They already did. Aside from getting rid of his arcane shift there isn't much they can do.
Do it.
They already did. Aside from getting rid of his arcane shift there isn't much they can do.
So Varus feels pretty bad, I don't know if I should stop autoattacking to pop up his stacks or what.
Also tried Hurricane but I dunno.
So Varus feels pretty bad, I don't know if I should stop autoattacking to pop up his stacks or what.
Also tried Hurricane but I dunno.
Max W, pop it with E
Wow, there's one other person out there who hates it.
Which legacy skins are the 'need to buys" in your opinions?
I'm thinking Pharoah Mumu, Professor Ryze, Angler Jax, anad Matador Ali.
Is Cowboy Hat Ali legacy?
The Jax skin is so terrible. The Ali skin is okay.Which legacy skins are the 'need to buys" in your opinions?
I'm thinking Pharoah Mumu, Professor Ryze, Angler Jax, anad Matador Ali.
Why is 420 up there? There's master yeh 420 and poopfeast420 on SC2.
Kinda.Red Akali has kinda good splash art. Kinda.
Red Akali has kinda good splash art. Kinda.
Firefighter Trist is good. Red Baron Corki would be cool if you didn't have to play Corki to use it.Which legacy skins are the 'need to buys" in your opinions?
I'm thinking Pharoah Mumu, Professor Ryze, Angler Jax, anad Matador Ali.
Serious question?
every time I get on League you guys are playing ARAM
is this a fad or something
Which legacy skins are the 'need to buys" in your opinions?
I'm thinking Pharoah Mumu, Professor Ryze, Angler Jax, anad Matador Ali.
So I've been playing league a LOT lately. Like all day erry day. And it's really fucking good you guys. I'm not sure if you knew.
I auto join the gaf chat room when I'm online and Ive gotten some invites which I'm pretty sure just come when people invite everyone... but I don't know.
See I have like my core group in vent, who are not GAFers, but I play with them... and I don't know how I feel about playing with not them.
My experience playing LoL is unlike any other game. I play pre-mades with my lvl 30 friends so I'm rutinely getting crushed like 0-11, but then I solo que and go like 17-2. It's a fucking crazy awesome feeling that I've never gotten from any other game.
I feel like the hobbits at the end of the Lord of the Rings, when they finally get back to the shire and are just straight up bad asses.
This game is dangerously getting close to being added to my short list.
Red Akali has kinda good splash art. Kinda.
I really should get on with my AP Varus experiment.
Don't bother. AP Varus is trash. Varus mid is definitely great though. He hard counters a surprising amount of champs.
But dat 45% lategame burst whenever Q or E goes off cooldown.![]()
This is awesome.Morgana is the AP mid I play when I don't want to deal with any of my enemy team's shit.
But dat 45% lategame burst whenever Q or E goes off cooldown.![]()
He's fun. I've been using AP Varus since I started playing early last year. He's a lot better with Hurricane. You need a support champ that can obviously tank, but isn't aggressive at all until you get some as and ap as you don't have killing power right off the bat like an AD carry.
Basically just AA to get 3 stacks, Ult, AA x 3, E, AA x 3, Q. You generally waste the tanks/Melee first since you're slow as fuck and you do way more damage to higher HP targets. Even when they stack MR, you will take off half of a champ with 3k+ hp in a few seconds.
Does anyone know of good youtube or streaming channels that focus on high level team? The Dota2 community has some nice youtube channels in Beyond The Summit and JoinDota. Hoping to find some for LoL.
I find that watching high level teams with announcing really helps you learn the game.
Does anyone know of good youtube or streaming channels that focus on high level team? The Dota2 community has some nice youtube channels in Beyond The Summit and JoinDota. Hoping to find some for LoL.
I find that watching high level teams with announcing really helps you learn the game.