I just don't see her being a good fit for top lane. Having to go into top brush to come in to harass at all is pretty laughable, and it's super telegraphed on top of the already obvious buildup.
Going into the bush also forces them to respect that a Q could come. It's no more telegraphed than most other non-targeted gap closers or bush campers.
Her shield cooldown pre-7 is pretty atrocious. At 7+, she's fine. If anything, this is my largest complaint for her: Harassing with her pops her Shield which gives a very obvious "free harass" window. She really needs that Shield to last longer.
She is very all in and it's super easy to bait out lots of her stuff. Close proximity Q is just going to have them outtrade you if you don't get good damage off of it.
She should outtrade every single champion in the game in ~2-3 seconds of an engage. Q, Auto, E, Auto, E, Disengage. A close proximity Q will have them outtrade you how, anyway? I'm not talking about being in melee range when you charge it. Just not being at near max range. If they go in on you charging it, you can disengage or just take the fight there.
I do agree that, in general, she needs some tuning for top. But she's a lot better than most people give her credit for.
I suppose pushing the lane is a problem if you're firing off a lot of Qs and Es so I like to play very passively when laning. I try not to engage without jungler to gank even after 6. A lot of bad matchups I've had have been against people who can cancel or silence my Qs; hopefully after they fix that she'll fare a tad better.
Once I've accepted that my first all-in will be at Level 7, I've done a lot better with her. I can push my lane to counter them pushing me but, otherwise, 1-7 will just be getting farm as I can take it. Once she hits 6/7, I can easily Q->Auto->E->Auto->E them and ult to chase a disengage/Flash or just bully the lane from there with the huge advantage.
Edit: Also, I've been leveling E first recently. Any time I can get a free E off in lane (that is, an E that won't hit many minions), I'll take it. A lot more free damage this way. Also, don't forget to E, wait a sec, and then engage. This way you can get three E's off in a fight since the cooldown starts when you activate the first E.