Varus.Sion's E can be toggled like Cho's spikes. It's not a 100% passive ability.
A new midgame item only Brand can use?
Kog with catalyst. YESS!!!!!
YAY, I think I kept running into situations where I would have to dance around spawn before I got it to turn on.Enchantment: Homeguard
Homeguard now works immediately after purchasing the enchant
This just seems funny to me -- was there were a problem with people stacking these?Hextech Gunblade
Spell vamp is now UNIQUE
Don't really see what's lazy about that, it's not like it's a flat stat boost, it has its own mechanics and pretty much defines the champ.Played Vi in a aram... what a horrible character. Is she the first with a skill that's 100% passive... lazy lazy shit.
I think because she's got a rounder shape now I don't like her new model as much. She reminded me of Invader Zim's Gaz, before. Man, that show was great.Annie side by side comparison:
I think the Annie model changes are fine except for the face, which looks like a 20-30 year old weird woman's face on a little girl body. Ingame it is presumably not going to be noticed either way.
I don't recognize the pink haired girl on the left or the bartender (and the white haired one is Ashe, I s'ppose?)...
Crazy slick tho
I don't recognize the pink haired girl on the left or the bartender (and the white haired one is Ashe, I s'ppose?)...
Crazy slick tho
That's purple...There's only pink on the right... and that's morg.
She's missing the Bowie face thunder icon, but I don't know in which side it is anyways...Ah you're right, might be eve... didn't know eve had elf ears too.
I reckon it's MF and not VI (third from left). The picture was created before Vi was announced,
Man another xin and corki skin while other really old champs still only have their launch skins. Shouldn't we have a full metal Rumble by now or something?
Miss Fortune
Come on, guys, it wasn't that hard.
Is that a new champ?
Saw Karma in-game for the first time a couple of days ago (after a couple of months of playing). She has the best walk animation in the game. To the point where I consider buying her just to be able to walk back and forth in lane with her. It's so damned good.
Well that dress may be impractical.
is diana viable again? it's my favorite champ and i almost quit lol after they nerfed her to ground.
Olaf is such a train. A big Norse Viking train that shits all over people.
When do we get a Norse Viking Train skin for Olaf?