Am I wrong or is Garen a lot more viable these days? Dat Black Cleaver
They retconned both of them into being Yordles. Same with Trist and Veigar.
Originally Trist and Poopy were Meglings which was a different race.
Whoa whoa whoa. Sion is amazing. Throw on your W, throw out your Q, pop that R and go to town. I agree he could use some tweaks, but a rework? Nah. I <3 Sion. needs a total rework. He's just kinda useless now. Doesn't really fit in.
I searched the wiki trying to figure out what a megling was. Found myself on teemo's entry.... turns out he's a cold blooded killer... Who knew!
Is that still in the ingame lore? I thought like a year ago that was the case, but more recently the ingame lore doesn't show it.I searched the wiki trying to figure out what a megling was. Found myself on teemo's entry.... turns out he's a cold blooded killer... Who knew!
Am I wrong or is Garen a lot more viable these days? Dat Black Cleaver
Zed is my new waifu.
Is this how waifus works?
He didn't get nerfed in the patch while some others like Talon and Riven did, so I'm afraid he may be everyone's waifu at this rate. :SZed is my new waifu.
Is this how waifus works?
Destroying them all game, literally battering them. We're at their nexus turrets, they took only 2 of ours. Then our Kha Zix goes AFK and Urgot quits. 3 v 5, we lose.
I don't know why I get so many morons when I play. It's just so disheartening. I play really well, set up a tonne of kills, save my team mates lives multiple times, and we lose because 2 stop playing.
Why is there a time ban for dodging a queue when people can leave after 30+ minutes and just play a game straight after no bother? Dodge 2 ranked games and you have to wait an hour to play one. Quit a game and you can play one as soon as it's over. So ridiculous.
Played Vi in a aram... what a horrible character. Is she the first with a skill that's 100% passive... lazy lazy shit.
Played Vi in a aram... what a horrible character. Is she the first with a skill that's 100% passive... lazy lazy shit.
Teemo's E is 100% passive. I think there's one or two more.
It's similar to how Vayne's passive silver rings work. The rings on the ground are even rather similar. I like Vi's design, and her voice lines are awesome, and I think her gameplay is kind of cool. But she uses mana unlike Riven.Played Vi in a aram... what a horrible character. Is she the first with a skill that's 100% passive... lazy lazy shit.
Sion's E can be toggled like Cho's spikes. It's not a 100% passive ability.TF, Sion.
Played Vi in a aram... what a horrible character. Is she the first with a skill that's 100% passive... lazy lazy shit.
She's fairly good, honestly.
But ... there's quite a few completely passive skills. Is Vayne's W lazy?
Man, gotta abuse Khazix as much as possible before they destroy him with nerfs.
Garen was already fantastic after his rework, even before S3. The rework gave him HARDCORE scaling with every stat. W makes him scale so much on HP, armor and MR. Q and W crits. He has Lv18 stats to boot. Back in S2, I could rush IE+Phage+GA to stomp.Am I wrong or is Garen a lot more viable these days? Dat Black Cleaver
Wonder what Franken Tibbers Annie will look like.
I remember when nobody played Kha'Zix but me. That was nice.
You should be NOT wanting this for Zed, since if he becomes more popular or becomes believed to have a higher win rate, he will presumably be nerfed.Those two days must have been nice.
I'm seeing a trend with new champions. People play them, think they're okay, then kinda shelf them. Then something changes. A new season. A new patch. People waking up. Something, and suddenly, new champions are very viable.
Zed needs this.I love me some Zed.
Those two days must have been nice.
I'm seeing a trend with new champions. People play them, think they're okay, then kinda shelf them. Then something changes. A new season. A new patch. People waking up. Something, and suddenly, new champions are very viable.
Zed needs this.I love me some Zed.
Mid Zed is stupid strong atm, watch Scarra's stream sometime.
Hmm, it seemed like awhile. There was a lot more Rengar then because he was kind of out of control.Those two days must have been nice.
I haven't played in months, is Singed any good still?
Those two days must have been nice.
I'm seeing a trend with new champions. People play them, think they're okay, then kinda shelf them. Then something changes. A new season. A new patch. People waking up. Something, and suddenly, new champions are very viable.
Zed needs this.I love me some Zed.
He has more items he can consider.I haven't played in months, is Singed any good still?
Zed is one of the best AD Assassins in the game. He's great mid and Europe and Asia love him top lane. He's really strong right now.
It's kind of amazing he didn't get nerfed, honestly.
"Glad to see this out! Oh and I am going to answer this right now because I know it's gonna come up a million times,
1.Yes all her skins got updated
2. Yes relaunch team is aware of sivir, scion, master yi, twitch, trundle,Karma,etc... and they are on the schedule for a visual rework.
3. This Annie is the same size as old Annie.
4. The eyeliner makes her face pop at game distance and makes it easier to read. The old Annie texture had eye liner too.
5. "Tibbers has stitches now?! ROIT WHY YOU CHANGE!!" He always had stitches.
6. Panties have been covered up by something more modest.
7. We are using the same voice actress for the new VO set.
That being said I hope you guys enjoy the visual upgrade. Please take a look at her if you have access to the PBE and let Me know what you think!
Best and Kindest Regards,
Zed is one of the best AD Assassins in the game. He's great mid and Europe and Asia love him top lane. He's really strong right now.
It's kind of amazing he didn't get nerfed, honestly.
He lives in Kha'zix's shadow. He'll get his turn eventually.
Or maybe they'll just release that Armor+AP item.
New Tibbers looks too scary and gdamn annies face creeps me out
Brand new mid game armor+ap item