I used to play Dom pretty seriously, but I never bothered with Draft.
Hour long queues!
I used to play Dom pretty seriously, but I never bothered with Draft.
Hour long queues!
Teemos! Teemos everywhere!
Wait so Amumu ult is no longer a stun?Oh, I missed this PBE change.
Ahahahahahahah. Good. And Lee Sin nerfs too.
Just found an awesome new Gangplank build. Manamune + Static Shiv + Infinity Edge + Iceborn Gauntlet, your Qs are godly.
It was never a stun, it just prevented auto-attacks.Wait so Amumu ult is no longer a stun?
Shit that's huge.
Ah ok. Still sounds like a pretty big nerf.It was never a stun, it just prevented auto-attacks.
Wait so Amumu ult is no longer a stun?
Shit that's huge.
Just found an awesome new Gangplank build. Manamune + Static Shiv + Infinity Edge + Iceborn Gauntlet, your Qs are godly.
God. Solo queue @ 1300 elo is going to be the bane of me.
I go 20-5 as Caitlyn and do 360k damage through the game .... but still lose cause I have AP Yi and Nasus on my team.
This is right after I went 11-3 as Kassadin the game previous and lost cause the fucking Kayle on my team fed top.
I go up to 1450 and lose all the way back down to 1300. Makes me very sad.
Yeah I never fully understood what it did, but since you couldn't AA I never knew what to call it.It was never a stun, but it wasn't a root/snare either, so at least changing it to a root/snare makes it consistent with everyone else's root/snare abilities, I guess.
It could be rather a big deal since enemy AD carries can now keep damaging whoever is in range, however.
God. Solo queue @ 1300 elo is going to be the bane of me.
I go 20-5 as Caitlyn and do 360k damage through the game .... but still lose cause I have AP Yi and Nasus on my team.
This is right after I went 11-3 as Kassadin the game previous and lost cause the fucking Kayle on my team fed top.
I go up to 1450 and lose all the way back down to 1300. Makes me very sad.
Here's the reason people lose when you're 15-2
You ace the enemy team then you recall.
Sejuani winstreak continues.
"first every good sej"
lik dis if you cry everytime
Ah ok. Still sounds like a pretty big nerf.
Amumu's ult used to stop auto-attacks. Not anymore.The ability is literally unchanged. It's a tooltip cleanup
On the flip side, I feel like I've seen several games lost because people ace the enemy team, then push, then try for baron/just one more tower too far when they have 30% health and the entire enemy team is respawning in 5 seconds and it's late into the game...upon which the other team aces you without taking any damage, and/or takes baron, and takes your inhibitors.Here's the reason people lose when you're 15-2
You ace the enemy team then you recall.
Sejuani winstreak continues.
"first every good sej"
lik dis if you cry everytime
Dunno what you're getting at, but i'd definitely choose this as opposed to everyone being quiet and not saying what they'd wanna play.
Hard to say. Amumu is getting nerfed. Malphite jungle isn't popular right now. I don't know where the community will go for tanky AP junglers with strong initiation. There is an opening for people to pick her up, but it probably won't happen. Nobody will notice her unless Riot tweaks her kit like they said they would. What's popular in the jungle will probably change with the Lee and Amumu nerfs. It will probably be Jarvan and Xin and not champions like Sejuani though. I expect even more Cho, who offers CC and high damage output and is super low risk. Honestly I don't really care. I would probably rather see Sejuani stay underground, as there is not a great deal of understanding enemy teams have of how she operates in certain situations.I've been playing some Sejuani the past few days too, pretty freaking strong champ for how much she gets played, how long will it take for the general lol community to realise i wonder?
Hard to say. Amumu is getting nerfed. Malphite jungle isn't popular right now. I don't know where the community will go for tanky AP junglers with strong initiation. There is an opening for people to pick her up, but it probably won't happen. Nobody will notice her unless Riot tweaks her kit like they said they would. What's popular in the jungle will probably change with the Lee and Amumu nerfs. It will probably be Jarvan and Xin and not champions like Sejuani though. I expect even more Cho, who offers CC and high damage output and is super low risk. Honestly I don't really care. I would probably rather see Sejuani stay underground, as there is not a great deal of understanding enemy teams have of how she operates in certain situations.
lol mid or feedDat macro
So it is pretty huge.Amumu's ult used to stop auto-attacks. Not anymore.
Weak first clear is the big and obvious issue. Just very limited in options. She really needs at least level three to gank effectively, but from then on she is extremely dangerous. Not the worst thing in the world but it's annoying. If more people played her this would be obvious. She is also a terrible duelist early game. She will lose 1v1 against almost any jungler. These are kind of a bad combination, because her path is predictable and she can really be messed with if the enemy jungler comes to find her in the first few minutes.What do you think her weaknesses are as a jungler? Genuinely curious as I haven't really come across any, but then I do play in relatively low level games.
Weak first clear is the big and obvious issue. Just very limited in options. She really needs at least level three to gank effectively, but from then on she is extremely dangerous. Not the worst thing in the world but it's annoying. If more people played her this would be obvious. She is also a terrible duelist early game. She will lose 1v1 against almost any jungler. These are kind of a bad combination, because her path is predictable and she can really be messed with if the enemy jungler comes to find her in the first few minutes.
She is also worthless without her spells up. This is part of why CDR is so important, but there are fewer CDR based items that she is interested in with the new items. Frozen Heart is less appealing than it was before, so working it into builds is awkward/unnecessary. It just makes Kindlegem and later Spirit Visage more important, but the passive on that isn't great for her.
You can also block Sejuani by standing in front of her. This is pretty much the best way to deal with her. People really don't know about this though. Her Q stops on champions so all you have to do is get in the way. Same for her ultimate, but it's less of an issue because of the radius on its explosion. Sejuani can't really penetrate a line of champions to get to the back the way certain other champions can.
Iceborn Gauntlet isn't really a good choice for her. She doesn't have enough attack damage to make use of the Sheen, and her abilities aren't really spammable to proc it often. You kind of just blow everything at once and W keeps ticking.I've been going for an iceborn gauntlet for the cdr, also helps get the slows off when your stuffs on cd which is pretty useful, leaves me a bit down on magic resist but helps with the liandry's i get lategame.
That Warwick is from the future.wow the old victory screen was ugly rofl
He even has voice- lines for such occasions (I recall him saying "YOINK"). It's quite spiffy.DID YOU KNOW...Draven can catch an opposing Draven's axes. No, I actually did not know that.![]()
Is no one else seriously having problems with lag ever since new year's, even when ping reads ok? Almost every game has a crash at start.
Do you guys have any tips for learning a character and their builds?
Dodged the fuck out of that ranked game. After playing a nice relaxing Akali game, I got into the next lobby where my team consisted of: Eve, Alistar, Volibear, GP, Warwick.
The warwick was last pick and super pissed that I took top lane after he "called" it. So they of course turned on me and called me a "lane stealing faggot" to which I was just like "well I'll take the 30 minute hit to get away from you guys" and dodged it out.
People seriously need to chill the fuck out about their "call" and just play the cards that are dealt to them. Fucking pricks