The pot stacking could be "fixed" by making it impossible to hold more than 4 or 5 pots at once in your inventory. I still prefer it to the boots above all start of s2 though. S1 sure was the best for starting items.
Where everyone started Doran's and 1 pot? Not really much better.
I don't see a problem with pot starts. Play better and you will use less pots than the other person and you will get to a point you can start with something else besides pots to jumpstart your first item. As I said before, if it's such a problem now then why didn't you guys do this in S2? The only thing that changed was base movement and I know it wasn't so much that you suddenly don't get hit by skill shots anymore.
Change pot so it dispels on damage.
There, now you can't queue up pots for massive regen AND stay in last hit range at the same time.
Change pot so it dispels on damage.
There, now you can't queue up pots for massive regen AND stay in last hit range at the same time.
How would you jungle?Change pot so it dispels on damage.
There, now you can't queue up pots for massive regen AND stay in last hit range at the same time.
How would you jungle?
Last night I had a Rammus with a hard-on for Baron.
Win teamfight with 3 of us up at half HP, two that are tanks? Forget about the open inhib at mid it's BARON TIME.
Win teamfight with 4 of us up, and their last guy is at 10%? Forget the fact we have super minions on their nexus, it's BARON TIME.
Glad everyone else was smart enough not to listen to him and instead listen to me lol.
So for this last weekend, I've been playing another game (embarrassed) with Hotshotgg and Doublelift.
They seem very confident about winning every game they play this season. Doublelift swears that the stuff they are working on will shock everyone, and they are afraid of no one.
I made sure to note that they get wrecked by The Koreans each time they play them, but according to them it wont happen anymore.
I'm sure a lot of it is Pride, but i'm excited to see what S3 holds for the pro lol scene.
Had a platinum player who was stuck at gold two days ago in 2 games of mine. He would keep telling us to do baron after every single fight even though we were half hp/only had half the team alive. We eventually lost even though lanes won because you know, counter barons can happen.
Well that's because you're not platinum, bro.Experience tells me to not do baron unless you know they have no vision of the area and/or just aced them 5-0. When they don't have vision they hesitate and never check the pit as a group, so you have even more time/can pick off the scout and basically cause them to not contest it.
Champion damage.How would you jungle?
Man the more I read about Dota 2 the less I want to play it.It should be noted that the reason this isn't a problem in DOTA (despite DOTA consumables being vastly more powerful) is because early stats are more or less mandatory for certain roles. If you're missing out on a few crucial points of damage, there's a good chance you'll get locked out completely by the opposing side's denying. Just hitting level 2 first confers a huge advantage on every subseqent last hitting/denying showdown, which can snowball into more of an advantage.
Conscious design choice? Probably not. But it's an argument in favor of denying, because it makes early stats/damage significant and counterbalances the sustain from consummable regen.
Experience tells me to not do baron unless you know they have no vision of the area and/or just aced them 5-0. When they don't have vision they hesitate and never check the pit as a group, so you have even more time/can pick off the scout and basically cause them to not contest it.
Man the more I read about Dota 2 the less I want to play it.
Just change pots to dispel on champion damage... problem fixed.
Sustainers would sure get a nice boost from that nerf.
Man the more I read about Dota 2 the less I want to play it.
It should be noted that the reason this isn't a problem in DOTA (despite DOTA consumables being vastly more powerful) is because early stats are more or less mandatory for certain roles. If you're missing out on a few crucial points of damage, there's a good chance you'll get locked out completely by the opposing side's denying. Just hitting level 2 first confers a huge advantage on every subseqent last hitting/denying showdown, which can snowball into more of an advantage.
Conscious design choice? Probably not. But it's an argument in favor of denying, because it makes early stats/damage significant and counterbalances the sustain from consummable regen.
Champion damage.
Or revert to S1 sustain jungle.
Or reduce pot time so you have to heal up between camps but it's a lot faster, which would give a boost to certain sustain junglers like WW who've been relegated to the sidelines by the S3 jungle changes.
Can you imagine if pots still gave 200hp
oh dear lord
HEY DUDES SORRY I MISSED ONE MINION GG STOP FEEDING BTWTo be fair, a lot of top lane match-ups (and, hell, bot lane ones too) can be decided by getting to Level 2 one minion kill ahead.
"Can you imagine if pots still gave 200hp
oh dear lord"
Bring back HoG too so we can have 30 minutes 5 HoG 10 pots meta.
"How much longer do you gotta use that avatar, I think its moody every time. Go back to the baby finger sucking thing."
Just bought my first $10's of riot points
Can only afford one costume. Bioforge Darius or LORD Darius?
Just bought my first $10's of riot points
Can only afford one costume. Bioforge Darius or LORD Darius?
Wait on it, it's not like they're waifus or nothin'
we like our husbando too.
I bought Guqin and Arcade Sona at full price, what's wrong with me ;___;
I've seen some streamers playing Cho, so I bought it this morning.
Can't wait to turn an awesome champ in a useless feeder.
I guess I'll try to support or jungle with him. It's not like I can do anything else anyway.
I bought Guqin and Arcade Sona at full price, what's wrong with me ;___;
I mostly won a game yesterday because the fed enemy Caitlyn randomly walked down mid lane alone, then was like "dammit I was texting, lol" after they died.Just discovered that playing League of Legends while talking on the phone is very difficult.
And viceversa.
Cho fits into any solo lane or jungle.
accidently random'd taric, carry picked varus, we win game.
I should always do this
I'm thinking of buying Arcade Sona off some random guy on Ebay. It's around 7 bucks and doesn't sound too shady...I bought Guqin and Arcade Sona at full price, what's wrong with me ;___;
Go mid, eat squishies nomnomnomnomI've seen some streamers playing Cho, so I bought it this morning.
Can't wait to turn an awesome champ in a useless feeder.
I guess I'll try to support or jungle with him. It's not like I can do anything else anyway.
I'm thinking of buying Arcade Sona off some random guy on Ebay. It's around 7 bucks and doesn't sound too shady...
Guqin is just too much pink.
Go mid, eat squishies nomnomnomnom
(stolen from reddit)
I got 75 champions, holy shit, it's so hard to think of anymore once you get to 50+.