss out on CS, which is not the end of the world.Early game ganks aren't necessarily about being successful, they're about creating a presence in lane that forces opposing laner to adjust their playstyle. Even brief periods of exp/cs advantage can make a difference in the early lane outcomes. Your evaluation
is just far too binary. Hell even if I predict a gank and see it coming via ward bot it still forces me to alleviate my zoning actions on the opposing duo and thus gives them some benefit. Incremental advantages are valuable too.
Watching them bounce uselessly onto Spiderlings instead of players is perhaps the single greatest thing in the world in a team fight vs a Brand.
Then again, it's Brand.
All I said was that early ganks are a non-issue in almost all games, and the champions that are capable of it can be easily predicted. Early game ganks can easily go wrong and result in an easy kill for the person you're ganking.
I think this view is largely outdated and small minded. Look at the whole map. One jungler is still clearing, the other is standing around causing a lane to miss out on CS, which is not the end of the world.
Early ganks are based off of timings. This is binary and predictable. Clear the jungle and be in the right place at the right time to help lanes. Its not hard to identify where you will be useful in most situations.
I think this view is largely outdated and small minded. Look at the whole map. One jungler is still clearing, the other is standing around causing a lane to miss out on CS, which is not the end of the world.
Early ganks are based off of timings. This is binary and predictable. Clear the jungle and be in the right place at the right time to help lanes. Its not hard to identify where you will be useful in most situations.
It gets pretty bad if they're missing CS and XP. If you really want to gank a second time you don't stand around. If you retreat into river, go to golems/wolves and then come back. If you retreat into lane, swing a U-turn into the river and hit them again real quick and then go farm up.I think this view is largely outdated and small minded. Look at the whole map. One jungler is still clearing, the other is standing around causing a lane to miss out on CS, which is not the end of the world.
Early ganks are based off of timings. This is binary and predictable. Clear the jungle and be in the right place at the right time to help lanes. Its not hard to identify where you will be useful in most situations.
Doesn't really matter, his overall kit is what's weak.
This is possibly as anecdotal as it gets. Guess what: you aren't Diamond.I think the best example of this was from ECC Poland when M5 Diamond camped the top river brush for like 40 seconds at an early level. Wickd knew he was there, but didn't think he'd wait so long and pushed forward, got ganked and killed. Diamond stayed in the brush, Wickd came back and went to put a ward in the brush and got killed AGAIN because he assumed Diamond would have gone back to his jungle. Sometimes doing unoptimal things ends up netting better than optimal results.
Guess who else showing your presence gives an incremental advantage to? Every other lane on the map and the enemy jungler. You guys are focusing too much on the lane, and making too big of a deal out of missing three CS.Standing around? When did I ever say you needed to stand around? Just showing your presence can create an incremental advantage, space for a lane to reset minions and lose pressure. Even if you have no plans to act on a lane you force the lane to react as if you will. Considering how well warded any well played game is you shouldn't ever have the advantage of surprise...what you do have is the advantage of presence. Its why lee is one of my least favorite junglers to deal with because his mobility gives you little time to take advantage even when he shows himself on the opposite side.
You are acting like coming up to lane guarantees the burned flash or you chunking them. I don't really know what else to say. Early ganks are just less common. Riot even outlined this as one of the goals for the new jungle. Even when they do come in the enemy jungler is weaker and less dangerous.But you don't understand that you don't need to get the kill to make it a successful gank. Causing them to burn flash or a majority of their starting sustain is enough to begin the snowball in that lane. You say it'll cause you to fall behind their jungler but at the same time it forces their jungler to come top to equalize it, time their jungler spends that you can use to catch up and/or counter jungle.
If they are going to miss the CS why bother being there physically? Even you are acknowledging that the threat of a gank is more important than the gank itself, so why bother unless you see an opening?If you suspect a level 2 gank from Lee Sin, but don't have it warded, what are you going to do? Zone yourself from cs until he should be doing blue or continue csing as normal?
You're acting like every laner can be prepared for ganks and CS as normal w/o having to burn flash or get chunked. Any good jungler will be able to assess your escape abilities coupled with their own gap closers to see if they can actually make a 'successful' gank in the lane. If you're in the middle of the lane, but no escapes, I can totally force a flash or chunk you as you go to cs. I wouldn't try it if you had escapes from a rearfacing gank like Renekton or Jax unless I knew it was on cd or that you didn't level it.You are acting like coming up to lane guarantees the burned flash or you chunking them. I don't really know what else to say. Early ganks are just less common. Riot even outlined this as one of the goals for the new jungle. Even when they do come in the enemy jungler is weaker and less dangerous.
No, I was only presenting a hypothetical to you on what you would do. Most people, myself included, continue to CS as normal. The threat of the gank isn't worth the setback at the beginning and is only apparent after the initial gank. No presence in lane means no fear of ganks.If they are going to miss the CS why bother being there physically? Even you are acknowledging that the threat of a gank is more important than the gank itself, so why bother unless you see an opening?
Guess who else showing your presence gives an incremental advantage to? Every other lane on the map and the enemy jungler. You guys are focusing too much on the lane, and making too big of a deal out of missing three CS.
You are acting like coming up to lane guarantees the burned flash or you chunking them. I don't really know what else to say. Early ganks are just less common. Riot even outlined this as one of the goals for the new jungle. Even when they do come in the enemy jungler is weaker and less dangerous.
If they are going to miss the CS why bother being there physically? Even you are acknowledging that the threat of a gank is more important than the gank itself, so why bother unless you see an opening?
More anecdotal points: I was camped hard in a game last night. This got them an eventual kill in lane, sure*, but the rest of their team died elsewhere. We got objectives from it. We abused the fact that the Jungler was always top rather than being useful elsewhere (and merc being smart enough to probably mute me after some point). It didn't really matter that I was behind eventually because they lost so much for it.
Yeah... that Vi stayed up there wayy too long. All while she was up there she did the following before actually killing you: Leeched XP from their top. Let me gank bot for First blood on their support. Let me take her Blue. Let me gank bot yet again for a double kill to Urgot.
All said and done, we had 3 kills to their 1 and I was lvl 5 to Vi's lvl 3.
New champ price schemes LOL.
New champ price schemes LOL.
She came at Level 3.
I finally died because they went all-in with Vi's ult.
That was at the seven minute mark.
Edit: Or maybe that was my second death? I definitely remember that one since I derped the Rappel -> Flash (kneejerked to Human -> Cocoon) and the string of expletives at it since Vi was still in that fucking bush.
It was an Irelia lane, too. Not sure why Vi decided she needed that much help. Then again, LB came top at some point too after Vi got chased off so I guess they just really hate spiders.
New champ price schemes LOL.
She came at Level 3.
I finally died because they went all-in with Vi's ult.
That was at the seven minute mark.
Edit: Or maybe that was my second death? I definitely remember that one since I derped the Rappel -> Flash (kneejerked to Human -> Cocoon) and the string of expletives at it since Vi was still in that fucking bush.
It was an Irelia lane, too. Not sure why Vi decided she needed that much help. Then again, LB came top at some point too after Vi got chased off so I guess they just really hate spiders.
She definitely started up there at lvl 2 since she came straight from red. She stayed long enough to leech to lvl 3, so maybe she ended up at 4 by the end of it.
Vi did gank bot once and so did leblanc but we snowballed bot lane so hard that they didn't get anything out of it so they gave up on botlane altogether.
Yeah, it was straight 2, not 3; you're right. I don't think I died to that one though. I do remember walking up after about a minute of playing passive near turret and Vi sauntered out of the bush to Q me.
Only noteworthy because I had the river warded so I knew when she walked into it. I never saw her leave it but, hey, it had been a minute so she definitely bac--WHY IS SHE HERE PUNCHING ME.