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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Everything is moe to me
Who knows. Maybe 11 Pots + Ward was the best start for Season 2 as well but we didn't know! However, I feel it's a bit different just because of the mobility change allowing for it. But, something about that doesn't seem quite right either...

I'm still terrified whenever im bootsless in mid vs guys like veigar, ziggs, etc.

Feels like top is the only lane where all pots all the time is actually a thing.


Me too! I just only use like.. 9 charges total :x Once midgame rolls around the 300 hp gained over 30 seconds only really serves to top me off if I'm near full. Burst damage is enough at that point that if 300 hp is going to save me it'll be faster to go back and heal it instead of staying on the map.

To be fair, most my Flask play is with Top lane with Elise, Vi, Kha'zix, etc. Champs that need some kind of HP and Mana sustain at all and just getting some is nice. Especially in a free slot since I don't fill up with items super fast.

Gotta find it's resale value too before we can say anything!

Even without that, we should be comparing potion costs. Given the new efficiencies, it looks like it increases the amount of potions you'd need to use over the course of the game to break even (~6 instead of 4).

What I'm anticipating is it'll go from 6 Charges to pay it off to 6 Charges + Reselling it. That would mean dropping the value to _50G_ on the sell.

But maybe they'll raise it because :lol


Everything is moe to me
Lulu does not have the base stats to survive in top lane well at level one. While I appreciate your attempt to offer advice she is dead as a solo lane because of the massive and unnecessary cost increase to attack speed as well as the item removals and changes that looped crit and attack speed to always go hand in hand. Her early game is worse. Her mid game is worse. Her late game is worse. There is no reason to play her anymore.
and here I thought it was because people 'just healed through' harass.


Know where a flask isn't really helpful? Twisted Treeline.

I actually really like Flask there :(

On that note, 345 Flask means Doran's + Flask uses almost all of the starting gold. Not sure if I like that quite yet. Cloth/Cloth/Flask -> Warden's Mail -> Phage/Brutalizer (order as necessary) was a really nice Vi start.


What do people actually want in terms of early item choice?

From a design perspective the difficulty is you're designing a game for several different types of players in the same sandbox (assuming their efforts to get more casual people to play tt/dominion are ultimately a failure). Is early game item variety a necessity to a fun game experience?

There's also going to always be a component of follow the leader mentality to the metagame that may not reflect all of the possibilities because the vast majority of people make choices based on what they perceive as allowing them to keep up, not their own analysis.

It's also a situation where if the obscene damage potential of ad assassins/casters right now was toned down we might see a different environment entirely. You can say the problem is that cheap sustain is what allows them to reach that point...but you still need to actually discuss whether the point they're reaching is actually healthy for the game as well.

What doesn't help is that we have no idea what specific direction Riot wants lane activity to head in other than safe from anything but the most persistent/skilled low level ganks. They outright stated they want jungle to be wealthier but its clearly the opppsite; a huge swath of ap characters while playable are not rewarding enough for the risk they pose.

It's all really fun to see develop, but that's why they're having the extended preseason I suppose.


Nunu doesn't offer much in lane as a support himself, mostly a buffbot with the occasional snowball. If your ADC is bad, you're kind of screwed. If the game doesn't extend to the late game, you're kind of screwed.

Support is a terrible way to reliably gain elo through your plays. You're left at the whims of your team. However, a good support is a great way to make the most out of the advantages your team has. Essentially, the higher you get in elo, the greater the chance that a relevant support can create a winning situation.

@Nunu top - On behalf of all bruiser players everywhere, I hope you die in a fire.

Edit: Oh wait, you said AD.
Nunu doesn't offer much in lane as a support himself, mostly a buffbot with the occasional snowball. If your ADC is bad, you're kind of screwed. If the game doesn't extend to the late game, you're kind of screwed.

Support is a terrible way to reliably gain elo through your plays. You're left at the whims of your team. However, a good support is a great way to make the most out of the advantages your team has. Essentially, the higher you get in elo, the greater the chance that a relevant support can create a winning situation.

@Nunu top - On behalf of all bruiser players everywhere, I hope you die in a fire.

Oh sure, but it's the same with most supports if your AD is bad. You could be the best support in the world but your AD could be about as useful to the team as a wispy fart and you'll almost certainly lose.

I'm just sick of winning top or doing better than the enemy jungler and losing because my other lanes feed so hard. Might as well play support and make an important lane win.

Nunu's AS buff is pretty significant in lane, especially if your AD builds damage first. you're effectively a walking a walking Phantom Dancer (minus the crits) which is a big advantage if you lane aggressively. He's really good at zoning too. That snowball could mean a kill if your AD is on the ball, and if you manage to catch the AD and support in your ult you're guaranteed at least a burned flash.


When my friend goes Nunu bot with me, he just gets a mana manipulator and he spams iceball, while I hit them with double up. Pretty good damage.



I distinctly recall a Vi vs Nunu game I had where I at some point might have been in tears. It's a dumb lane.

Oh sure, but it's the same with most supports if your AD is bad. You could be the best support in the world but your AD could be about as useful to the team as a wispy fart and you'll almost certainly lose.

It's a little worse for Nunu since he's melee and doesn't hard CC. He scales up an ADC really hard but doesn't add much, if that makes sense. Lot of multiplicative bonuses rather than additive ones. Basically, he won't set things up nearly as well as most other supports and his zoning leaves a bit to be desired. A winning lane with a Nunu support is a monster, though, and he's pretty much the best late late game support. 6 item ADC + Nunu buff is absurd.

I'm just sick of winning top or doing better than the enemy jungler and losing because my other lanes feed so hard. Might as well play support and make an important lane win.

Top and mid carry games harder than ADC for the mid-game (e.g., basically until 30m or so; hard to give a set time) mark, honestly. A lot of complaints about the game right now are kind of about the shift in dependence from ADC to top/mid (aka, who has better fed bruisers/assassins).

Wow. A lot of the stuff he said was similar to my rant. I should go pro.

I'd totally do it if I could. Sounds like fun, y'know?
It's a little worse for Nunu since he's melee and doesn't hard CC. He scales up an ADC really hard but doesn't add much, if that makes sense. Lot of multiplicative bonuses rather than additive ones. Basically, he won't set things up nearly as well as most other supports and his zoning leaves a bit to be desired. A winning lane with a Nunu support is a monster, though, and he's pretty much the best late late game support. 6 item ADC + Nunu buff is absurd.

Top and mid carry games harder than ADC for the mid-game (e.g., basically until 30m or so; hard to give a set time) mark, honestly. A lot of complaints about the game right now are kind of about the shift in dependence from ADC to top/mid (aka, who has better fed bruisers/assassins).

I dunno, if you win your lane hard as an AD and get some good items you're still gonna carry more than a top, at least from my experience anyway. I can destroy top, and nearly always do despite being new to the lane, but all other lanes for the enemy team are so fed that I don't even matter. If they have an assassin mid who gets fed early game and their AD carry gets fed too it's GG. That Riven game I had was the only time I ever carried as a top, and that was because the enemy team sucked hard too, just a little less than my team.


What? Why are these complaints about flask starting up now? If this was S2 you'd look at me crazy if I started 12 pots + ward.

Mid does that against Leblanc all the times in season 2. She will go OOM from poking you, while you push to minion to tower preventing her to roam.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
What? Why are these complaints about flask starting up now? If this was S2 you'd look at me crazy if I started 12 pots + ward.

Because of the global movement speed increase, boots first are not mandatory anymore. You would get destroyed doing that in S2.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Pretty much! So, so strong. MF nerfs at some point?

Unlikely. No one wants to see the Ezreal, Corki, Graves trifecta return. Other AD carries need some way to compete.
I don't feel like I'm doing anything as Talon. :| I don't do damage. I had Merc, BT, BC and Doran Blades when mid game hit. I felt that I really wanted some attack speed.

It got worse when the enemy Amumu and Singed stacked a *lot* of health. They didn't get much armor and had no MR so I bought BotRK but it's like it didn't really add damage. Should I be getting crit items?


I don't feel like I'm doing anything as Talon. :| I don't do damage. I had Merc, BT, BC and Doran Blades when mid game hit. I felt that I really wanted some attack speed.

It got worse when the enemy Amumu and Singed stacked a *lot* of health. They didn't get much armor and had no MR so I bought BotRK but it's like it didn't really add damage. Should I be getting crit items?

Sorry for the double post but I'm on my phone. Talon is all burst. You don't want att speed. Go with a last whisper next. You can't burst down the tanky ones but you should blow up the squishies super fast.




Guqin Sona, Bunny Riven, Tree Morg...


edited for dramatic flair
Also dose abs Vayne and moar!

Really it's pretty underwhelming for a "super sale", but I guess I'm spoiled by Steam.

Wish foxfire ahri was on sale :(
I hope not, so no one else but me has her :3


My fav was when I was solo and got paired with a 4-man GAF group. We lost though, so not really my fav haha.
I could be forgetting a game, but the only two where I remember running into people from LoLGAF I won. One was a ranked game against someone from GAF, and the other was solo queue against a GAF 4-premade or something. They were like WE'RE GONNA DESTROY YOU but then the internet premade strangers I had been matched with ended up carrying me, so it was funny.


I know how you feel. They changed the sustain from innate to some champs to everyone. It's almost silly NOT to buy masses of pots and flask for your first buy. The sustain is far more valuable than the extra 20 movespeed.

So now instead of boots+3 being the normal, it's a ward, a flask and 5 pots. Or if you don't have mana, it's a ward and 9 pots.

Champs like Kassadin used to be vulnerable early game because you could out sustain them. Poke, gank and make their run to 6 a hellish one to get that advantage. Now they just chug pots.

Assassins are hugely powerful. Armor doesn't do anything when you have BC, LW and armor pen runes.

Doublelift made a post on facebook along the same lines


Hopefully Riot takes a look at it.

Looks like DL agrees with me about carry junglers being useless compared to utility jungles :p
Sorry for the double post but I'm on my phone. Talon is all burst. You don't want att speed. Go with a last whisper next. You can't burst down the tanky ones but you should blow up the squishies super fast.

I just wasn't bursting. ;_; I think I did half health at best. I roflstomped Xin in lane for whatever reason, but I just couldn't burst him enough after lane. Only items he he had were Wriggles and BC. Just flat out lost whenever I tried to engage-disengage him afterwards. I'm looking at his numbers and still wonder where the damage should come from.


I just wasn't bursting. ;_; I think I did half health at best. I roflstomped Xin in lane for whatever reason, but I just couldn't burst him enough after lane. Only items he he had were Wriggles and BC. Just flat out lost whenever I tried to engage-disengage him afterwards. I'm looking at his numbers and still wonder where the damage should come from.

Lead off with rake, hit both out and in, then e for the silence and bleed then q, ult, auto for max damage. Almost all the ult daggers will hit if you do it immediately at close range. I don't have the numbers in front of me but its huge damage.

Edit: the key is hitting them with as many daggers as possible on his rake and his ult. The ult is 260 + .9 per dagger. That's why you want to cast it and cancel it in quick succession if you want max damage. They go in and out and almost all of them hit. I forget how many daggers there are but if say 3 hit, that's around 1300 damage at 300 ad (roughly)

Edit: this is making me want to play talon again. I have been playing so much khazix lately that I forgot how fun talon is. Especially after getting his skin tomorrow I think its all talon Saturday for me :) I have a pretty darn good win ratio with him. He's an excellent roamer with mobo boots and his e to gap close.
You're right, it's hideous, I'll just use it so you guys don't have to!

I think its pretty.

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