Trundle above Nocturne, and I think Trundle is actually great as a counterpick.
What are some folks favorite default skins? I think Diana has one of the better defaults.
What are some folks favorite default skins? I think Diana has one of the better defaults.
Cho and Noct too low. Skarner too high. Jax probably too low. Udyr too high. Zed too high. Sejuani too low. Hecarim too low. Darius too low.Makes sense to me. What seems off for you?
Stonewall also has a weird hard-on for Trundle ever since he was released.
Doesn't stop him from being one of the most unpopular jungles in pubs.
I had one on my team who was dominating, and their irelia was like "I thought that champ was ass!"
Those silly koreans.Meanwhile, Trundle is the pick or ban jungler of Korea.
Elise jungle tier 1. Super fast clear with blue, great ganks if you're not a derpenstein.
Those silly koreans.
Can't remember the last time I played Summoner's Rift.
I keep on telling myself that I'll play it after the current game but I just end up queuing for another Dominion game.
Even if he's good his kit is one of the most boring in the entire game.Trundle is so underrated. People don't understand how good he is. I might go on an all Trundle game for a bit.
Even if he's good his kit is one of the most boring in the entire game.
Where do you find all these Wukong players? I never see him.i just got blamed for not ganking for wukong when he lost a 1v1 against jax as i finished blue
We recently announced that we would be reducing the price on many of our champions. We also noticed that you purchased at least one of these champions two weeks before we announced these items' price changes. You can view the announcement here.
Since you made this purchase so close to the adjustment in its price, we have decided to issue you a proactive refund for the difference of 1500 IP which is the difference between your initial purchase price and the adjusted price. The amount of this refund should be credited to your account within the next two weeks, and is yours to spend however you choose. If you have made any other purchases that meet the same criteria, you should have also received a refund for those purchases. Please note that this refund may not be reflected in your current point total in the client until you attempt to make your next purchase in the League of Legends Store. You do not have to complete a purchase in order for it to update.
could anyone tell me what jungle runes i have to buy? something that works for most jungler. i have only 3 rune pages.
I don't think Kog's inside-out dick of a tongue spitting out some mucus is an image I'd want associated in the same thoughts as "pussy master".
But maybe that's just me![]()
should I buy maokai or nocturne as my next jungler guys
who is the better
Ha, I don't think I wanna knowDude that's the whole point!
Don't leave base with 200+ gold lying around, just buy a ward (not necessarily early on as an ADC, but later, do so) and place it on chokepoints on the map. Wards'll save your life more than anything else in the game and your whole team will love you for it, even if they don't know it.Alright GAF.
I have finally installed LoL and I have played a bunch. I'm level 8. I've won a few normal games with friends. I still die...a lot. My friends set me up with Ashe and from the OP and from what they said I'm an ADC.
Any tips from here on GAF that my friends may have over looked?
Don't leave base with 200+ gold lying around, just buy a ward (not necessarily early on as an ADC, but later, do so) and place it on chokepoints on the map. Wards'll save your life more than anything else in the game and your whole team will love you for it, even if they don't know it.
Other than that, specifically as an ADC, aim for the damage dealers in the enemy team, but if they're not in range, just shoot what's in front of you. You should never die at the start of a fight, if you're dead you're worthless, so if get jumped on, just back away while shooting at the guy that's chasing you.
Also make sure during laning phase to only kill minions that are low on health. That's known as last hitting, and prevents your minion wave from advancing towards the enemy tower, exposing you to ganks. If you only shoot the minions that are about to die, you get the same gold and it's safe and fine.
Yup, that's an ADC build alright.Yea I need to start using wards I've seen lol.
A lot of what I have to learn is who does what and what abilities everyone has.
So far I've gone:
Speed boots -> Upgrade to the attack speed boots.
Build Infinity Edge -> Phantom ______ (dagger maybe)?
Does that seem reasonable?
I like Mao better, root + cc mid = first blood!
I think you will have more fun with Nocturn tho.
I don't think Kog's inside-out dick of a tongue spitting out some mucus is an image I'd want associated in the same thoughts as "pussy master".
But maybe that's just me![]()
stay classy solo q
I want to play
But I can't, because then I feel guilty for doing so