Why? Also, why u no text back D:
I feel bad playing when I have so many things to take care of
also, working today.
Why? Also, why u no text back D:
I bought Vayne 4800 IP, it was all my IP. I don't like her. She has to get too close to kill and dies and has no CC unless you hit them to a wall with E. I've played her before I bought a few times but it was years ago. Should have saved it for another champ.
these ones are better:
Draven - not only better but more fun too
Ashe - better
Kog'Maw - better
Varus - better, more fun
Tristana - better
Graves - better, more fun
Corki - better
Sivir - about even
I think only Caitlyn is worse
I want to play
But I can't, because then I feel guilty for doing so
Caitlyn is probably the best ADC right now.
I wouldn't agree with that. She's a good push later, but other similarly built ADs will stomp her in mid-late game. If you can survive her early game without falling too far behind, she's pretty mediocre.
Personally I think Graves is the strongest at the moment. He's not my favourite to play, but he's the strongest. He's a brilliant dueller and he's incredible at bursting the squishier ADs. Draven's come a long way recently too. I've seen a lot of good Dravens recently, and I've always said a good Draven will beat other ADs easily because of the potential of his kit.
Graves has fallen out of favor in recent tournaments lately. The best AD is still Ezreal because of his mobility. Caitlyn requires a Nunu to be played at her full potential imo. I really want to see Draven be played more since he's such a beast in lane if played properly.
I wouldn't agree with that. She's a good push later, but other similarly built ADs will stomp her in mid-late game. If you can survive her early game without falling too far behind, she's pretty mediocre.
Personally I think Graves is the strongest at the moment. He's not my favourite to play, but he's the strongest. He's a brilliant dueller and he's incredible at bursting the squishier ADs. Draven's come a long way recently too. I've seen a lot of good Dravens recently, and I've always said a good Draven will beat other ADs easily because of the potential of his kit.
I wouldn't agree with that. She's a good push later, but other similarly built ADs will stomp her in mid-late game. If you can survive her early game without falling too far behind, she's pretty mediocre.
Personally I think Graves is the strongest at the moment. He's not my favourite to play, but he's the strongest. He's a brilliant dueller and he's incredible at bursting the squishier ADs. Draven's come a long way recently too. I've seen a lot of good Dravens recently, and I've always said a good Draven will beat other ADs easily because of the potential of his kit.
Caitlyn's range is what makes her so good. It allows to to be safer than the other ADCs. Her lane dominance makes up for her mid game weakness, especially with games now being decided in the early-to-mid transitional periods rather than super late ones.
Edit: Also, I just noticed what I said. I meant "one of the best" ... because she is. She's retained her status as one of the top 5 ADCs from the end of Season 2 except she's probably in the top 3 category now.
Graves has fallen out of favor a bit since he's not as safe compared to other options. Draven is the best duelist ADC but he tapers off. As far as late game ADCs are concerned, Twitch holds the crown for the best late game ADC.
Unless you're Vayne or something, you can *deal* with her early range no problem if you're anyway decent at playing AD.
Graves is great when you really want to get in someone's face and bully your lane, which is what you should be doing if you're a good AD and you have a good support player with you. E -> Q is still so effective at bursting squishy ADs, and his passive is handy for duelling. Honestly the only weak point of Graves' kit is his ult, which I just don't like at all.
Agreed on Draven. He's my favourite AD carry by a long, long way. He's the most fun, with Vayne a distant second. I'd LOVE to see a pro player whip out a Draven and just school people, but they're so reluctant to differentiate.
I've never lost against an ezreal as varus.
I don't know what this means but I just choose varus as a counter now
Um I think I played some people just now.
Scy, I don't think Vi would have done particularly well in either of those lanes. I'm not really sure what she can do in lane honestly except try to be hyper aggressive starting from level 2, like Xin Zhao. But she doesn't really have Xin's slow, or damage, or knockup, so I'm not sure it would work at all. Maybe just start with a bunch of potions and try to sustain to 6.
I like her a lot better in the jungle because it feels impossible to do almost anything without red buff or phage.
Has anyone else encountered this?
I start the game, press P to shop, and my display driver crashes and recovers. Nothing bad happens (it just freezes for a few seconds) but it's never happened until recently.
I have an AMD 7850 and the latest non-beta drivers too.
Damnnnnnnnn, they are adding auto attack range indicators next patch. All that time spent on learning the max attack range for all my adc mains to abuse max range harrass is now going to be less valuable.
I always wanted this to be a skill cap thing
God damnit. Hope it doesn't come to the live client...
I feel like knowing the range of your champion auto attack is like knowing how to aim skill shots. It takes practice and patience. But now.......
: /
Damnnnnnnnn, they are adding auto attack range indicators next patch. All that time spent on learning the max attack range for all my adc mains to abuse max range harrass is now going to be less valuable.
I always wanted this to be a skill cap thing
God damnit. Hope it doesn't come to the live client...
I feel like knowing the range of your champion auto attack is like knowing how to aim skill shots. It takes practice and patience. But now.......
: /
I just tried jungle Shen. I am honestly shocked. Initial clear speed isn't bad at all and the sustain surprised me. I tried maxing Q first but I think allocating 2 points on W early on is better. I went for a Wriggle just to speed the jungling up a bit since the lanes were very irritating to gank.
his ganks are extremely strong which make up for his weak 1v1 early.Haven't tried him in the new jungle yet, but I hate how weak jungle Shen feels. His biggest strength is his ability to split push, forcing the enemy team to send someone back to deal with him, but in the jungle it feels like he can get out dueled by anyone because he doesn't have as many items as top lane Shen would.
In short, this happens:
You haven't played with meOddone having a meet and greet in sydney.. Hmmm....
I like the sound of freebies but is it worth going for that
I just experienced the best lux support ever
Just such perfect snares, slows, ults. Holy crap.
Because of the screen, or because of the dancing?That login screen gave made me hit the uninstall button.
If her ganks are insane and her attacks are so powerful, does that mean she's too powerful compared to the other champions that weren't so powerful or insane?Jungle Vi so stronk.
Her ganks are INSANE. Got my Orianna mid fed too, against a Kat. I was proud of myself.
Initiating with Q from a bush or behind a wall (Q -> ult after 6, if needed) and just pounding on them is so satisfying and so powerful. Smacking them with Es just makes it too easy.
I absolutely love her. Well done Riot <3
It's your decision of course, but the music alone seems a bit of an odd reason to uninstall. I didn't really like that particular music, but it's literally a single click on the menu screen to disable the music forever.The music was just out there.
If her ganks are insane and her attacks are so powerful, does that mean she's too powerful compared to the other champions that weren't so powerful or insane?![]()
championselect and lolking are the worst things to happen to ranked games.
She just seems way more suited to the jungle than top lane, to be honest. I haven't seen anyone properly work out how to play her effectively top yet.
She's quite bursty, so her ganks are brill. Denting Blows makes her clear time in the jungle super quick, so they might nerf that. Although she doesn't have any sustain really, so she kind of needs a quick clear speed.
Scy22: anything but support. can anyone play support?
scy's distant relative
Her shield is a fair amount of damage prevention. That + Wriggles kind of makes her jungle clear relatively painless. Especially since you should build a good amount of Health on her
My #22 is kind of a dick.
The shield's okay, but it's not amazing.
I don't really like building Wriggle's any more. I find Spirit Stone to be a better choice for a lot of my junglers, Vi in particular because she's really heavy on her mana. Plus Wriggle's is a dead end. I like Spirit Stone's upgrade path.
Clone #22 must be destroyed.