People who have stolens pentas from me in the last fortnight:
Corgi - zed
Bind- nami
Acht - sona
I remember these things and I will steal one back. You have my word.
People who have stolens pentas from me in the last fortnight:
Corgi - zed
Bind- nami
Acht - sona
I remember these things and I will steal one back. You have my word.
Random thought:
I wonder if Riot has thought about adopting a supplementary "Skylanders" business model. Sell figures/statues of champions for $8-$15 and include an unlock code for a skin or just that champion in game. They haven't really embraced the merchandising side of the brand and I wonder if it's because they just haven't found the "Hippalus" of merch yet.
Well considering they already sell skins at that price point alone, I doubt the figures would be at that price range. Could be interesting I guess though.
Has anyone bothered to try out the new Rageblade yet?
Seems like it would be good for man contests.
its actually his hate list
rex crushin hardIt could be a love list
Which is even scarier.
khazix is extremely flexible character, but he suffer from "Bruisers too strong" syndrome.
If they don't listen, buy your own wards.what's the point in getting fed as vayne if the team has zero map control, keeps getting caught 1v5 in the jungle, loses all the barons due to zero planning, has no teamfight presence and wouldn't know how to focus if it bit them in their faces
goddamn this stupid game
Well, if I keep trying then maybe next queue the worse players will be on the other side
If they don't listen, buy your own wards.
You'll sacrifice damage but you're getting ambushed all the time so it's not like you were doing much in the first place.
Fiddle Middle any good?
Ah, that sucks then. Some games are just meant to be lost...I was. I buy wards all the time until the build is full every game. But that wouldn't stop them from feeding and I cannot cover the entire map. Hell, I cannot even ward a little bit because I *know* they're so obviously there, but apparently I'm the only one that looks at the minimap and can perform simple deductions.
So at the end of the game I was the only one that hadn't fed and one of two with a positive K/D ratio. It keeps happening. Argh.
I'd say he kinda wastes half his ult's potential by not running jungle, but his silence and health steal make him a pretty decent laner.
BTW anyone happen to have a copy of Xenoblade Chronicles they want to get rid of. Trying to find a copy to buy but no luck at the Gamestops here.
PM me in a month. Wife is finishing her copy by then.
Has there been any more information at all about how to get the Santa Nashor icon? I still don't have it.
But he's got a sword.
And he spins!
aphro secretly hates draven.
His arguing with doublelift over whether mf or draven is better.
That bums me out. I bought Vi but haven't played any games on her on live. I think I'm ready to play League again though.Thought about buying Vi but then suddenly Jayce. Juicy Jayce. He feels fun to play, though the first 3 games have been in bot matches, soon I'm ready for reals :3
Vi doesn't seem that good to me, wonder what gives that impression. At least she can get away nicely with Vault Breaker.
If only Ionic Spark was still in the game. Why do you think I always played Lulu top and went IS first? Lazy and easy last hitting.Last hitting with Fiddlesticks is an entire separate game on its own.
Does it also come with a custom Guitar strap for Corgi?
I'd say he kinda wastes half his ult's potential by not running jungle, but his silence and health steal make him a pretty decent laner.