League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u - Page 266
how does he not know about the DOT and time his smite?
only himself to blame.
Oh I know it was his fault, he just complained about it anyway like a true LoL player.
Gotta complain all game, only way to play.
you aint on steam again
That's the Gambit I wanted to see.
Just awesome.
Fine I'll get on.
Tried playing Alistar, I dont think support is something that suits me.
Big ass Kat nerfs, too.Elise Q NerfLaning phase am cry.
Huge Blitz Nerf
AD Item Nerfs / AP Item Buffs
Doran's Sightstone
Ever since the MM changes a few days ago, I have an 85% winrate. 100% on my main role (16/19 games played)
oh an interesting garen skin? that might be the first good skin for a character i play.
This needs be coloredWelcome to the...
League of Waifus
Panda Annie is pretty awesome.
And I really like the Zhonya's buff, a pretty good answer against AD casters on mid.
Yeah, true, maybe buff's not the right word. I just mean that it gives AP mids a cheaper path to go through to counter freaking Pantheon, and still get a bit of AP to still be somewhat relevant.We'll see if it's an actual buff. The new Armor item (Plate of the Warmage) builds from what looks to be a Warden's Mail variant (Cloth, Cloth, Amp Tome) so that means Zhonya's price should go up in total, not down.
yo that xin zhao skin is mine
Lets be honest here, you are gonna buy them all.
I don't own Cass.
yo that xin zhao skin is mine
oh an interesting garen skin? that might be the first good skin for a character i play.
Dreadknight Garen >
Think you got your sign the wrong way.
The Yi nerf is really weird. It really is Riot shutting down that build.Cho nerf? Fuck you Riot.
People really need to learn that it's hard CC that shuts down AP Yi, not Grievous Wounds. Even Banshee makes his life hard.The Yi nerf is really weird. It really is Riot shutting down that build.
they nerfed shaco
thank god
Yeah, nerf the guy that is useless unless he gets every single lane fed to the point that an inhib is down at 20 minutes.
Old habits die hard.I don't get why people buy hextech revolver on Kat. Spellvamp is a pretty useless stat on pretty much every champ that doesn't have some sort of built-in spellvamp (Morgana, Akali, Vlad, etc...).
I could theoretically sustain better with just pots, but yeah old habits. I used to get it for S2 Eve when she was super OP because I roam forever; HP and running out of wards are the only things that makes me go home.I don't get why people buy hextech revolver on Kat. Spellvamp is a pretty useless stat on pretty much every champ that doesn't have some sort of built-in spellvamp (Morgana, Akali, Vlad, etc...).