I like the new pricing scheme, but are they applying the changes retroactively to old champions? If so I am not getting Fizz yet
Basically. She set scy back nominally (which I quickly reset with some camping) and lost her bot lane so hard because she just stood around in that river brush like a baddie.
I was actually in mid lane on my way up to reset you when she showed up the second time, which is when I said fuckit and took her blue instead to set her behind big time. The timing of that also let me gank bot for the double.![]()
I like the new pricing scheme, but are they applying the changes retroactively to old champions? If so I am not getting Fizz yet
Renek is amazing. Shut your whore mouth.>mfw I have all of those champs except for Renek, who I swore never to play because he's trash
Aren't you guys kinda bummed about them raising the new price to 7800? I mean, the RP price is the same, so I don't see what raising it to 7800 actually does. Why not just keep it at 6300 for two weeks?
Unless they want people to run out of IP faster so they're more likely to make RP purchases I guess.
Aren't you guys kinda bummed about them raising the new price to 7800? I mean, the RP price is the same, so I don't see what raising it to 7800 actually does. Why not just keep it at 6300 for two weeks?
Unless they want people to run out of IP faster so they're more likely to make RP purchases I guess.
I tried to swing back into corki and I think TForce - Bcleaver/Bthirster is the best option.
Muramana - Not the best option unless you get FB. You're likely to lose your lane if first buy they come back with dorans and you have a tear. Plus you can't really charge it till lvl 6.
I want to run Kogmaw again but I don't want to ask my team to build a comp around me.
Ahh, didn't catch that part. That may be better for hero development overall if they give more time to each one.They're also putting an extra week (at least) between champ releases. I think their logic being the 1500 IP difference can be made up there or you just wait another week before buying them with IP at the old price (while also having more IP than before).
Also, more $$$ bundle sales. cash money yo.
Good top laner. HP and Damage. Spin2win.So I'm just getting into this now, my first DOTA game. Liking it a lot.
I've kinda settled into Garen. What's the opinion on him, and what's the best way to play him?
So I'm just getting into this now, my first DOTA game. Liking it a lot.
I've kinda settled into Garen. What's the opinion on him, and what's the best way to play him?
Have you try frozen fist (or whatever it call)? It give a bit of ap, cdr, mana, armor, and only lose a bit of damage compare to triforce (125% vs 150%). In return it does AOE damage(dat wave clear), and aoe slow on every hit, not to mention a lot cheaper/faster. Nasus is so freaking good thanks to that.
About Kog, I don't really mind him, go ahead and pick him. We'll just ask scy to pick Fiora, with CC jungle, and AOE mid/support and do some fishing.kogmaw will be the worm
Just imagine this, Kogmaw by himself in the middle of no where.... 5 people instant gib you! Then suddenly leona/katarina/fiora/amumu shurelia+flash+ult instant penta.
They're also putting an extra week (at least) between champ releases. I think their logic being the 1500 IP difference can be made up there or you just wait another week before buying them with IP at the old price (while also having more IP than before).
Also, more $$$ bundle sales. cash money yo.
I guess this doesn't mean much to me since I own most champions anyway, but I like everything about that. Including an incentive to not buy it on the first week.New champ price schemes LOL.
Tanky AD Crit is the best way.
Mercury Tread / Ninja Tabi
Black Cleaver
Guardian Angel / Bulwark
Infinity Edge
Frozen Mallet
Situational (Bloodthirster / Hydra / Maw)
Skill priority is REQW, but always start with Q.
In some cases, maxing Q before E is preferably.
Good top laner. HP and Damage. Spin2win.
So youre asking me to play teemo then...
It'll encourage more RP buys on week 1 if you really really want a champ.
I've been playing a bit more but I still only net about 4k IP between champ releases. I bought nami day 1 with 6300 and only have about 3800 today. If I want all the new champs I'll need to pull out the RP.
People don't enjoy getting shouted at for everything by every single lane (I certainly don't enjoy jungling either). At least support gets a pass when there are wards up and bot lane didn't lose terribly, and when you lose it's rarely the supports fault.
whats the consensus about AD carries in season 3? i personally think they got a whole lot better. i had an unusual number of monster games in the last two weeks.
Jungle's harder than ever and junglers got the most responsibility of the team, so they get no slack, even when it's not their fault.So is anyone else seeing a trend of less and less people wanting to play jungle? I just looked back and I've "had" to jungle 50% of the time (had in this case meaning I didn't ask for it and all other roles were taken or people really wanting them).
Guess it's not bad. I've been getting better at the role. I've even started jungling Malph when he's not banned but it's just kind of funny that I don't get stuck with support anymore, I get stuck with jungling. Not a lot of people seem to want to do it anymore.
They got weaker IMO.
Reason: phantom dancer was core on every adc with its stats in season1-2.
With PD nerfed, some carries will build no crit at all (hurricane) and no movement increase. Without crit chance and movement, adc gets a bit weaker in solo situations where your team wont peel Tanky dps for you in team fights. And I come back to this; red is more important than ever to adcs in season 3 than any other season for them to basically survive the whole assassin era we are in.
Plus the mastery pages for adc are really generic and offer no flexibility. You can really only have 3 different mastery pages for ALL the adcs which is pretty sad. Either take 3% more damage, take utility for mana and prolonging red buff or do more damage to minions to help CS. Only carry I have been able to break away from these pages is vayne. I have super secret pages for her.
Anyway I hate mastery pages.
So Vi is awesome. Her jungle ganks are cray-cray stronk. I like the skin too. Seen a lot of people complaining about it.
She's incredible at isolating single targets too in team fights. Ult their AD/AP carry, bye-bye, team fight win.
Also starting with your W in the jungle makes clearing it ridiculously easy. Expecting a nerf on that soon.
So Vi is awesome. Her jungle ganks are cray-cray stronk. I like the skin too. Seen a lot of people complaining about it.
She's incredible at isolating single targets too in team fights. Ult their AD/AP carry, bye-bye, team fight win.
Also starting with your W in the jungle makes clearing it ridiculously easy. Expecting a nerf on that soon.
If you get countered, trade to me for your own counterpickI should probably try to jungle at some point.
Of course, I still need more lane Vi games. I guess I'll make games tonight so I can get that glorious first pick (and get countered).
They got weaker IMO.
Reason: phantom dancer was core on every adc with its stats in season1-2.
With PD nerfed, some carries will build no crit at all (hurricane) and no movement increase. Without crit chance and movement, adc gets a bit weaker in solo situations where your team wont peel Tanky dps for you in team fights. And I come back to this; red is more important than ever to adcs in season 3 than any other season for them to basically survive the whole assassin era we are in.
Plus the mastery pages for adc are really generic and offer no flexibility. You can really only have 3 different mastery pages for ALL the adcs which is pretty sad. Either take 3% more damage, take utility for mana and prolonging red buff or do more damage to minions to help CS. Only carry I have been able to break away from these pages is vayne. I have super secret pages for her.
Anyway I hate mastery pages.
So is anyone else seeing a trend of less and less people wanting to play jungle? I just looked back and I've "had" to jungle 50% of the time (had in this case meaning I didn't ask for it and all other roles were taken or people really wanting them).
Guess it's not bad. I've been getting better at the role. I've even started jungling Malph when he's not banned but it's just kind of funny that I don't get stuck with support anymore, I get stuck with jungling. Not a lot of people seem to want to do it anymore.
They got weaker IMO.
Really enjoying Vi, even though I've only played 2 games. Decent ganks, she's tanky, and her neon strike B animation is Franky from One Piece.
If you get countered, trade to me for your own counterpick![]()
I'm still banging my head on the wall trying to get better at the S3 jungle. I built HOG on like 90 percent of the junglers I used to play (Mundo, Lee, Noc, Shy, Xin, etc.) and without that item, it feels like I'm having trouble getting any gold.
Really enjoying Vi, even though I've only played 2 games. Decent ganks, she's tanky, and her neon strike B animation is Franky from One Piece.
WTF, just patched (euw here) and did not absoultely expect the new launcher music... Cool! :O
How does Anivia fair against Kat in lane? I had an unpleasant time with this just now. I got zoned and she's really good with Shunpos so ganking was futile.
I lost by around 120 vs 170 in cs in lane. She didn't get to gank lanes. I managed to never die and always pop my passive beside the tower. She usually wastes her Ignite and ult.
How does Anivia fair against Kat in lane? I had an unpleasant time with this just now. I got zoned and she's really good with Shunpos so ganking was futile.
I lost by around 120 vs 170 in cs in lane. She didn't get to gank lanes. I managed to never die and always pop my passive beside the tower. She usually wastes her Ignite and ult.
Pretty bad I'd say. Anivia is really mana hungry while Kat can worst case scenario just farm with her Q for free, and shunpo dodging Anivia's stun/walls is pretty easy. Your stun is also not really that effective against her ult, because it's so freaking slow.How does Anivia fair against Kat in lane? I had an unpleasant time with this just now. I got zoned and she's really good with Shunpos so ganking was futile.
I lost by around 120 vs 170 in cs in lane. She didn't get to gank lanes. I managed to never die and always pop my passive beside the tower. She usually wastes her Ignite and ult.
I really like Neon Strike. I bought the bundle. Lots of people think it's crap, but I like how goofy it is. Also the colours. THE COLOURS.